Chickens always seem to make a good subject. They add quirky life to whatever surrounds them.
This was a drive by shooting. lol!
Here in the Northeast the weather has turned chilly, and I'm loving it. Although I am not normally a big fan of the passing of summer it just feels right this year. The air is clear and refreshing, the skies are bluer, and my new job (at a brand new Trader Joe's!) has brought much positivity to my life as well as new friends.
I know I'm not the best blogger in the world so for those of you who still stop by, thank you. Can you believe the first day of Autumn is this Saturday??!!
Hey there! What is your new job? and YES... loving this fall weather although today will climb to 81 degrees, hopefully for the last time this year. Cute chickens!!
Glad you are enjoying your new job. What type of work are you doing?
Great Fall weather here also, but was a bit chilly this morning.
I love it, Sharon!
I always enjoy your posts, they are a delicious treat. Regular or sporadic,just post when you can.. xx
What is your new job, we are nosey us bloggers are xx
I'm loving this weather, too! And I love your drive by shooting!
I'm loving this wonderful NE weather. Congrats on the new job and wonderful photos as usual.
Well you are a better blogger than I am! Thank goodness for Instagram or I would never keep in touch with my online friends:)
This photo is fantastic! Those chicks are framed!
All inquiring minds want to know the details about your new job:)
I've been trying to email everyone back about my job but I guess I should put it here too.
I'm working at a brand new Trader Joe's and it has been crazy busy! This week I'm working 45 hours. Thanks for asking!
Hi Sharon.....I love your blog...as you know....post when you can. It is worth waiting for.
Love the chicken house. Seems like more and more people are raising chickens. Your 'drive by shooting" really made me laugh right out loud big time!!!!!
So glad you're liking your new job, Sharon! Meeting new people can be fun! I don't think we have fall in Arizona - it's still in the 100's+!
You sound excited about your new job. Money coming in is always a plus, but I'm afraid I'd spend it all at Trader Joe's on food. I haven't been the best blog reader lately, so I didn't notice you haven't been blogging. We are all busy with many things to do, especially now that the weather has cooled.
Great picture Sharon - I also love the clear air of the upcomming fall, it is the perfect time for working in the garden... I' happy for you, that you are pleased with your new job.
Have a great weekend!
Greetings from Germany
Love this candid drive-by shot of them in the windows...made me smile! I sure can believe it is the first of autumn because up here, it has been cold, rainy and windy for TWO weeks...but on the bright side, we are about 85% in color now, so as soon as the rain stops, I am going to be out there with my camera. LOL
Love this shot! Congrats on the new job :)
Love the Hen House drive by photo!! Congratulationson the new job! Trader Joes is a great place to shop!! Great employees and lots of fun meeting customers! Good luck.
I agree chickens are fantastic subject. This image is beautiful. I like your drive by shooting. Have a great time this weekend. Carol
Love them just standing there looking out the window of their "house." ;c) Glad the job is working out so well my friend. And yes, we are feeling the blessed relief from the heat finally as well. Happy, happy autumn!
Hello Sharon,
My name is Victoria and I live in the Georgia. I've heard alot about New England and how beautiful it is in that region of the U.S. I have never been there, but I am enjoying the picks that you have shared and the commentary besides! What is the culture like in New England? Here in Georgia, people are very, very friendly, even to strangers. So, it is easy to make friend in the South. (You may know that already if you have been there before) However, I have heard that in New England people aren't as openly friendly? Is that true? If so, what would it take to get to know people there? I am curious. The beauty of New England just is intoxicating. I would love to for my family and I to visit sometime, but am reluctant, because not sure if I would be offensive to them, being very outgoing and all.
Wow, what a great shot!
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