Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Flowers in the field

There's a wonderful farm stand just down the street from me that always grows the most luscious flowers. This is the second year in a row I've photograph them first thing in the morning, because as you know there is nothing like that early light!

Verbena Bonariensis

It's such a nice feeling to go out shooting on a dewy, warm summers morning. Concentrating on how to shoot the flowers, where the light is best, what's in the background. So much comes into play but it feels good to lose myself for a while. 

And then I come home just hoping to find something good on my memory card. Sometimes I get the feeling I really captured a nice view. Other times it's just 'eh'. I liked this set of images. They convey the colors I prefer. Why can't summer last a little longer in New England?


 Have you ever grown them? I would like to but always feel they need high places to stretch their leggy blossoms. Space I can't really offer them. So many beautiful flowers but only so much room in the garden *sigh*


Have you ever dreamed of having a garden just for cut flowers? 

Summer is slipping by oh so quickly! Before I know it the school busses will be driving through the neighborhood in preparation for their new routes. The birds have grown quieter and the crickets sing a bit louder. There's a hush, a smell, a rattle of the Cicada, or heat bugs as we've always called them. The dog days of summer are upon us. 

It's the time of year my girls used to go to camp, but no more. They are both to old now. Life certainly seems to have it's cycles. All we can do is roll with it. I'll be enjoying every last drop of summer sunshine!


Anonymous said...

Hi! What lovely flowers...that's one of my favorite colors in flowers. It's warm and cool at the same time, so they're like the perfect late summer flowers. I'm remaking much of my yard over this summer, with hubby's help, and I'm thinking cosmos and dianthus might be the right things for a long bed that I don't know what to do with...I ordered a TON of fall-planting, spring-blooming bulbs. I'm just trying to figure out when they should be planted in New England!

Love the photos!

MaggieGem said...

Such lovely colors and tones... your images are making me want to hang on to summer, despite the horrid humidity this year!

Dan Huber said...

very pretty Sharon

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Wow Sharon, the photos of the flowers are gorgeous. I am always drawn to pink flowers and you captured their beauty perfectly.

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous photos! And I am such a fan of your photography, I was happy to see your instagram button this morning. I hit follow before I even finished the post!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Very Pretty ! This Summer has flown by. The children are already back in school here - started last Monday.

Susan said...

Hi Sharon...Love your flower photos, especially the close up of the bright pink flower. Susan

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Stunning photos! I love summer flowers, I love daisy like flowers especially!

Shhh, don't mention the schoolbus word! LOL!!!

The Retired One said...

Love these flower images! so soft, so pastel, so wonderful!

Carol Mattingly said...

Such beauty around you. So lovely and such a summertime feel. Carol

Jayne said...

Love, love, love the quote and all the beauty you so gloriously capture in your lens my friend. :c)

Two Cottages And Tea said...

Thank you for sharing such beautiful country scenes and flowers! I love the quote, also!

Cindy said...

Absolutely beautiful!! Love them all.


Georgianna said...

These are among my favorites of all your photos, Sharon. It does feel good to lose oneself for awhile, doesn't it? That's the meditative aspect of garden photography that I love so much. Very therapeutic.

Really beautiful images, my friend.

The Curious Cat said...

So beautiful...been away for a while but I come back and your photos once again make me ache inside...wonderful feeling of nostalgia! xxx

Unknown said...

love these beautiful pictures! We have a summer home in Maine. The flowers in New England are always so much prettier than anywhere else. I especially love the quote about does make you smile! thanks for sharing!! :)

Judy said...

My favourite in this lot is that cosmos with shadows of its own leaves on the petals!! Gorgeous!!