Thursday, August 6, 2009

Portsmouth Tall Ships 2009

The Tall Ships are on their way to Portsmouth, NH and will be arriving in full sail Friday morning (that's tomorrow for those of you who don't know what day it is) for a parade up through Portsmouth Harbor. I may be one of 20,000 people (heaven help me) jockeying for a position to view and photograph the spectacle. We shall see.

The Kalmar Nyckel arrived yesterday morning but unfortunately this is pretty much as close as anyone can get to viewing the ship for now.

Portsmouth, NH Tall Ships 2009 Schedule


The Good Life in Virginia said...

oh this looks like a fab photo opportunity. i know you will snag some great shots sharon.
have a wonderful weekend.

The Retired One said...

Beautiful masts....and wonderful photo opps.....I look forward to more posts with them...I know you will be taking some great shots in the future...and that they will be awesome!

Bernie said...

I too enjoy your beautiful photos, hope you will be able to get closer to them tomorrow? I know you will enjoy your weekend and we will reap the benefits....:-) Bernie

2 Dogs said...

When we lived in the Shetland Isles I loved it when the tall ships would come in. John would call me and tell me to get the bus to Lerwick and bring the camera. (I didn't drive when we lived there.) Wonderful memories. Hope you get some really good shots.


MaggieGem said...

First visit to your blog, great photo's and wonderful insights. I'll be coming back especially looking forward to the Tall Ships, they should be quite nice.

Anonymous said...

Okay Sharon, we're expecting some more good work from you!

nikkicrumpet said...

OH MY GOSH....this picture is breathtaking! I sure hope you go to see them and get a good spot. Because I can't wait to see the photos!!!

Country Girl said...

Pretty darn exciting!

Unknown said...

wow! ahoy there matey! this looks like something out of the 1800s! must rush off and google this event and eagerly await more pictures...

Becky said...

Let me know if you spy Captain Jack Sparrow and The Black Pearl there! I'm waiting for more pics, too. They are so majestic! Lucky you to be in the middle of it all!

nonizamboni said...

We'll look forward to seeing your photos. What you posted are outstanding.
Happy Friday.

Sea Witch said...

Rigging, take rigging photos. How I love the look of lines that appear tangled and yet all in their proper place. Sails, take photos of sails as they diffuse other focal points. Oh, I'm drooling with possible photos ops. I will live vicariously through your lens. Sea Witch

Dawn Fine said...

Awesome! I look forward to more more..
I am here finally catching up with your blog...
see u on the next post below :)

A New England Life said...

My gosh you all have great expectations of me! LOL!

I'll do the best I can but shooting into the morning sun may be a bit tricky. I also have a specific place I'd like to shoot from but who knows, a hundred other people may be thinking the same thing. It will be an early morning I know that. The tall ship parade begins at 9:00 but I plan on being there almost 2 hours early. Yikes!


The CT Traveler said...
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The CT Traveler said...

WOW! Those masts look awesome. I don't know how those ropes aren't a tangled mess.
Rebecca @ The CT Traveler

Jay Albert said...

OK Sharon,great photos as they are but I'm giving you a a boat! Even if it's a row boat you gotta get on the water!

Laura said...

I can't wait to see what spectacular photos you'll capture of the ships!

Jayne said...

Oh, how fun! Can't wait to see the images you get Sharon. :c)

My name is Riet said...

You will have the time of your life once they pass you. They are the most beautiful ships there are.We did see that parade once. Hopefully there is enough wind for them to sail

Carolynn Anctil said...

You have such a good eye and take such beautiful photographs. The tall ships came to my harbour a couple of years ago. I didn't go to see them though....just couldn't do the crowd thing. Pretty striking with all the rigging! I really like the last shot of the masts peeking up above the greenery.

Anonymous said...

Jockey well, Sharon.... fight your way into the crowd with an elbow jab.... LMAO... awww, come on. You know I'm just kidding.....