As I looked out the window early yesterday morning this is what I saw. A gorgeous pink, yellow, orange and purple sunrise. I only wished there were no trees obstructing my view. I thought of jumping in the car to go find a better vantage point but within a few minutes it was all over.
And this is what my husband saw around the very same time, as he happened to be driving to work at that moment.

He works near the beach so his view was wide open except for that antenna in the middle. His phone doesn't take great pictures but you can still see it must have been stunning!
Both sunrises are beautiful. I love it when the sun first comes up.
Woo Hoo! Sharon, I have not been able to post comments while on my laptop and I just tried it again and it worked. My laptop likes your new layout!! ;o)
WOW..... our sunrise here is hidden by the mountaintops that surround our neighborhood... WOW is all I can say, the phone actually captured it quite well and it was stunning!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Sharon - I think the trees make that picture even more interesting! What a beautiful sunrise! Hey this new background looks familiar!
Beautiful, especially to be near the beach.
When we lived in Delaware, I took the flatness for granted. Every day, there was a spectacular sunrise and sunset, unobstructed. The ones over snow were breathtaking.
I'm not crazy about either picture but I was so struck tonight as I scrolled through my pictures and my husband said, "Did you take that picture yesterday morning?" Then he proceeded to show me the one on his cell phone. How I wish I could make it to the beach to see the sunrise.
Mary, you must miss living in Deleware. I sure wouldn't miss the snow if I were you!
Laura, that background DOES look familiar! ; )
Di, hopefully you at least get to see a nice sunset.
Kallen, you sure are getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. Way to go!
Hi, Sharon, very nice to meet you! Glad you could use the photo enlargement post. I know there are lots of new bloggers out there, so I don't mind sharing things I've found along the way. I asked a LOT of questions when I first started & I have lots more to learn too.
Your photos are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by & I'm happy to meet you.
Beautiful Sharon! I never pass up the opportunity to just stare at a sunrise or sunset, as like you said, it is fleeting and in moments, is gone.
Both of those pics were beautiful! Stunning!
Thanks for sharing!
Donna Marie
The pictures are beautiful. I really like the picture on your banner - very appropriate for this time of the year. I have yet to decide what to put on my banner. I need to get some other kinks worked out first.
That's specatular. They look like paitings. There's something about a good sunrise =]
My friends don't always understand why I say I enjoy sunrises over sunsets... but how could I not! They signify the start of a new day, when anything is possible.
& not only that, many people sleep right through them! But almost everyone is up around the time of a in my eyes, a sunrise is all the more special and rare to be seen. Lovely photos! =]
Come over to my blog, I have an award for you!
Donna Marie
I'm new here. Found you at Mary's. I love your big pictures. I'll be back.
Nice colors! Worth waking up in the morning for.
Wow. What a beautiful way to start out the day!
The power lines in front are sort of metaphorical: as if there is a symphony to be written by hanging notes on the wire. (But don't try that in real life, you could get electricuted.)
Wow. These pictures are stunning.
Those are gorgeous! Part of why I love living in New England! Love your holiday design on the blog too!
I think that photo is beautiful, even with the trees obstructing the view. I think the trees actually add to it, giving it depth.
There is something so magical about such a gorgeous sunrise -- it's a sort of blessing, really. Your photo is beautiful!!! Love the new header, too. :)
M ^..^
The sunrise is beautiful. I never get to see the rise or set because we have to many trees in the way. Sooooo did you finally get that tree decorated today??? I had mine up for 3 days before I finally hung up an I know exactly how you feel!
What a beautiful sky picture. Every time I get to see a pink sky like that I am just in awe of the world. Things like that remind me of what a beautiful worl we live in.
Happy Holidays , Sue
I know you wanted an unobstructed view, but the filigree of black sillhouettes actually adds to the beauty of that photo. Your husband's cell phone photo is gorgeous also. Is this near Hampton Beach? Are the gull photos from that same area?
Hi Kathie,
My husbands picture was taken on Route 1 in Hampton, looking towards Hampton beach. And yes the Gull photos were taken right on Hampton Beach! Yucky old Hampton Beach. lol!
I sure wish the town of Hampton, or the businesses would make it look a little nicer, not so run down and trashy. York Beach in Maine, or North Hampton (Jenness Beach) are my favorite beaches to spend the day.
Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I always enjoy reading them : )
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