Last Friday I enjoyed a beautiful late morning walk with a friend along the beach. Although I wasn't going to bring my camera along for the walk, my friend Karen encouraged me to grab it. I know how anxious she is to see a few of the shots I took, so Karen, here you go!

There's nothing like salty air, the rush of the waves, and a good friend to make everything else seem a million miles away.
One of my favorite things to photograph at the shore ... dogs. They always exude such joy. This very happy Golden Retriever had found a shell to call his own and was not going to give it up no matter what.

Brodie, above, was so darn sweet I wanted to bring him home! His mom and I were talking and it turns out her son and my daughter go to the same high school. It really is a small world here along the seacoast.
This little lady is a service dog who puts in time on a regular basis at a local retirement home. Jeff, her owner, spoke in such a loving way about his dog. You could visibly see the bond between the two of them.
While walking around Rye Harbor we came across this saying engraved into a large rock
Also in Rye Harbor ... a male merganser enjoying the warm sun. In all the time I've photographed mergansers I don't think I've ever seen one sitting on the beach.
Although I posted this in part for Karen I hope some of my regular readers enjoy it as well. It's been far to long since I've posted. Thank you for stopping by!
The photos are well worth the wait. Gorgeous! I don't think I have ever seen an unhappy dog at the beach.
Yes, it has really been a long time and I was pleasantly surprised to see your post come up in my blogroll, Karen. I always love seeing your part of the world.
Your photos just whisk me away with their beauty. I would so love to see the NE coast! Maybe one day!
Thanks for sharing!
Have a lovely week!
Welcome back Sharon, I have missed seeing New England through the lens of your camera...Hope life is treating you well, greetings, Julie.
So nice to see a post from you! Great pics!
Your photo's are one of the Joys of my experience of Blogland. Thank you.
The New England coast is always inspirational. Your pictures have stirred up happy memories of walking the beach at Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
Looking forward to repeating that pleasure later this year!
Thanks for sharing :-)
Your photos make me want to walk and talk there with you. And my dogs too!!
The beach always makes me happy! Love your photos!
I always enjoy seeing your photos from your part of the country - thanks for sharing.
Good to see you post again.
These photos made my day!! Thanks Sharon for sharing them. Hope to see more :-)
So glad you took us along for your stroll on the beach!!!
Hi Sharon, love the photos. I love the merganser sitting on the shore. The dogs are wonderful. They do exude such joy. I wish I lived closer to the beach.
I was happy to see you back on instagram, and it's great to see you back here as well. You always take the prettiest photos.
Have so missed you Sharon!!! So glad to see you are still alive up there and it doesn't look like winter is treating you too bad from your pictures. I've never been to a beach in the winter, but I imagine it is beautiful and calming any time of the year. A hearty welcome back.
Such beautiful shots! Love all of the ones with the dogs... Glad to see you back!
Your photographs are just beautiful. So glad to see you post again.
Lynda in Michigan.
I already sent an email to you but wanted to comment on your post here today. It's good to see you back blogging and I loved your seaside photos. I guess one can still go to the beach in winter in New England. Beautiful photos Sharon. Blessings, Pamela
I so miss New England...thanks so much for posting these beautiful photos!
I just love the perspective of your lens Sharon. Just beautiful. Thanks for taking us along. :c)
I haven't been by to visit for a while. I seem to have lost you somehow. This looks like a great day at the beach. Well loved dogs always seem to be smiling, don't they? It's the joy they take in the simplest things. We could learn a thing or two from them.
A Glowing Ember
Sharon, thank you so much for your kind words on Mr. J. Still waiting to hear some news.
Your photos are awesome, as they always are.
I hope all is well up in your neck of the woods,
All my best, Donna
Nice to see a post again ! I Love how you capture dog personality's . You really have a talent to capture things and emotions with your camera. Love your pictures !
Love these photos. Dogs are pure joy at the beach. Love the merganser at the shore.
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