Sunday, July 15, 2012

Crane Estate ~ front view

 located in Ipswich, Massachusetts

For so long I've wanted to visit the Crane Estate. Somehow we just never got there. That is until last Wednesday.

When you drive in it really is quite a sight. The Great House looms large over the parking area out in front. I must confess my photography was a little slack. It was hot and the flies were biting. The heat I expected, the flies I didn't.

Four years to build the Great House. 

Due to our late arrival we missed the house tour. My apologies. Hopefully this fall we'll get back for another visit.

A grand front entry

Flowers were few and far between. Kind of a shame I thought. These roses were the only flowers around the whole house.

Down the side hill is the Italian formal garden, once an elaborate space with a balcony, pool, tea houses, and flower beds. Now it sits fairly empty. Impressive still.

Above is the entrance into the Rose garden. About this time is when the flies and mosquitoes were trying to eat us alive! Which leads me to wonder how the family ever actually enjoyed the garden at all.

The rose garden over looking the ocean in the background. Once filled with rose bushes it is now crumbling away under the wear and tear of New England weather as well as salty ocean air. 

As we were making a break for the back of the house, and hopefully away from the bugs, I happened to notice a monarch flitting about on the wild thistle. So nice to see them again.

Make sure to come back for the next post when we'll go around the back of the house. You will surely be impressed!


Susan said...

Wow, Sharon, that's quite a layout. Doesn't look like my house. ha ha ha

Ohhhh, PUL-EESE go back and take the house tour so we can see photos inside, too. Okay? Thanks.

Gorgeous photos of the grounds, though. Ooooo lah lah. Susan

Elaine said...

It is so pretty there. I attended a roaring 20's tea there once. Quite a magnificaent place. They used to have a big picnic there with fireworks at night on the 4th of July. Not sure if they still do that or not.

Maison Beldecor said...

wonderful impressions, Sharon.
A really great estate!
Take care, Bine

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

I've never been, but I've heard the flies are awful in the summer. It's supposed to be a grand place for a wedding too.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Very impressive - looking forward to seeing more. It is a shame the insects are so bad.

Pat said...

Wow - that's a very impressive building! The grounds are immaculate, but like you, I'm wondering why there are not more flowers.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Hmmm, looks just like my house. Not! Seriously though what a gorgeous house. I love that area and visit every there every chance I get. I will have to make sure to see the Crane Estate next time I am in the neighborhood.

The Retired One said...

How grand! Your pictures are NOT lacking, bugs or not! Loved them!

Country Girl said...

Oh my gosh! How gorgeous, Sharon. I am looking forward to more. Thanks for braving the bugs to get these shots. And whatever do you mean by your photography being slack? These are marvelous!

Unknown said...

I used to think that with an estate like that, one would have to require the services of an estate planning and administration firm. Little did I realize that it's not one and the same thing. Silly me.