Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First day of Summer 2012

As most of you know it was a very hot day here in the northeast today. It's the first time we've had a day in the 90's since last summer I would guess. Needless to say the local beaches were quite busy.

The house I'm currently working has a beach front property. Just watching everyone out there, sweating and burning, was enough for me! I must be getting old. lol!

See the young lady in the with the dark sunglasses sitting under the beach umbrella? If I were to go to the beach on a day like today, that would be me : )

Keep cool!


Laura said...

The water must be freezing cold! Gotta love a beach!

Donna said...

GREAT photos! I was on the Cape yesterday and almost stopped at the beach to take photos but really wanted to get back on the highway before rush hour so I passed. Glad I was able to enjoy the ocean view through your lens! It's WICKED hot, isn't it? Keep cool!!


Kerri Farley said...

I LOVE the beach and I ALWAYS sit under an umbrella.
What a busy beach ..... that's the part I wouldn't like - I like a little more solitude. But those are GREAT shots!!

Country Girl said...

Oh, Sharon. I love your dreamy photos and especially those sweet borders. I'd be near an umbrella but probably in the sun with plenty of sunscreen. And I'm sure I'd jump in the ocean! Hot here, too.

Jan's camera said...

Hi Sharon, I'm on vacation in Cape Cod this week. It was in the 90's here also. Spent the day at the beach and in the waves and also under an umbrella. Good day for swimming. I love those borders on your photos as well.

karypics said...

Is the ocean water just as cold as ever?

Stephanie said...

Great photos! I love the beach on a day like today, but I wish the water were warmer!!

Unknown said...

Love the photos, but have to confess, even though I live less than 3 miles from Old Orchard Beach, in this heat I'm inclined to stay inside with the air conditioning! Not a sun-worshipper, I tend to seek shade when I do go to the beach, also.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your view of the beach. I don't do the beach thing myself. I would be under the umbrella with something cold to drink also. :)
92 here yesterday and suppose to be a repeat today.

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Funny, a few miles north in OOB, Maine it's 74 degrees! Gotta love New England!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Summer has finally arrived in New England! Is this the view from the home you are working in? Lovely! It was 94 degrees at the lake today, I have evolved into one of those ladies who now covers herself head to toe in SPF 50 lotion, hat and sunglasses and planted under an umbrella, I prefer to be safe than sorry where the sun is concerned. Enjoy these summer days, Julie.

GailO said...

The days of lying out in the sun trying to get a tan are over for me too! I always take some shade with me if I go to the beach during the day...but my favorite time at the beach is in the evening when you really don't have to worry about it!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos, Sharon!

Lynda said...

That looks like the perfect place to be this weekend! Gorgeous photos, Sharon! Have a great week! xo

Lisa said...

Oh how I love the sea as you know.Thank you for sharing.

Letting you know Im back to blogging .