A huge congratulations goes out to my daughters lacrosse team who finished out the season undefeated! Way to go girls!!!!!
That's her in the front running with the ball (and a mouth guard in her mouth), and her best friend Lindsey right behind her. They had so much fun this year, Elise hated to see it end, but it couldn't have ended any better.
Now for a little nature over at my neighbor Dotties house . . .

Oh there are exciting things happening at Dottie's house! Really exciting!

Oh there are exciting things happening at Dottie's house! Really exciting!
Yikes! Sunday morning Dottie found this ugly little baby bird in a nest underneath her deck. All together there are 5 little mutant looking babies.
Any clue who this baby belongs too? Bulging eyes, wide beak . . . and do I detect an ever so slight line of red down the center of the breast (we're talking really slight here)? Yup, I sure do! It's a Cardinal baby! Let me tell you, the parents were NOT happy about us going in to see them! I tried to make it quick taking just a few pictures (which all came out horrible due to the backlighting, but I tried).
The nest is at a pretty serious lean so we're hopeful the babies won't fall out!
And not far away, in a house the Wrens have called home for several years, is the female Wren sitting on her 2nd set of eggs! He sits in the tree most of the day, singing his own praises because he's so darned proud of himself, while she stays vigilent on the nest. She's probably thinking, "Where the heck is he anyway? I'm hungry!"

You know, some friends just make you feel good to be around. Dottie is that kind of friend. At one point we were just neighbors but after many years of sharing our ups, downs, lending firewood, cups of sugar, an egg here and there, and advice, we regard each other as good friends.

You know, some friends just make you feel good to be around. Dottie is that kind of friend. At one point we were just neighbors but after many years of sharing our ups, downs, lending firewood, cups of sugar, an egg here and there, and advice, we regard each other as good friends.
Dottie is someone who I always enjoy going for walks with. She is a mentor to me with my teenage daughters, always willing to listen to me and give me a hug when need be, which have been frequent over the past couple years!
If only everyone could have a neighbor whose friendship they cherish so deeply. I told my husband if we ever move I hope Dottie and her husband move in next door. lol!
Congrats to the team - way to go! And that pink peony is gorgeous - what a beautiful shade of pink! Love the stare on that cardinal bird.
How great that the girls finished undefeated! And the peony pics are lovely, I especially like the one with the purple flowers in the foreground. Nice contrast.
Looks like you have been busy with sports and cardinals and gardening. Thanks for taking time to show us your work!
Those photos are so gorgeous....the flowers are awesome!
I always enjoyed my daughter's athletic contests - the ones in her senior year of high school and college years were bittersweet. Enjoy!
Baby birds are cute and your photos are great!
Dottie is a special lady. I miss having neighbors I love...
Sharon I don't believe you could take a bad photo! Baby bird has a face only a mother could love.
I love your mutant babies - they're cute! And that cardinal father was certainly giving you the eye! Such a vibrant beautiful photo of him!
Congrats to your girls!! Gorgeous flowers and it must me be great to have a neighbor like Dottie. I don't have a neighbor like that and I have lived in the same spot for 30 years.
Congratulations to your daughters, your pictures are breathtaking and I especally love the pink peony, my favorite.
Have a great Tuesday my friend,
......:-) Hugs
I love that first photo with all the brightly colored lacrosse sticks.
A good day in the field, wonderful babies, beautiful flowers and a true friend...what more could you ask for!
Congratulations to Elise and her team!
Oh, baby cardinals! So ugly they are cute. What a treat.
So nice to have a next door neighbor who truly becomes a friend...
Congratulations to your daughter!! As for the wrens...isn't that just like a man?
BTW-peonies make me swoon.
Love the pictures of the peonies. They are one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to your daughter's team! It is great to have a friend living so close. Beautiful flowers. The parents of those babies can get petty upset. I got yelled at while taking pictures of a "toddler" bird last week. :-)
That's great news about your daughter's team! Congrats to her and her team mates! Teamwork paying off big time! That's something she'll remember for the rest of her life!
Love the Peony blooms Sharon & congrats to the 'undefeated' team.
Those are great photos of the baby birds. Wow! Cute little dickens. I'm being tortured at every blog I visit these days with photos of peonies. I haven't seen any in my part of the world and I love them. I vow to buy the next bundle of pink beauties I spy and carry them home like stolen treasure. :o)
Thank you so much for the really lovely note you left for me over at my place today. Bear is, indeed, my soul mate. One of three I've been blessed with so far, and all of them furclad angels on earth.
BTW...which blog style are you using? I'm envious of your large format photos and clean look. I would love to be able to do something similar.
Dottie tells me the Cardinal babies are gone. She's concerned a there may have been foul play but I'm not sure. Seems as the the babies were almost ready to go anyway. I'll be keeping an eye out in the backyard for them!
Aren't her peonies so delightful? A little bit different than mine and just a feast for the eyes.
Thanks for all the wondeful comments! I always enjoy reading them : )
Carolynn, I'm using the minima stretch template. I highly recommend it as it translates very well for photo blogs. And Q's just email me!
That male cardinal is sure giving you the eye..... 'get the heck out of here lady, would ya?'
The Blue Ridge Gal
(gosh their babies are uuugly!)
Hi lady, Dottie seems like such a great lady, I'm so glad I got to meet her. Love the pictures, and that little cardinal dad looks pretty mad. ; )
Congratulations Elise!!! She is so cute and they must be way GOOD!
The special friendship is rare and I am glad you have one.
I actually saw my first beauitful cardinal while packing our son to move him out of his home last month in VA. I was excited and of course could not get a good picture of the nest or of gorgeous orange bird herself. That nest was in a tree. So do they nest both in trees and on the ground like our quail?
I do hope the babies are safe and that the parents moved them to a safe area. Dottie's peonies are so pretty! I just wish their blossoms would last longer! :-)
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