This past week-end while my husband and I were driving along the beach we happened to notice this Swan family sitting right next to the road! Several concerned people had stopped and were standing around trying to figure out what to do.

As you may know, a Swan doesn't do anything a Swan doesn't want to do, including move!
And so there they stayed with their babies, grooming and resting. There was quite a bit of traffic and they were less than 5 feet from the road!

Momma decided to do a little Swan yoga while the babies sat close by (sorry for the blur)

And dad had one eye on everything, including me

Isn't Momma Swan a vision of loveliness? Though it may look like there are 3 cygnets, I believe there were actually only 2.
We grabbed a sandwich at Peteys and then drove back through. Luckily by then the Swans had made there way into the water. Phew!!! Do to the feathers lying around I would say they've done this before though.
Glad they got off the busy roadside.
Great photos Sharon! I enjoyed each and everyone...
esp..the yoga..
They are the most graceful of all the bird/fowl family. Elegant and beautiful! Thanks for the photos!!
Somebody definitely needs to have a talk with the momma swan regarding the safety of her babies. Sheesh!
She sure is a beauty though.
The Blue Ridge Gal
What I like about swans isn't just the gracefulness, but that they are so laid back and easy to work with.
They're beautiful. I'm glad they moved on away from the road.
Momma IS lovely! Glad they made it into the water....I would have been VERY SCARED for them.
Love the Swan Yoga!!!
I am sure it was rather concerning to people driving by. Glad they opted to return to the water. :c)
Hey, I know those swans - they're in that brackish pond pretty much year round, except when it freezes and then I've seen them in the marsh just south of the Rye- North Hampton line and even the ocean. I drove by when the babies were there near the road. I'm surprised they let you get so close. You must be a Swan Whisperer. :) Nice photos.
I took all these shots from my vehicle. Hubby wouldn't let me get out because there were already enough people standing around and he was afraid it might cause an accident, otherwise I would have been a little bit closer!
Yes Amy, those are the ones! We were afraid the male swan might attack a guy who was getting a bit too close, but he didn't.
Dawn, I had a better yoga photo but it came out too blurry to use : (
Thanks for all the comments!
Don't you love being in the right place and the right time????
They are beautiful!
Wonderful shots!
Simply lovely. Don't you hate allowing nature to "take it's course" sometimes?
Sharon, I'm so glad they are okay. I wish they would move that road since that is obviously Swan territory.
I'm so glad to hear they finally moved a safer distance away from the road and that nothing happened to harm any of them. All my maternal instincts come out when I see animals putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations around us humans. I once saw a duck leading her chicks down the middle of a busy highway. I phoned the SPCA in hopes that they could get out there and lend some assistance.
On another note: I give up! How the heck do you get your photos to come out so big?! I can't figure it out! If you'd care to share the secret, I'm at
Great pics again today!
Glad they moved before one was injured or worse. Great pictures.
enjoyed the post...the swans are gorgeous.
Gorgeous shots Sharon. Glad they made it off of the road!
wonderful pics and what a cute baby; love the yoga shot :)
They were back again this evening. There are two babies. I believe they are there rather frequently.
I was going to say silly goose but I guess that doesn't work.
Silly Swans.
I wonder if the babies were tired and mom and dad knew it and got them safely across the road then rested? or,... ???
I love the photo of mom doing her exercises.
What neat pictures of such a beautiful bird with her babies.
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