Hey you! Yeah, you! Look at ME! I am the man! The big cheese! King of the Peanut Feeder, and don't you forget it!

How dare you take pictures of me with lines across my face. It's rude and unprofessional. And you call yourself a member of the Bird Stalkarazzi? Hah!
You see this nut? I worked hard to get this nut. Again, the least you could do is take a decent picture of me! This is a prize winning nut!
Everyone! Look at my nut!!! This is the best nut in the whole bunch and it's mine! All MINE!!!

LOL Sharon, you made me almost choke on my PB&J sandwich with your last line!!
I loved the narrative behind it and all of your fantastic photos. The last one with the two nuthathces is priceless and I absolutely love the first one and how in sync the nuthatch is with the feeder.
BTW: My word verification is oifed! HA!! Blogger has been coming out w/ some very weird word verifications latley. LOL
Great squirrel shot! Look at that tail on display.... The critters can't get too close to our house... Handsome lets them know it's now HIS yard.... LOL
The Blue Ridge Gal
What a lovely blog. Your photographs are amazing--really like your header photo. I feel like I'm standing right there in the snow! :-)
Always love the show the birds give you photographers!
LOL!! And one thinks it is only humans who have attitudes? That squirrel had better watch out. LOL!!
I had better things to post and a few of the pictures aren't that great, but ever since we bought the peanut feeder the Nuthatches are acting like nuts! They can be quite protective and dominant. The other day one of them kept splaying his wings out and waddling back and forth. I tried to get a picture but it was too late. I had no idea they were such clowns!
And that Red Squirrel was just waiting his turn! If you look at the peanut feeder it's all crooked and dented from the squirrels knocking it on the ground : /
The nuthatches talk to me here too Sharon! :c) Sharon, the bird whisperer.
Great shots you captured!
I love them all. I could almost hear their little voices while I was reading your cations. :o) Sue
HAHAHA that looks like what happens on my deck every day lol
Very cute! loved the commentary as usual...and the photos amazing even thru the screeen.
Question...How are you able to get the photos so large in Blogger?
You made my day!!! -Sandy
Love the squirrel and his bushy tail! You narrated this so well.
Oh my gosh, you take absolutely the best photos of birds!! My 'best' photos that I'll be posting later this week pale in comparison to yours! Love coming here!
Soooo glad you were able to get one of the bird lamps I posted about! Can't wait to see yours when you post about it!
Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
I'm loving that cute squirrel! Great pictures, as usual, Sharon!
ROFL. Love it! Terrific pics!
Hilarious post - and so very true!! Excellent photos to boot!
Great photos & captions :-)
LOL Sharon too funny, that squirrel's tail YIKES..makes me think of "me" first thing in the morning !!!
All the best,
Kathy :)
Sharon, that was really cute. You are so good at getting inside the wee little brains of the birdies you photograph. ; )
What a cheeky fellow. Great pics
Personality plus, especially on the squirrel "mug shot." You made my day!
BTW, gave you an award. Come over to my blog and pick it up. -Sandy
Funny and beautiful post. The pictures are superb! I love your new header. You could really put together a beautiful calendar of gorgeous New England.
Aren't birds funny to watch wround food? I wish I could capture the little fights I watch daily out my window! :-)
I LOVE these photos! What a cute post!
This was the cutest blog. Those pictures are outstanding! Love the new header.
OH MY GOSH...that was so wonderful! I loved the pictures...that first one totally takes my breath away! But the commentary had me giggling through the whole thing. AWESOME photos!
I love your blog -- the birds and animal photos are so charming! I certainly dont get to see snow where I am :(
Wonderful wonderful post! You've put a BIG smile on my face this morning! LOVE LOVE LOVE those nuthatches!
Very funny Sharon!!! I just love this post!
Sharon, your narrative is so funny (you know I appreciate this silly stuff).
If you ever get a squirrel lose in your house. You won't think he so cute.
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