For part of December and January I had the good fortune of working in a beach house I've worked in several times before. It's quiet, no one is there, and it just feels good to go to work in the morning. A few days I even brought my laptop with me to check email while I ate my lunch. What you see above was my view.

The sunsets were to die for. The way the light reflects off the water with so many soft colors of pinks, blues, oranges and yellows. It's something I really could get used too.

While I was there I knew I had to take some pictures to share with you. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I have a couple more but I'll post those later on.
And this was my work: stripping wallpaper, cleaning walls down, repainting the ceiling, woodwork and walls in a more mature theme.
It's not the most pleasant job sometimes, but I'm used to it. And as I say, the view is really nice. Plus I enjoy working by myself. Last week I started painting 2 bathrooms just a couple houses away from this house, so I'm back on the beach again! Hopfully it will be a trickle effect! Anything to keep working!
I bet you do a lovely job Sharon! And I think it sounds like a pretty good job. Your own boss!! The view is wonderful.
I'm starting to feel better. This hormone thing has been so difficult.
The birds are finally coming to the bird feeder. It's only been out there 4 or 5 weeks.
I use wallpaper but now it's too much like work.
Have a great week. Hugs
Well if you have to least it's nice to work somewhere with such a gorgeous view. Although I'd have a hard time staying on task!
Glad to see work is keeping you busy and with such wonderful views for you to look at to decompress after all of that painting.
gorgeous pictures.
What a fun place to work. Lucky us, we get to enjoy the pics. Your Valentine flowers are beautiful.
I could easily get used to it myself Sharon. :) It is nice that your job takes you to various places, but I do know it is very hard work to do.
What a nice gig Sharon! I'd be so caught up in the nice view, I'd forget what I was there to! It takes real talent to strip wallpaper without screaming expletives the neighbors can hear. At our last home, the builder put all of it up over unprimed drywall. Oh, yeah. I am sure I could be heard from MILES away. Let's just say there is a special place in hell...
I know exactly what you're talking about. As a matter of fact one of the bathrooms I'm painting this week has wallpaper stuck so tight it's rediculous! I don't like to leave the paper on but sometimes there's just no way around without taking the wallboard off with it, so I'll prime all the walls, then fill in any seams with mud. Sand, and prime again. Then paint.
Contractors who don't prime before papering really irritate me.
Wallpaper.... a nightmare in my world. Glad this house we own now never had it when we moved in. I'm glad you are working though.... keeps the bill collectors away that's for sure.... lol
Take care.
Love the photo out the window!!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Found your blog by happy accident this morning - it's great. I'm originally from Newfoundland but I'm now land-locked in Ontario so your ocean views strike a chord for me....
I loved seeing your view - that would be such a lovely place to work from! And the sunset would be the cherry on my sundae!
You are so talented! Love the beach photos!!
Ugh on the wallpaper! And it would be difficult to paint with that view. Especially in the summer!
I could do work like that all day long if I had a nice view and some good music to listen to. I also enjoy working in solitude, I get to think about deep things while I strip paper and sand holes.
Oh darn, I missed a couple of your posts, Sharon. LOVE the flowers, and the winter pictures!
These sky photos are marvelous! Such beautiful colors. Good luck with the paper stripping. I'm still avoiding mine. :)
Hi, I know you're a hard worker now. Do you ever do decorative painting or stenciling? What a great place to work and you are your own boss...lucky you.
Saucy, I definitely need my mp3 player when I'm working! It makes the day go buy much quicker.
Mary, you better get going on that wallpaper! ; )
Balisha, no I don't do any decorative painting or stenciling. There really isn't much call for it anymore. I work with my mom who is 71. She loves to work and will keep going as long as she can. Eventually the business will be mine alone, then I don't know if I'll hire someone part-time or not. Time will tell. If this economy keeps up there may not BE a business.
Beautiful photos! You must tell me your secret to getting off wallpaper. We've been trying to strip our bathroom for months and it's just beastly. It's the worst wallpaper ever!
The view is breathtaking and at times I would probably just want to sit and take it all in.
You must be really good at what you get so many jobs with great views, which usually means the owners have lots of MEANS... and want someone who will do an outstanding job! Says a lot about you!
It is so sweet your mom still works with you. It is probably keeping her young.
Hi Alyson! Long time no see. I hope all is well with you and the kids are finally feeling better!
As for removing wallpaper, in a bucket you'll need to mix Dif and HOT water (we don't measure the Dif, just pour a decent amount in). Put down some sheets, especially right against the baseboard, then start soaking the paper down with sponges and the Dif mixture. I mean REALLY soak it down several times and let it sit. You can also rent a steamer and use the Dif mixture inside of it. It won't hurt the steamer as we do it all the time.
Make sure to clean the walls off really well afterwards to remove any residual paste. Use a scrubber pad, sponges and a cloth, along with the hot Dif mixture. Yes, I know it's a pain, and that's why people hire us to do it because we've done it so much that it's not a big deal anymore. Don't forget to use a 6" spreader that's to scrape the paper off. Nothing to thick as the thick one's don't work well. Anymore Q's just email me : )
Beth, my mom and I have been fortunate that usually once someone hires us they won't hire anyone else. I think we do a very nice job as we are perfectionist when it comes to how the room looks in the end. Hopefully they feel the same way!
Paint away, Sharon and enjoy the view! I think I'd be in a little trouble with a view like that...
May you stay at the beach!
I just found your blog from Michele's Rocky Mt. Retreat,... I really enjoy your posts and photos. You are in an area that I love, I often vacation at Wells Beach, ME, just north of Rye and York and have driven by Mt. Chocura. Thanks for the welcome shots of the flowers! I'll be back!
Thanks for stopping by Cedar. I haven't been up to the Wells/Ogunquit area in a while. Maybe I should venture up there one day soon! It certainly is a lovely area. Very touristy yet a sight worth sharing.
Hope to see you again sometime!
Hi Mary ; )
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