Friday, March 18, 2011

Just keep paddling

I think those words should be my mantra lately

Spring is but a moment away . . .


The Retired One said...

How gorgeous!!! So many people, including me are in the place you are at...spring can't come fast enough.

Jen at Cabin Fever said...

I can see part of my front yard now. Its amazing! ...the little things are what lifts the spirit :)

Jan's camera said...

Aah, lovely. I love watching everything come alive in April.

Laura said...

And I'm thankful it is coming soon!

Custom Comforts said...

Hang in there Sharon!!! Life isn't always this difficult and this too shall pass as my Mother always said. Being a parent is a heavy load sometimes, but spring is coming.

Mary said...

So true...can I just say this is a beautiful banner image, too! I'm loving this serene layout and blog.

J said...

My 93 year old Dad says, "get up and get going" which I believe is similar to your "keep paddling"

Love the pictures