I've had so much fun photographing Hydrangea's this winter!

All the colors, the magical backgrounds, the different kinds and sizes of flowers ... who knew they could be such a delight!

The flowers look particularly lovely with a bit of a snow cap. Just enough to frost the ever fragile petals.

Now the flowers are starting to fall off the stems and roll around like tumbleweed. Out with the old, in with the new! Kind of like my blog.
Lately, as I've been looking around at other blogs, there was one thing that struck me: white, just white. No distracting backgrounds or busy headers. One blog that really caught my eye was Garden by the Sea, and if you haven't stopped by, you really should. Though I usually try to do my own thing when redesigning my template, I love Lupen's simple style so much that I decided to try my own variation of her design.
Maybe it's Spring, maybe it's age, I don't know, but lately I feel the need to de-clutter when ever I can. It probably won't last, but for now I hope you enjoy the new look. One thing I do miss is seeing all my favorite blogs on the side bar, but, I hope visitors will still go see them from the Blogs icon.
I love your new header, Sharon ~
I've always liked the white, too. The photos in your post are incredibly lovely. They always are, actually.
Do you trim your hydrangeas and if you do, when? Here, they say not to.
Beautiful photos.
I love the header, Sharon! I saw a robin a couple of days ago. Can it be true? Spring? I will be so happy.
You know I admire all of your photos. It is a blessing to be able to come to your website and see such gorgeous pictures! Thank you so much.
Sharon, I love your new look. Particularly you new header. But I quite fond of Robin's (of all kinds!)
I like the simple style too! Uncluttered suits me as well!
By the way your Hydrangeas are very nice!
Lovely images! Wish I had taken more photos this winter. I still have a kindergartener at home most of the day, so it's kind of hard, but maybe next year.
Guess what...looks like I'm moving up to your general neck of the woods this summer! :)
i love a decluttered look too
I love the way you change to please you, variety is the spice of life, and you are keeping it interesting with a critical eye. Your site is always beautiful.
Just beautiful.
I really really like that 2nd capture. Just stunning.
So pretty, Sharon! If I keep watching your blog and that beautiful link you shared, I will need to cancel my old, tired blog and start another!
Good stuff here.
I don't think there is ever a season when hydrangeas don't look good. Wonderful photos!
As you know, I have changed the look of my blog over and over, yet I keep coming back to white because it's just easier to not be distracted by color. Oh, I like the color on other blogs, but white just keeps this simple and for this old gal's eyes that's a good thing.
Your blog is always lovely!
I love the clean, fresh look, Sharon! (I felt the need for the same thing)
And I love
cut me off!
I love the hydrangeas in winter~
It,s beautiful! Lovely!
Thank you for sharing!
Gabriella from London
Sharon, your new blog design is lovely in its simplicity. Yes, spring is becoming more of a reality with each passing day. Have a wonderful week!... Donna
Nice clean and fresh look for Spring. Oh I hope we have a Spring this year!
I didn't realize hydrangeas could look so pretty in the Winter!
the hydrangea's look so pretty even in the dead of winter.
Those hydrangeas look so pretty. We are just getting new shoots on our ones in London.
I liked the look of both blogs - old and new. That robin is just too cute! x
First of all, Sharon, I love your header! Our robins have been singing each morning and it is the best start to the day. Beautiful photos with the snow – I love hydrangeas in all seasons – wow, that last image is a HUGE one. None that big in my garden. Thanks for sharing. Oh, I do like the white backgrounds as well as subtle colored ones. xo – g
I really like the way the birdhouse stands out in the picture. I like your new look. I went to the all white background some time ago, but I need to work on my sidebar.
Oh, I love your new look! And goodness, the size of that hydrangea -- wow! They are incredibly beautiful in all stages... Have you seen e. kristina's blog? Her link is on my sidebar, and she has been shooting hydrangeas all winter, too. :)
Back with the link to e. kristina's blog post about hydrangeas:
I love the nead header picture too. Plenty of snow this winter for great photos like yours. My favorite is the last one.
Sharon, I love your new look. White backgrounds look so clean and fresh. Your header is beautiful! Still waiting for robins here but maybe they're on their way. Love the hydrangeas. xo
Hydrangeas are such fun to photograph! They change all the time and are so beautiful. Gorgeous images and love your new look!
This is my first time to your blog, and I just couldn't stop looking at everything, I went back to your older post too, your photos are just amazing, their so beautiful!
Blessings~~~ Daphne
Stunning . Just stunning. I love your new look here .
Im home .Thanks for your very kind words before I left. I sure too them with me and to heart.
Lisa :)
Oh, just found your blog and like it!
I will come back for sure :-)
How lovely that these flowers can still give pleasure, even though their bloom is gone. Maybe that could be a metaphor for life...
I felt the same way about my blog last year - a real urge for clean and uncluttered. I like what you've done here.
Checked out Garden by the Sea. Thanks for the tip!
I am so glad that I can still comment here. Your blog has been visually stunning and your photography exquisite! You are so gifted! I totally understand your blogging break as I have been feeling the same.
You have ended on a triumphant note as your last photo is so beautiful and just this morning I heard the robins singing as I walked...SPRING HAS ARRIVED!
Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into your blog....it has been a gift to many, myself included!
Thank you Sharon for all the beautiful photos and time you put into this blog, I didn't always comment but please know I am by OFTEN and really loved my visits.
I hope you'll be back, but you have to take care of YOU !!! Just know that I will be checking in now and again to check on you...
Happy Spring,
Kathy :)
I know you didn't want anyone to comment but I couldn't help myself. I hope you get the R&R that you need. It is so important for one's wellbeing. You are absolutely correct for giving blogging a break if you're not enjoying it anymore. I do hope that when you have had some time to regroup that you will share a few posts here and there. Your photos are amazing - don't be too hard on yourself! (I tend to be the same way, durn perfectionism issue that I have!)
God Bless and Happy Spring! A perfect time of year for R&R! Will miss you!
I know your comments have been turned off, so I write on another post and hope you dont hate me for it. I too, am a bad blogger. I try so hard to GET comments like the one's you do..but I'm a BAD photographer..no, I mean a bad picture taker..I love, your talent of taking New England photo's..please dont stay away too long, enjoy your peace of mind and then come back to us! I can only imagine what spring photo's you would share with us..
Love from another New Englander...
Beautiful photos!!
Thank you for all your lovely posts and photos. I'll be sad to see you go, as I especially love glimpsing New England through your images while I'm here in India... but I understand, and wish you all the best!
Hope to see you back in the blogosphere again sometime!
Ok good I thought I might be the only one commenting on this post but i see many more have done the same.
i know the pressures you feel but I hope you know we love your photos and your words. I was just thinking the other day how wonderfully you pare the two together. It's not an easy thing and though you make it look so easy I know it may not be.
Enjoy your break but please don't leave us forever. I would just hate that.
I may take a blog break myself or just post photos and no words just to show I'm still kicking. I think I can do that....we'll see.
Love ya .....enjoy your time away.
Will be here when you return.
I tried writing you personally, and I don't expect you to answer. I just want you to know that I miss you already. And that I hope the stress begins to ease up for you. xoxo
Hey, wanted to comment on your last post but couldn't. Can I just tell you that I was feeling so down today and then I came over here and saw how you were feeling and it was like someone held up a little mirror. I was doubting myself and my talents and ability and then I came and saw that you were feeling similar about your photography. Can I please just say - I think you are amazing at photography. You have a real gift and it brings a lot of us so much pleasure. However, if it is not working for you right now then I understand how that is. Maybe it is time for a new project and some new direction so taking break is a good idea. If you do decide to target your energies in other places this is also understandable too. But please know that what you have done here has been loved and appreciated and it is an achievement. So don't be so hard on yourself - if you feel you are being so...
I'm being too hard on myself today so I'm going to take a break from worrying about my future and go buy some daffodils and eat some chocolate which will make me feel better. Maybe tomorrow things will look brighter...
Lots of Love xxx
Here's wishing you less stress in your life. I have always enjoyed you blog. I hope someday you can come back to it.
Enjoy your spring!!
Lynda in Michigan.
I love that little birdhouse!!
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