This morning I was on another New England blog (Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes) and she was showing her outside walkway before all the snow we've had this year, and after. It got me to thinking about our own walkway and wondering if I had any similar photos.
Sure enough I do! Darn if we haven't had some serious snow this year!
Sure enough I do! Darn if we haven't had some serious snow this year!

This was our walkway last week-end, and believe me it hasn't changed much since then. You're looking at at least 2'-3' (feet) of snow!

Exactly 2 months from today, April 10th, this is what it will look like: rainy, dreary, raw, and small sprouts of my man-eating, enormous Hosta will have just started to emerge. At this point the Peepers will also be peeping, bless their tiny hearts : )

There's nothing like a garden filled with perennials to make life a little easier. My hope is to add Hellebores this year, if I can find any I like.

my giant Hosta measures almost 8' across in summer
And 2 months after that ... around June 10th ... the above and below photo. These are my favorites, of course.

who doesn't love Peonies?
I sure don't want to wish my life away but at this point I'm starting to itch for a warm day. Only 1 month (March 13th) until we Spring forward!
I sure don't want to wish my life away but at this point I'm starting to itch for a warm day. Only 1 month (March 13th) until we Spring forward!
Hi Sharon...Had to laugh over your expression, "man eating Hosta." ohhhhh, I sure know what you mean. We have one on either side of the sidewalk in front of our house. I'm always afraid guests are going to "disappear" before they ever reach our front steps....when the Hosta is in full foliage. ha ha ha Great shots, as always. Susan
Oh Sharon!! How beautiful! I love the hosta and the Peonies! Everything!!! I can't wait for summer!! Thanks!
What a lovely garden you have. Thank you for the reminder that Spring will come, as always. We are having nice afternoons here in southern New Mexico again, but a previous prolonged spell of below-zero weather has left us all with dying plants everywhere. Very sad to see giant (thus old) prickly pears collapsed in a heap of rotting leaves. They say plant and crop damage here might go beyond millions of dollars. So sad.
Thanks for the good news of springing ahead just one month from now! YEAH!!!!! Lovely pictures of what we can look forward to!
Hi Sharon! What an amazing sequence of photos – how great that you have them showing the same view. And how gorgeous it is in summer! My, that hosta is something else – do you have a problem with slugs? I tore all our hostas out here as soon as we moved in.
I have many hellebores. I love them so much. The Mardi Gras series has beautiful colors – I have some of each of the maroon, blue, black and pink. I also really like Party Dress.
Have a great weekend!
That is one gorgeous hosta, Sharon! Hard to believe one month until we spring forward - I'm ready!
So Pretty. That is one big hosta! I am the same way, don't want to wish my life away, but sure need Spring. This next week is suppose to be in the 60's so maybe that will help.
Enjoy your weekend.
Sharon, wonderful post. Won't it be nice when Spring bursts upon us, with all her colours.
Funny, we have all the plants in our yard that you have! I guess they do well in coastal climes!
Changes in your garden are spectacular!
Also I love peonies!
I look forward to spring even if here in Italy, there is no snow
and there is sunshine
Such a lovely post. It was great to track the same view over three seasons.
Roll on spring! x
Great pictures. Not too long ago we had snow like that. Hope yours isn't heading our way.
I am a perennial girl too, I also have peonies and long for hellebores. Your garden is beautiful.
I love the before and after shots of your garden. Mine looks the same here. And I can't wait to hear the peepers too. The first harbinger of spring! Happy Heart Day! Pamela
Peonies are high on my list for this spring. We don't have a lot of luck with hostas because of the big cedars, but I'm hoping that a little judicious transplanting will do the trick. I'll be you just can't wait for the scene to change to the spring/summer look!
Oh, by the time I scrolled down to that summer shot, my heart was soaring! Can't wait to see the green and blooms again. What a wonderful series of comparison shots Sharon. :c)
wow, your hosta is humongous! i have what i think are elephant ear hostas...? i know what you mean by not wanting to wish your life away..but this snow has got to go and it is time for spring to emerge! jill
Thank you for the hope! I'm definitely starting to feel a bit down and dreary with all of this snow. It looks like it's never going a way. How wonderful to have a visual reminder that spring is right around the corner. Gorgeous!
What a nice taste of spring. Love the wisteria!
Super post Sharon! It is amazing how much things really start growing with a few warm days. Hoping that snow melts for you soon :)
Another wonderful post! I just love the comparison photos - all beautiful! And the peonies are also beautiful :)
You have a beautiful Garden, and I love seeing it in all the seasons:)
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