I miss . . .
Lilacs and Lily's footprints in the sand

Ducklings and Dragonfly smiles

Butterflies and Beaches

Shopping at the local Farmers Markets

I even miss Bugs!
. . . insert image of bug here because I can't find any . . .
And I NEVER miss Bugs so you know it's got to be bad.
If only it weren't the middle of February in New England with 2 feet of snow on the ground. One thing I never miss in Summer, is Winter.
What do you miss?
It's Mosaic Monday over at Mary's Little Red House. Stop by this evening and check it out!

I miss the same things, Sharon. Even the bugs. Lizards, bees, all of it. The birds have been singing a lot lately so it won't be long.... In five weeks, I'll be offering hummingbird nectar!
Your images are AWESOME.
I've about had it with winter too. 2 more weeks until March. We're getting there...
Thank you for posting these incredible pictures--they give me hope! LOL This winter feels more unbearable than usual for some reason. I'm ready to start complaining about it being too hot!
You would post all these lovely summer photos! Ugh..... This winter is really dragging. :(
Cabin Fever in Vermont
Your postcard is beautiful and your summer images are delicious. Can't wait for Winters farewell as Spring dances in....
OK Now I'm longing for spring even more. But that's ok because I love your images. Carol
I love your post!! So lovely pictures!
Wonderful photos as always. I love the dragonfly's smile!
Thank you for brightening my day with the hope of spring and summer! So true, I never miss winter in the summer! Your photos are stunning - especially love the dragonfly smile!!
You've captured some wonderful images of summer. No wonder you miss it.
I would be really happy if spring was here tomorrow!
Hugs Anna
I miss the same things as you. Beautiful pictures as always. We have another snow storm coming tonight and tomorrow. Maybe you're already getting it? Thanks for the day brightner :-) Blessings, Pamela
Sharon, I miss all of the above. Most of all I miss the colour.
Wonderful post and wonderful photos!
Beautiful pictures - a really inspiring post.
I'm missing any weather other than cloud or drizzle at the moment. We've had nothing but it for the last six weeks and every time I see a glimpse of sunshine I want to head outside and do a little dance! x
I miss open windows! It is warmer here today (40s) and I have windows all over the house cracked open to freshen up the place.
That dragon fly is teasing you with a smile.... I think he will find his way back to you soon. One can only hope, right?
Beautiful pictures! I feel like I always say the same thing when I comment on your blog Sharon, but please know, it's not just words. I am always uplifted by your gift of photography and words. You always touch me and I find myself a little jealous of the beautiful place where you live. It seems that beauty is at your fingertips there. How blessed you are.
Awwwwww, I miss all those things, too, Sharon, except the bugs. I don't miss the flies that always come when we eat outdoors. But I sure miss all the rest. Oh well, before we know it, we'll be putting on the air conditioners. Take care. Thanks for sharing all the gorgeous photos. Susan
I so can relate to your posts...and your photos are magnificent,I just loved these!!! We had over a week of below zero temps. both day and night and today it was 42 degrees! It was like a heatwave and everybody was sooo happy. Isn't that funny? That would be cold in the spring or summer yet today felt like such a relief!
What a beautiful ode to summer, Sharon!
Your images make me miss the hot weather as well ~
Thanks for reminding about all of those beautiful things we have to look forward to...awesome photos!!!
I miss all the same things, bring on summer. Love your photos, they are stunning.
Gorgeous photos and that last mosaic is spectacular!
Gorgeous postcard set! Totally getting me in the summery mood.
I love the idea of a postcard from summer - I can't wait for it...wish I was there.
How sweet of summer to send you a postcard. I'm longing for summer warmth and sunshine here, too.
Well, I don't miss the humidity or mosquitos, but I do miss the nicer weather, flowers blooming, and my sandals!
Summer feels closer just looking at these gorgeous shots! xxx
Oh, so gorgeous Sharon! I miss GREEN. Warm breezes. The sun on my face. Butterflies. Baby birds fledging. Soon, soon.
I miss the same ~ and wearing T-shirts and shorts :)
Beautiful images...... I especially LOVE Lily's footprints :)
A lovely post! Summer does feel a long way off but will be here before we know it. I miss the long evenings and lazy afternoons!
I never realized dragon flies smile before, but there certainly is a little smile on the one in your photo Sharon. I think your dragonflies smile. Your photography is heavenly, as always.
thankyou for sharing this delightful mosaic to summer. I can't imagine what it must be like to have such extremes as snow on the ground is only a dream to me.
Such beautiful mosaics reminding us of the promise of warmer weather. They are wonderful. Here in the sunny southeast we actually have a hint of spring. The question is if it will last or not. Happy Heart Day!
I'll sign that postcard... ;) Beautiful pictures, all of them.
I couldn't agree more. I can't wait for summer; it's the best season of the year!
I agree! Snow, snow, go away!!! Love your photos! Happy Valentine's Day!
I am missing summer even more so after seeing your photos. Lovely shots to remind us of what is yet to come.
Okay, that dragonfly photo is just crazy perfect! I really love the bouquet of flowers in the last grouping....would make a nice wedding bouquet....
I definitely miss all that summer has to offer. But, right now, what I miss the most (at the risk of being downer) is a household of happy, healthy animals. It's very stressful right now.
I don't want to rush to summer just yet but please bring spring. Winter has been here long enough. Your photos were really beautiful.
LOL, me too (just posted on the same thing)! :)
Just looking at all that wonderful colour in your photos ... the farmer's market mosaic is wonderful. Oh, I can't wait. Mmmm, the scent of lilacs can't get here soon enough. And I loved Lily's footprints. So cute.
Oh I KNOW! I miss it all too. (Except for mosquitoes....winter may have to blast me a few more times before I miss those things;)
What a lovely blog and photos and thoughts!
Glad I came across you today:)
You aren't alone in waiting for warmer weather....:)
This mosaic seems to be our universal blogging thoughts right now. I think you deserve the prize this week! Thanks for reminding us that there is life and a wonderful time of year waiting for us and hopefully here before we know it!
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