Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hey, bud!

Although I should be posting more photos from my trip to Vermont, and I will, I was just so inspired by today's incredible weather that I decided to hold off a bit longer. Hope you don't mind.

Thought I would go side this afternoon and see what's budding. Turns out about everything is! I'm loving the Forsythia. Odd how the only flowers-in-bloom on this bush were right down at ground level. And you know what else? I just noticed there's a bug on one of them!

Bug-ug-ug (it's from a book the girls had when they were little)

The Honeysuckle has a long way to go, but nothing smells sweeter on a warm, early summers day.

Ahh, one of my favorites . . . the Double Flowering Cherry tree. It breaks my heart when the last flower falls.

Spring fireworks: Maple tree flowers

After chronicling some of my 'buds' the dogs and I went out for a little ball time. Oh yeah, run like the wind Lily and Winston! He was hot on her heals! There's no way she's giving up that ball though. No way.

While the dogs cooled down I decided to put up the flag, which has been sitting in the entry since last fall! Unheard of for us. Usually we put out seasonal flags. For some reason that didn't happen this past winter. It felt good to see old glory fly once again.

And finally, I hung my new 'Welcome' sign. After that it was nap-time, then shopping with my younger daughter, and finally dinner. Now a little mending, then off to bed.

What a fantastic day we had, weather wise. Finally Mother Nature dealt us a good, and well deserved, hand. I hope you had as good a weather as we did!

Tomorrow, we wear shorts! Or at least Capri's.

The Sweetest of Days: Let's Get This Party Started


The Retired One said...

Wonderful spring photos! You are ahead of us quite a bit on the buds, etc. Although we have had two days in a row almost hitting 80 degrees which is a record here...isn't it wonderful? I don't want to come inside at all, all day. ha
Of course now I am sore from all the raking, etc.

Susan said...

It was beautiful in Massachusetts today, too, Sharon. That sun was SO welcome. I even layed outside on the lounge and soaked it up for an hour. Fabulous. Loved today's photos. Sincerely, Susan

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Great photos! I love them all. I adore forsythia. It's flaming yellow blooms make me happy. I admired it this afternoon as Hubby and I drove through the country. We passed the largest forsythia bush I've ever seen. Wonderful!

Laura said...

We had a gorgeous day today too! Absolutely love that action shot of the dogs - so funny to see Winston trying to keep up with Lily!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Beautiful photos. I ♥ Honeysuckle!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What beautiful spring pictures. We are a little ahead of your here of course. Our flowering trees are peaked and will soon lose the pretty flowers. We don't have any in our yard, but they are everywhere else and my neighbors have some. We got up to 85 here today. I worked outside all day. I just love springtime. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Thanks so much for stopping by. Love the picture of your dogs playing ball.

Anonymous said...

Our cherry tree is in full bloom right now and the breeze this evening was already blowing some of the blossoms off. boo hoo. It was a buzzing with bees too.. TONS OF THEM!

Great post!

Shirleyanne said...

Beautiful photos. Encouraging to see new life in the garden.
A mixture of weather in UK, some sunshine yesterday , now rain.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Love your play on words there Sharon. :) What wonderful sights these are. I just LOVE spring and all the new life it brings.

Cedar ... said...

Wonderful shots of spring! My maple tree here is budding,too! A welcome sight!

MaggieGem said...

Great shots of a wonderful spring day! We had gorgeous weather in NJ too, lovin' it! Finally a few days to enjoy after a rough winter!

Glad to see you enjoying the day!

Unknown said...

I think I've seen those two doggies running through the yard like that a time or two! Wish i were there on the porch swing with you this morning, Sharon.

My name is Riet said...

Wonderful pictures as always. The buds, the dogs they are having a good time. I smell spring this time as I have a vase full of daffodils right under my nose and they smell gorgeous, like spring.

Kerri Farley said...

So glad the weather finally cooperated! Lovely pics :)

Jan's camera said...

Beautiful photos. Spring is my favorite time of year. I love your Welcome sign. It's beautiful.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great closeups. Weather has been wonderful here all week, but storms predicted tonight. Sure hope it does not get bad.

Ellen said...

Yes spring has sprung, wahoo! Honeysuckle is one of my three favorite scents, in no particular order along with Night Blooming Jasmine and Orange Blossoms. I so love your pictures, and of course, your pups. Thanks for sharing.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Our forsythia have some buds on the lower branches as well. I love seeing the yellow pop out each spring! Gorgoeus photo's as usual!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

it was all so wonderful...but the dogs really put a smile on my face...they are just great !

have a wonderful weekend , my friend


Sandra said...

I've been following your blog for a couple of months now and I cannot help but to admire you great, stunning photos. Thank you for sharing:)

Anonymous said...

It looks like we are going to get a touch of spring this weekend too!

Jayne said...

Like you, I love seeing all the new buds appearing! And, I love seeing your sweet doggies enjoying the weather too. Have a beautiful weekend Sharon!

Chrissykat said...

The barn is wonderful. Wide open spaces...don't get many of those in my neck of the Just looking at your photo made me feel as though I could breath a little easier...

May I ask what kind of dog is Lily?

Dawn Fine said...

Beautiful bud photos Sharon!
Lovely, refreshing, New England spring! Cute pups too!

Unknown said...

Love the photos - our forcythia is starting to bloom too - nice to see spring arrive in New England

JO (we have a little giveaway)

Unknown said...

Love the photos - our forcythia is starting to bloom too - nice to see spring arrive in New England

JO (we have a little giveaway)

Eve said...

We did Sharon!!! I think I have that double flowering cherry because the flowers are SO BIG!!! I've got to get my pictures posted. I keep forgetting how big Lily is! She is such a corker!!! Love that Winston too. Hope your weather stays nice.