Saturday, April 3, 2010

My favorite Vermont farm (that I saw anyway) Part 1

Although I can't say for certain, I believe this to be Miskell's Farm, located in Charlotte, VT

When I look at this photo I think of the Dixie Chicks song, Wide Open Spaces. It's a view that no camera can bring justice too, you just have to stand there and see it for yourself. Only if you do I hope it's not as cold as the day I was there. lol!

Go down that road a piece and take a right. It runs right through the middle of the farm, or farms, I'm not sure which. In New England it can be difficult to tell because that's how they built them sometimes, on both sides of the street, you know, back in the day.

Charlotte (with a french accent, pronounced shar-lot) is a scenic, beautiful town. I think if I were to ever move to Vermont, this would be the place. Plenty of open space with rolling hills, and Lake Champlain is located just over the hill behind the farm. You'll see ; )

I took so many photos that there's no way I can condense them into one post so there will be a part 2, and most likely part 3 as well.


Anonymous said...

The blue sky just looks as though it goes on forever and ever with those striated clouds. Great shots!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

Ay-ya, good pictures, boy-the-jeezus.

So the man, lost on the back road asked the farmer, "Where does this road go?"

"I've been here sixt-two yea-ahs and it ain't gone nowhere yit."

But seriously, I'm glad to see that this farm is doing well. I grew up in Vermont during a time when family farms were being lost at an alarming rate.

Susan said...

I like them all, Sharon, but the one with the red barn in the back and silo to the right is my fave. Blessed Easter to you. Sincerely, Susan

violetlady said...

Beautiful photos. I love the one of the red barn. Am wondering how to get the photos so large on the blog?

Dawn Fine said...

I love Vermont! Jeff and I were married in Queeche ..think i spelled that wrong..anyway..also toyed with the idea of a home there...who knows..maybe someday.

Unknown said...

Absolutely awesome!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great photos with the mountains in the distance.

Laura said...

Love looking at farm pictures - would hate to work on one! Beautiful pictures, Sharon!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

i don't know what to say..all i can do is.......... sigh

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful pictures again. What a beautiful sight. Happy Easter

Kerri Farley said...

It looks lovely!
Great captures!

clairz said...

That's a lot of open space for New England! When we lived there we would always stop short at the sight of a cleared field.

Now that we are here in New Mexico, big skies are the norm. When I saw the first photo I was reminded a bit of the big farms here.

Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest.

Jay Albert said...

Great shots Sharon! I haven't been to Vermont since I was a kid and I remember how surprised I was seeing large open farms along the way like that. Your shots give me the sense of going back in time!

Cindy said...

Lovely pictures. I too love the one with the smaller red barn and silo. As I've said before love red in pictures. I love the wide open space too.

El said...

Beautiful. Hope you had a great time!

Mary said...

The red barn. The best!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What a beautiful farm. Look forward to seeing more of it. You take wonderful photos. I need to learn how to use this camera. No instructions with it. I may take a course.

Allison said...

I wanna move right onto this farm!! I love VT so much.

suzeeez said...

Simply Beautiful.

Janet said...

I grew up in South Burlington, just up the road a piece. The Champlain Valley is certainly the best place to grow up, I miss it every day. I live in Mass now, where are you in NH?

A New England Life said...

Hi Janet,

I'm on the seacoast of NH, right near Exeter. Another wonderful place to live!

Steve B.(the second comment down) also grew up in Vermont and now lives in Massachusetts. I'll bet that's the last place you thought you would end up!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are stunning. You are a talented photographer! Thanks for sharing!

Pat said...

You were just able to walk around on the farmland and shoot pictures? What, no man at the door with a rifle ready to shoot you for trespassing? LOL! Love, love, LOVE the barn pictures! They are stunning!