Friday, April 23, 2010

Chickadee in the House

Chickadee box

In hopes of attracting a pair Bluebirds that frequent our yard my husband put up a couple Bluebird houses earlier this Spring. By that very afternoon we had a pair checking one of them out. The next day too. I was so excited! My excitement was short-lived seeing as how they left and haven’t been back. Well they’ve been in the yard a few times but not on, or in, the houses. However, a pair of Chickadees know a good thing when they see it and decided to call one of the birdhouses ‘Home’.

Can you see the moss in the dark slits of the front of the bird house?

All about Chickadees (link)

Chickadee tree

This little Chickadee sat in the tree a long time waiting to go into the house. Once I started walking away he/she finally flew in.



Chickadee nest

The past couple days I haven’t noticed the pair going in or out of the house so I decided to go take a peek tonight and see what’s happening inside. Now THATS my kind of nest! Much softer than the traditional stick-constructed bird nest. Tomorrow morning I’ll watch to see if they’re still around but I’m doubtful. Hard to believe 2 tiny birds could go through this much work and then decide it’s not the right place.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Pretty cool. It's amazing how hard they work.

Eve said...

Oh I hope they stay Sharon. I've actually got bluebirds but the titmice and chickadees were looking in the box. I've got my fingers crossed they do well. Tornados on the way!!!

The Retired One said...

Very cool to be able to peek inside to see all their hard work. They are cute little birds!

Susan Ellis said...

That looks so inviting!! Did they put the moss in the box as well as the other material?
I've read that bluebirds like a clear meadow from the front of the nesting trees, or anything obstructing access for several hundred yards - we had the same issue with purple martins, and a house we placed to close to our house (they like at least 100 feet so they can swoop and catch flies)

Anonymous said...

That's some nest. Really too bad they didn't stay and use it for their bambinos. We had a pair of cardinals build a nest last year in one of our front bushes and then not use it, I think because the bush was too low to the ground and our dogs kept snooping in the bush. The nest is still there.... unused.


Erin | Bygone Living said...

Aww, they're so adorable ♥ Nice bird houses!

Country Girl said...

This is so cool, Sharon. And thanks for the link on the chickadees. As always, your photos are scrumptious.

Becky said...

I think they went on a little vacation after they found their perfect little home. They are such cute little birds. I hope they return soon.

Dan Huber said...

very nice Sharon, my "bluebird house" also has a chickadee pair nesting, another with house sparrows, and another with carolina wrens, maybe next year some bluebirds


Jayne said...

I love seeing how Chickadees construct a nest. So methodical and soft like down. Surely they will use this wonderful, soft home. :c)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

The bluebirds may have not stayed around, because the chickadees had already started a nest. Maybe the new tenants will return.

Pat said...

Good luck getting bluebirds. But chickadees are so cute, too. Do you have the houses facing the right direction to get bluebirds?

maryelizabethroche said...

Perhaps Mrs. Chickadee decided on a two-story instead of a ranch?!...your pictures are beautiful.

Valerie said...

So beautiful as usual! It is always pleasant on the eyes when I visit your blog. And that is why I wanted to tell you about a new project. Because I love your photo's I wanted to especially invite you. I want to learn, even more, how to be a better photographer, and to get ideas from others. So I am going out on a limb.

I am starting a new photo meme and would like for you to consider participating.
You can read all about it in the first post, which I posted early this week.

I know I learn from seeing what others are doing and by asking questions.
Perhaps others would like to do this same. Those who have more experience can be a great encouragement to those who have the desire to be better.

If you think it’s a good idea, perhaps you would like to invite your readers. I hope to start this Friday.


Sea Witch said...

I love this pretty little post. Birds are so wonderful. Sea Witch

Laura said...

So cool, Sharon! Too bad they didn't make that with plexiglass so you could see inside! Birds used to pick up dog hair in our backyard when I would brush Rocky.

Marfa (Crafting Marfa) said...

Thank you for all of your lovely pictures of New England. I spent a year and a half planning a long trip and part of the trip was to New England. Then, wouldn't you know it? The whole New England leg of the trip got cancelled! For years I've been wanting to go there. Everything about New England is fascinating to me. I'm still going, but now it will just take me a little longer. In the meantime I get to enjoy your pictures. I don't know if I ever told you that I started a new blog. You can find it here: Hope to see you there sometime.

See ya!

chasity said...

the little one peeking out is so cute!

Kerri Farley said...

Very cool!