Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring thoughts

The return of the Geese are so nice to see. Hearing their honk signifies the ice is out and they are back for another year to raise their offspring. Though Geese are often considered a nuisance they really are a sign of the season, signifying the beginning and end of winter.

Do you buy Pansies in the Spring? Although they aren't my favorite flower, they are the first blooms available here in the Northeast so I make sure to fill a couple pots to put on display. By the middle of July they've pretty much passed their prime so I ditch them for on-sale Geraniums.

A photo of tonights sunset looking out into my backyard. The water still hasn't dried up from our nor'easter last week-end, but we had a fabulous day today with temps in the 60's. Oh sweet Spring will finally arrive tomorrow with more warmth.

Last night I heard the Peeper frogs for the first time. It's very early. Usually they don't start peeping until around the 1st of April. Tonight they're peeping again, the ducks are quacking somewhere out back, and the Robins are singing their end of the day songs. Next week we're headed back down into the 40's with more rain so I imagine their voices are short lived.

What's Spring like in your neck of the woods?


Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

The mallards that nested by our front door last year are back and swimming in the brook in the back yard so I know spring has come to my neck of the woods!!

Susan said...

Spring for me is exactly like it is for you, Sharon, because we are both in New England. Gorgeous sunset photo! I can hear the geese! The birdies! Hurray! Goodbye snow shovel (?) Sincerely, Susan

MaggieGem said...

These last few days haven't certainly been a teaser for spring! I think it hit 70 or so down here in NJ today, with more to follow this weekend. Must get out and enjoy while it's here!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Beautiful photos♥

We've been having such gorgeous weather in NY, but unfortunately, the forecast for next week will be 20 degrees cooler :(

Kerri Farley said...

I heard peepers for the first time last Sunday at a pond that we frequent. What a LOVELY sound...I could listen to that forever. As well as the Robins...they sometimes wake me up in the mornings but I couldn't ask for a better alarm clock :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE the geese shot! I really need to start working with textures!!

My name is Riet said...

Spring is here in this country because the temperature is a lot better and I see crocusses everywhere.

Jayne said...

Happy first day of spring Sharon! It will be in the 70's here today and the sun is shining brightly at 9AM. Time to get out and trim away the dead branches. :c)

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I heard the peepers a couple of weeks ago while taking pictures in the wildlife refuge near my house. It was music to my ears. Spring flowers are blooming and the temps are in the 50's during the day but chilly at night. We're bound to get another cold snap, though. We just ordered tomato seeds!

Love the texture on the geese photo.

Gayle said...

Orange blossoms. Ooooooooooh the fragrance.

Carolynn Anctil said...

I love that shot of the geese. They've been flocking here, as well. Snow geese mostly, right now. Flying north in droves to mate in the arctic for the short summer season up there.

It's a beautiful sunny day, with temperatures hinting at warmer summer days. The song birds are populating the trees that are, themselves, bursting forth with new growth. The cherry blossoms are out in all their glory and my city is a lot them. Every where I look there are big frothy pink trees like giant cotton candy treats lining the streets.

Happy First Day of Spring!

Dawn Fine said...

Oh Sharon did you make that top photo? so cool!

Thistlebrooms said...

Just seems like I heard the Geese gather themselves to leave during the Fall...
I'm hearing the Peepers also,I do hope we don't get a freeze and spoil their romance!!!

My Best~Marilyn

Mary said...

I heard the peepers yesterday for the first time, too! We have Canada geese all year round here, but my husband saw some ducks flying overhead this evening... The buds are breaking on the maple trees, and the moss is sending up it's tiny shoots... Happy Spring, Sharon! :)

Shelley said...

Those geese looked like they deliberately formed a beautiful pattern for you in the sky! Simply beautiful! And I envy that you are hearing the peeper frogs already! I'm hoping to hear them at the cabin when we're up there in the next couple weeks.

The Retired One said...

Such perfect shots, Sharon...just gorgeous...I have been straining to hear the geese here in the U.P. and have not heard any yet....I am always so excited when I see them in several big "V's" flying overhead!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I do like pansies, but don't have a lot of luck with them here. I usually buy one pot of them and hope for the best. Usually don't last very long.

Elaine said...

Don't tell me that recent warm weather was just a tease. I don't think I can take any more rain or cold.

clairz said...

We were so excited by several lovely warm days here in southern New Mexico that we carried out all the plants that have wintered over inside. We arranged them in among the pots of pansies (pansies, of course!) under the big Chinese elms on the patio where we sit to look up at the mountains.

Alas, spring in the high desert country of New Mexico can be just as fickle as our springs used to be in New Hampshire. We spent the afternoon today trucking all the plants back inside, trying not to look at each other and laugh, in preparation for tonight's anticipated frost.

Hope SPRINGS eternal, no matter where you live!

Cindy said...

Oh my Sharon, that first photo is gorgeous. I'm glad I dropped by tonight. It really is beautiful. Love the texture. Hope to be back blogging soon. Might post a photo tomorrow but it won't be anything like yours. Have a great Sunday.


Pat said...

Well, since we winter in AZ, there are flowers all the time. But in the Spring, the cacti start to bloom, which is a sight to see. Also the wildflowers on the mountain are in bloom - Mexican poppies - are one. I have to get out to get some pictures. I, too, love the geese and watching all their antics. That is a beautiful picture of them in the sky.