Sunday, March 21, 2010


Last Tuesday when I was out shooting the surf in Rye Harbor I knew for certain the surfers would be out too. They can't resist the great waves over by Fox Point.

Sure enough they were out. Not as many as I had suspected but there were several. Often times photographers with much fancier camera's than mine congregate on the hill to watch and shoot but on this particular morning I was the only one around.

Oh yeah, here comes a good one . . .

You can't see the surfers but they're in the dip between waves

I don't know much about surfing but this looks like a radical wave to me!

Come on boys! It's a gnarly wave! Shred it!

Ride! Ride! Ride!

You have got to be kidding me? Not one of them rode the wave!

I waited around a long time and mostly they just kept paddling out, missing wave after wave. As I say, I know almost nothing about surfing and what constitutes the perfect wave, but I would have rode that baby right into shore. You betcha!

; )


The Retired One said...

Too funny! But I give them courage to even be out on the water in THAT!
Maybe they were a new club learning to surf and that day's assignment was just to go out and paddle to the wave?

Valerie said...

Maybe just beginners? They were probably disappointed too. Great wave photo's!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great pictures. I would have been right with you riding that wave in...

Susan said...

Hi Sharon.....Ooooooooooo, that water looks c-c-c-c-cold. Maybe that's why they didn't ride? Too chilly. Great shots, though. Sincerely, Susan

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrr is all I can say about that!


A New England Life said...

Brrrr is right! Actually I can't imagine being out in those waves without a life vest on. But if I were THEN I would ride the waves!

Maybe . . .

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Those waves look so scary!! I don't know how surfers do it!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...maybe the point is to just go out there and bob like a cork?

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Your pictures are as close as I want to be to that cold water! :-)

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I can only imagine how cold that water must be. I'd be on the shore next to you...with a camera.

MaggieGem said...

I am amazed, to be in that freezing cold water and not take that wave... maybe they just like to chill?

Country Girl said...

Something I've always wanted to do on a cold spring morning.


Fun photos, though!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It looks so exhillerating, doesn't it?! I love your photos!

The Curious Cat said...

That is poor form of them! I bet you wanted some wicked standing up/riding the wave shots! Still you captured the story and the waves look rad! :) xxx

My name is Riet said...

Great pictures Sharon. It must be so cold there, maybe indeed they were learning how to surf.

Thistlebrooms said...

Talk about being young!!!
That's gotta be Way COLD waters!!!
Maybe it's a Guy Thing.
Better luck next time!

Best To You~Marilyn

Ellen said...

Your pictures are just incredible. Fantastic!

Rural Rambler said...

Brr Brr Brr. Too COLD. Great pictures though!

Carolynn Anctil said...

Brrrr...looks too cold for me.

Kerri Farley said...

Carolynn said it all.....Brrrr....But you captured it nicely :)

Jan's camera said...

I wonder why they didn't ride the waves! They certainly looked big enough. Great action shots.

Shelley said...

Those waves look so foamy and powerful in your photos - great catches!

Pat said...

You are so funny! I wouldn't be in the water, though! Just on the sidelines taking pictures - I'm afraid of water! Plus, hello? Isn't that water freezing at this time?