Thursday, March 25, 2010


Would you look at the size of that Swan?! It's almost as big as the woman feeding it French Fries!

Seriously, it might look like all sweetness and innocence but do not try this at home. Swans can become quite vicious, just like Geese.

Her face has been concealed to protect the not-so-intelligent

I kept waiting for a really great Kodak moment, if you know what I mean, but it never came. She was lucky . . . this time!


Anonymous said...

Did you speak with her at all? Really wondering if she was new to the area and new to swans. Yikes, she certainly was lucky.


A New England Life said...

Morning Di, no, I didn't speak with her. I didn't want to ruin her moment ; ) LOL!

I felt like a journalist just waiting for something exciting to happen. Unfortunately it never did. Aren't I awful?


Anonymous said...

LOL! It would serve her right for serving fries to a bird.

The last time I photographed a Mute Swan, I was sitting on a dock at St Peter's marina. A big swan spied me from 100 yards out and slowly swam over to me, got right in my face, two feet away and hissed. So I said to him gently, but firmly, "What, are you the tough bird around here?" Then he swam off.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

She WAS lucky. I sometimes watch similar situations with geese at a city park and marvel at how unaware some people are of the testiness of those birds.

My mother often tells the story about the day a goose chased her around the farm. It is not a good memory.

Oh, and that swan is HUGE!

the7msn said...

I love coming over here for my daily water fix. And to find a contestant for the Darwin award, all the better!

The Retired One said...

Definitely not a good idea. One, the french fries are not good for the bird. Two, it is dangerous for her and for the bird because someone else may try to lure the bird with food and then hurt the bird.
But cool that you got those shots.
The wild birds here are so skiddish, I am lucky to get out of my car to take a photo without spooking them.

Colleen said...

Love how you blurred her face to protect 'the not so intelligent' -made me laugh.

Beautiful (and very big) swan.

Laura said...

I was looking at the pictures and thinking you would be right there to snap away if something exciting happened! LOL! What a huge swan!

JC said...

That's a BIG one ...

Carolynn Anctil said...

What is it they say? Ignorance is bliss?

When did french fries become a staple in a swan's diet...?

Cedar ... said...

Whew,... lucky the swan was in a good mood!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Haha, wow... that was quite... bold.

Eve said...

Wow she was either extremely brave...or has never seen "when critters go bad"!!! hahahaha

The Curious Cat said...

Their wings can break your arm...she was pretty brave/foolish! xxx

Betty said...

That reminds me of when the powers that be here in our little senior mobil home park said that it would be OK if we let our dogs chase off the Canada geese that were in abundunce that year. The only thing was all of the dogs in the park were smaller then the geese.
Some people just don't use their head.
♥♥ Hugs ♥♥

Thistlebrooms said...

Boy, wait till they start mating!!!
She'll probably make the 100 yard dash in under 10 seconds!!!
Sometimes it amazes me how &/#$?!#
some people can be with wild animals...
Anyway such great shots, thanks for sharing you walk with the insane!!!

My Best~Marilyn

Deborah said...

When I was still in schoo, we went for a run round a lake, and had a HUGE swan chasing us. We had a lot of hassle getting past it - very, very angry!!! So no I'm not going to feed any swans anything!

Jan's camera said...

Holy cow! That swan is giant. And that woman is crazy to get that close. Those birds can be vicious. But they are so gorgeous. Funny post!

Genny said...

Oh my! Are you sure that's a swan and not a swan boat? LOL! It's the biggest bird I think I've ever seen next to a human. She obviously didn't have a clue how close she came to having her face nipped off. Great photos though!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

She was fortunate that the swan did not go after her. Geese and ducks can get pretty aggressive also - especially geese. I was on my way to an appointment few days ago and 2 long neck geese just strolled across the the road in front of me like they owned the road (private lake nearby). Could not get pics as had traffic behind me.
Have a great weekend.

Loree said...

I did not know swans could get so vicious. But then, the only swans we get here are usually on ornamental ponds.

Kerri Farley said...

Great captures! I didn't know until you last post that they weren't nice..... I have never been around them....but I'll be sure to steer clear if I am :)

Jayne said...

ACK! I'm surprised you weren't running to assist her in getting her arm from down the swan's throat! Silly girl!

Country Girl said...

My heart was in my throat when I opened this up. Those swans are vicious. You should never get that close!
And hey, I love your advertising. Go you!!

Pat said...

Holy Moley, Batman! Look at the size of that Swan!! Unbelievable! And the fact that the lady is FEEDING IT? Even more unbelievable! She is nucking futs as they say! Great capture!