Sunday, March 7, 2010

Phin Feet

Phin Feet

I love photographing Phin. He’s just too cute. Sometimes he even lets me scratch between his toes!
Sometimes . . .


Erin @ I Heart New England said...

Awww :) I love my cats little toes- I'm always kissing 'em♥

Kerri said...

Very Very cool shot! I LOVE THIS!

Chatelaine said...

I love kitty feet. The pads are so soft. I love to play with them.

A New England Life said...

Aren't cat toes the cutest? Of course most cats hate to have their feet touched but Phin doesn't mind to much.

I love when the pads are multicolored! Neither of my cats have that though. Both are solid colors.

Carolynn said...

Oh, I love that! I've been wanting to capture a similar shot of my girls, paws & tail. She has a real feather duster tail.