Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finally . . .

In all fairness the day I photographed the surfers I did see one guy surf in. Maybe two. It's probably one of those things where as soon I drove away it was a surfing frenzy. You know how that goes! Ha ha!

Down the street and just around the corner . . .

Over there on that rock wall in the background was where I was standing to photograph the surfers. If you look closely you should be able to spot couple other people standing up there as well.

I am amazed that no matter how rough the surf became (not very in this photo) the Gulls and Ducks just bobbed along like nothing was happening.
They're definitely sea worthy.

This week I'll be heading up to northern Vermont with my husband for an overnight business trip. He'll be working and I'll be out and about shooting. I can hardly wait! Hopefully I'll have some good things to show you when I get back. Where we'll be staying, Williston, VT., there are several Maple Sugarhouses in the area so I look forward to stopping by a couple. I'm going to try to get into Burlington also. Mostly I look forward to driving country roads and photographing whatever I find of interest.


Loree said...

Some nice action on the surf. You took some amazing shots.

The Retired One said...

How wonderful for you to be able to go on a trip and get new territory for photos. And, I have called my cousins twice because they have a Sugar Shack and I want to take photos of it so bad...they haven't called me back so I assume the syrup isn't yeilding enough yet for the shack to be humming.. I look so forward to your photos, Sharon! Have a great time!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Haha, now that the waves are a little more milder, they can finally ride 'em :p

You're so lucky to be visiting Vermont! I would absolutely love to take a trip up there now ♥

Erica Houskeeper said...

Surfers have such a great sense of adventure. I have a brother who lives in San Diego and learned to surf in his 30s. I don't think I have the nerve he has!

Anyway, I really love these shots.

Have a great time in VT this weekend! Burlington is a lot of fun, and this weekend is supposed to be nice and sunny for Maple Open House Weekend. Have fun!

Elaine said...

Lucky you. Vermont! Looking forward to seeing your smashing photos. Have a great time.

Laura said...

You gotta love surfing to get out in that water - even with a wetsuit! Have a great trip, Sharon. I know you'll have some wonderful pictures to share!

Kerri Farley said...

Hope you have lots of fun!

You captured the guys surfing fabulously!! WOW!

Cedar ... said...
