Saturday, March 27, 2010

Farnsworth Road

So, honey and I just returned from a very brief trip up to Williston, VT. He had to head up on business Thursday morning, work until 8:30 at night, then work most of the day Friday. I tagged along for the photographic opportunities.

Most of the time I wasn't really sure where I was going, so GPS came in handy. Especially when I wanted to get back from where ever I wandered off too! It's God's country up there!

The views are serene and breathtaking. Acres and acres of fields, old farms, breathtaking mountain views. Quite a few farms have sold their land for housing developments. Disappointing to see, but understandable.

Yes, there's snow up on the mountains.

I became so excited when ever I'd see this in the distance: barn vents and a silo. I know, it doesn't take much, does it.

Making it my mission to find as many farms as possible I some how forgot all about visiting Maple Sugar houses! You can best believe I'm kicking myself now!!!

Thursday saw temps in the 50's with an overcast sky. Not the best day for shooting but it's all I had to work with. At one time I would guess this was a thriving farm. Today it's worn out, ill kept, and overgrown. Many others I encountered had the similar facades. It's no wonder they've sold out.

Still, it makes for a wonderful photograph


Anonymous said...

Hubby interviewed in Burlington, VT in 2006. We were excited about the possibility of living there but the job offer did not come through, hence.... we ended up in Virginia instead. BUT, Vermont was really beautiful and I can see why you enjoyed photographing it even if it was cloudy. Great shots, Sharon!


Country Girl said...

Sharon, wow! Through the car window, no less. These are beautiful. What a great ride.

Susan said...

I love Vermont. Would like to explore Arlington more. We also stayed at the White House Inn once, and it was a great experience. It's sad about the dilapitated farms, isn't it, Sharon? I feel sad for the farmers. Take care and thanks for the post. Sincerely, Susan

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great photos - I really like the first one. Many old farms deteriorating in the MidSouth also - guess it is everywhere.
Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you went up and over. That is sort of my old Universty stomping grounds.

Laura said...

I'll bet that barn was bright red at one point, Sharon! Lovely pictures, as usual!

The Gathering Place said...

I have always wanted to travel through Vermont. I think it has so much charm and interest. I like the old barns!

Anonymous said...

My dream vacation is to Vermont! Just to drive, take photos and explore. Wow, you are one lucky lady.
As for the farms, it is quite sad that our family farms are becoming a thing of the past. Where oh where will our food come from when they are no more?

My name is Riet said...

Another serie of beautiful photo's. Vermont is so to see a beautiful country. Lucky you.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Beautiful photos, although it's such a shame that so many farms are being sold to developments. Long Island, where I'm from, is the "Queen" of doing that.

Eve said...

Wow Sharon...Just beautiful! With views like that who need to visit the sugar shack!!!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That first photo of the mountains is so pretty.

Judy said...

I love that first view of the mountains! I honestly did not think of snow! I thought it was all just distance!
And I also love the vine growing up the side of the silo! That really tells you the farm is no longer being actively used!

The Retired One said...

Love that huge old barn and silo...and look at that woodpile!
I got in touch with my cousin and he says they are going to run the Sugar Shack, but it started and then stopped (the sap) because of our crazy weather being warm, cold...etc.
They hope it will start up again next week, so I still have hopes to get some photos there.

Deborah said...

Very lovely photographs. It's a beautiful building and the wear and tear makes it even more so - if not else at least in photos :)

Dawn Fine said...

Great photos on a Gray day..
Be careful, those GPS thingys can lead you astray!

MaggieGem said...

Wonderful shots as usual! It's sad to see the family farms disappear, but they simply cannot compete in today's world and it's so much work!

Pat said...

I love old barns and these have a lot of character! Great shots!