Friday, March 5, 2010

Eastern Point Lighthouse: Part 1

And so we go back to Gloucester. I have so many photos from the afternoon my daughter and I spent there, I hope you won't mind me showing you a whole lot more!

Some of the photos in this post are mine and some are from my daughters camera, like the one below.

Elise thought it would be funny to take a photo of the map. I'm glad she did! Eastern Point is at the very bottom of the photo by Niles Pond and Brace Rock.

Off to the side of the parking lot the Crows were looking for food amongst the rocks. Seemed a bit unusual to me but food is food, and it was cold!

Looking back towards the parking lot from the base of the lighthouse: I was amazed and saddened by how much trash was on the beach. It was everywhere. What are people thinking? Jay, from Cape Ann Images, tells me there is a big clean up in the Spring. Thank goodness!

Elise kept turning around and photographing me the whole way up the path. LOL! Unfortunately she had somehow put a big fingerprint smudge on her lens causing all her photos from Eastern Point to be blurry. To compensate I added a texture to kind of make it look like it's supposed to be blurry ; )

And yeah, my hair was sticking straight up most of the time from the wind!

Gotcha Elise!

So nice to be able to get up close to this beautiful lighthouse.

And then some kid obviously carved his initials and the year above.

Turn around and this is the view . . .

1/2 mile long Dogbar Breakwater

Do you feel like you were there right along with us? Was your hair blowing in the wind too?

More to come!


Ellen said...

I love your blog. I always enjoy the fabulous pictures you share. I really appreciate your talent! Thanks so much for sharing. Ellen

A New England Life said...

Thank you Ellen! Thats very kind of you to say. I appreciate your comment : )


Susan said...

I definitely felt I was along on the trip, Sharon! Also, Gloucester is one of my favorite places to go. So picturesque and you captured it perfectly. The only thing I missed was chowing down a succulent lobster roll! Thanks for sharing. Sincerely, Susan from

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Wow - Loved seeing the photos taken by you and Elise. Kinda like a mini vacation. Thanks so much for sharing with us. As far as those that just throw their trash "where ever" - Don't get me started. :(
Enjoy your weekend.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Beautiful pictures (aside from the litter; that's a shame.)

Jay Albert said...

Great shots again Sharon & Elise too! That trash comes in from all over, all over the world! My brother-in-law grew up in that lighthouse. His dad was in the Coast Guard. In the summer many go out on the breakwater to fish and it's a great walk out to the end when the weather is warmer.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful country you live in. It was a good idea to take a picture of the map. so we can see where you two were. Beautiful pictures also by Elise.

Anonymous said...

How great that Elise enjoys photography too! Nice to have a few things in common with a daughter.

As for the trash, I was noticing a lot of trash around Roanoke's city roadways yesterday as I travelled across town. Sure didn't see all that when I was growing up. Such an eye sore.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Elaine said...

Bet it was really cold that day. The wind can go right through you by the ocean. Best warm up is a nice cup of clam chowder.

Your photos are amazing and how cool that your daughter is interested in photography too. Another wonderful mother/daughter day trip.

Jayne said...

So sad about all the trash... hope there is a successful clean up. It's always so sad to see how people seem to have such disregard.

Love all the photos you all took together and of each other!

Anonymous said...

Today is our younger daughter's birthday and as always she sent us flowers thanking us for 38 years.

She is a sweetheart.

PS, I like your low tech Mapquest map.

Thanx for the photos, we love Gloucester also.

Especially the whale watches, never get tired of a boat ride.

Laura said...

It's so much fun to see all the beauty in your area, Sharon! It is so different from Kentucky! And seeing you in that coat made me feel that cold wind!

Frugal Canner said...

Your pictures are beautiful and bring back so many memories. I love checking your blog and seeing what you have posted.

Karin said...

Thanks for letting me come along on your outing! Hate seeing the trash that washes ashore from everywhere! I'll never understand why anyone does that! You both took gorgeous photos! I have a special love for lighthouses! Thanks!

The Retired One said...

These are AWESOME, Sharon...what a fantastic place.
The map shows water,water...everywhere..I would LOVE it there.
Another place to put on my 'wish list' of pictures to take. ha

Anonymous said...

You did go out on Dogbar Breakwater didn't you?

Mary said...

Wow, these are beautiful, Sharon! What a great place to take pictures. I'm thinking it must have been pretty cold, though. But oh so beautiful!

Cedar ... said...

Great lighthouse shots!

Pat said...

I felt I was along for the trip! In fact, I'm wrapped up in a blanket while I type this! Yep! It's cold and rainy here in AZ today!

I absolutely HATE when I see carvings in a precious historic place. When we visited Versailles there was a gazebo made of marble and stone and it was FULL of initials! It just sickened me. And DITTO on the littering!

Eve said...

Sharon! Where have I been!! These photos are wonderful and so familiar!! Did you run into Steve out on the Dogbar!!! I would know this place in an instant! You are just a cutie aren't you! It looks so cold!