Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Rosy Outlook

Heart of a woman

Beauty speaks to those who choose to listen



*more Mosaic Monday posts at Mary’s Little Red House 


Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

This is absolutely lovely.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Wow! You have outdone yourself! :-) I did not know you had another blog! I need to take a look around.

jeanne said...

beautiful colors and I love your post production work.

Sherry said...

That is gorgeous! Really neat.
Win Rachael Ray bake ware at my blog.

Stine in Ontario said...

Very, very nice mosaic. Looks like it could be full of memories.

Lana G! said...

Oh this is fabulous!

Coffeedoff said...

Just beautiful!

Ingalill said...

So beautiful! Love roses :)

Laurie said...

This mosaic reminds me why i love roses - you have brought out their beauty in such a unique way.

Snap said...

I do love roses. Happy Mosaic Monday! Gorgeous!

Carol said...

Gorgeous! Come visit for my give-away!

Mary Lou Rutledge said...

A Rose is a Rose and this is a rose but this is absolutely beautiful....

kim said...

Love it!!

Erin @ I Heart New England said...

Love this!

ellen b said...

Ahh that is just gorgeous!

Lenore said...

Wow, that is an absolutely gorgeous mosaic....I think it's my favorite so far.

A Garden of Threads said...

Beautiful!!! Have a great day.

Marsha's Mpressions said...


Michelle @ Sweet Something said...

What color!! Wonderful mosaic!!

BailiwickStudio said...

Such lovely roses! ::Jill

BailiwickStudio said...

Such lovely roses! ::Jill

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Just Gorgeous Mosaic!
Love your blog header picture also.
Darryl and Ruth : )

Regina said...

Wow such gorgeous mosaic.
Lovely blog.

32˙North said...

So well done - it looks like it could be used as a book or album cover...


Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Such a pretty mosiac. Valerie

Maggie said...

Beautiful rose mosaic. !! I love the photo processing and the colors. Our roses are no where near ready to bloom.

Vonda said...

This is beautiful. My mosaics all have the same format. Have you given a tutorial on how yours is so unique?

A New England Life said...

Honestly I wasn't so sure I cared for this mosaic so it's nice to hear so many other viewers liked it! Sometimes I'm too critical of myself.

Vonda, I made the mosaic in photoshop. I started with a base photo and then started layering other photo's over the top. If you have photoshop and would like some information please email me.

Gayle @ Mountain Mom said...

Oh, I love this quote. Goes along with a book I am reading on creativity. Lovely mosaic!

Meri said...

Your blog is lovely. Love the background behind your mosaic -- a good way to tie it together.

Deb said...

One of the loveliest mosaics I've ever seen ♥

Cass @ That Old House said...

Oh my goodness, this is a stunning mosaic! It looks like ... hm, don't know what to compare it to, but it's gorgeous and painterly and very creative. Wonderful!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Beautiful art.

Mary said...

Oh Sharon, this is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your talents at MM. :)