Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snowy day in Exeter

This post is a continuum of my other recent Exeter posts, Stillness and String Bridge views on a Winters day.

Downtown Exeter looking towards the Town Hall (center) and the Inn by the Bandstand on the left

It seems an appropriate post since we're due to get 4"-8" of snow today. I'll believe it when I see it. School has already been cancelled and we haven't even seen a flake yet. In fact when I looked out the window a few minutes ago I could still see blue sky!

Turning around and looking the other way towards Loaf and Ladle

The girls are happy though because it means they can sleep in.

Outside the Loaf and Ladle, a well known and frequented sandwich shop

All I know is that it better look like this by the end of the day!

A view of the Exeter river and String Bridge waaaay down there in the center of the photo.


Gayle said...

Your blog(s) are such a daily treat. Thank you. I so enjoy seeing your neck of the woods year-round. I loved Exeter when I was there (in the summer). Friends moved there some years ago and you give me a peep at their lives. Your photography is exquisite.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

LOL. You can have the snow we got Sunday and the snow we're getting right now. Whew! Old Man Winter is wearing me out down here. Where is my sun????

Finegan Antiques said...

Beautiful photos. You will probably need to repost these pictures in mid July when our memory has faded and we are all complaining about the horrid heat and humidity. Right now I need a cup of HOT coffee.


Sea Witch said...

Love your snow photos. See, the snow looks good against a New England backdrop. Here in the south, the snow just looks out of place. I also posted photos of our big snow that crippled the city for a few days. The photo ops were fun until they melted away the following day. Sea Witch

PinkCat said...

Such lovely snowy photos. I just can't believe you're due more today. It's been grey, rainy and bleugh in London since Friday. I think we're in need of some proper weather - either full on sun or 6 inches of snow!

I'm off work today due to illness and your pictures of Exeter have cheered me up no end. I was so excited to see the Inn By The Bandstand and can't wait to grab a snack at Loaf and Ladle! x

Lorac said...

What child doesn't love a snow day! I have never heard of canceling buses the day before a storm. Here they are canceled if the weather is really bad in the morning only.

The Curious Cat said...

sigh...big fat sigh...

Laura said...

Stop on by, Sharon. I'll hand you a shovel!

Beth at Aunties said...

What a treat it is each time I peak at your blog. You provide beautiful eye candy of the area you live in. Beautiful pictures.
What they cancelled and the snow hadn't started? I can't remember when they closed schools here! VA sure has had their whopping share of unexpected snow.
Our son, Stephen was out in his truck digging many of his inexpereinced neighbors out.:)
Enjoy a safe and enjoyable week!

Anonymous said...

Love the yellow paint on the buildings. Just the perfect shade of yellow.

We were supposed to get snow here in Roanoke yesterday but it barely flurried. The kids here were out of school too, all for nothing.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Eve said...

Well I'M GETTING SNOW SHARON!!! Hope you get yours...I'll be happy to send mine!

My name is Riet said...

What beautiful photo's again Sharon. You could make picture postcards of them. Lots of snow still at your place. Enjoy.

Cedar ... said...

Wow,... and here in the Adirondacks we have bare ground in places. The coming storm will give us a whopping 1-3"... We'll need some snow before spring to prevent dry woods and forest fires in summer.

In-joy-in My Life said...

Oh the photos are so beautiful. I remember when I lived in California and would see these types of photos and only dream. Then we moved to Missouri and now I can only dream of vacationing in California during the winter. But, I do love it though, after all, I was fifty years old before I saw snow fall for the first time. Thanks again, the photos are lovely. Ellen

Pat said...

These are all so beautiful captures. I especially like the angle of the shot of the tavern. Nice job!

Funny you wanting snow and other parts of the nation are sick of it!

Judy said...

wonderful photos, as ever!! my fav is the first one of that delicious yellow bldg, with the old fashioned street light and the snow in the tree!!!

Frances said...

Your town is lovely. I think the tourism department should add your blog to their webpage.

I so want to move there!!!!

Cindy said...

Snow days are so much fun! Funny I just got back from Exeter to Portsmouth. Got some great pictures in downtown today. I forgot how beautiful Exeter was. I love all the old homes.

CD said...

Lovely lovely photos.

Susan Higgins said...

You make me want to move to Exeter with your photos... beautiful!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Love the pictures. Is it snowing yet? :)

The Retired One said...

I loved all of these photos..the town looks charming!

Donna McNicol said...

What a treat! I graduated from Exeter High in 1965. Downtown still looks pretty much the same. I worked in the old Woolworth's, near the end of the brick building in the first photo. Thanks for the memories!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Wow, what a beautiful town!

Country Girl said...

What gorgeous photos from a life lived in New England. Yes, I really hope that day off was fruitful! (Meaning some decent snow).

Erica Houskeeper said...

These are so nice. What a beautiful town!

Betty said...

Lovely snow pictures.I like the yellow building and there menu sounds like something I would like.
♥♥ Hugs ♥♥

Elaine said...

I think it might look like that by the end of the day. It looks like we have quite a bit right now but hard to tell with the darkness.

I still have to make the trip to Exeter. I am loving all your photos of that area.

Julie Harward said...

I love visiting here...it's always so beautiful and so peaceful! I haven't been there in years but wish I could come visit! Come say hi :D

Loree said...

It looks so pretty and peaceful.

Jayne said...

It has certainly been a snowy year thus far. The views of the town are just beautiful with the snow and blue skies.

Rural Rambler said...

Beautiful New England Sharon, shot from your wonderful perspective! Lovely composed pictures. I WANT to sit down at a table in the Loaf and Ladle and order an egg salad and a slice of Pee-cahn PIE.

clairz said...

What a wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. We used to love to go to Exeter when we lived in New Hampshire, and I have the Loaf and Ladle cookbook on my kitchen counter right now.

Unknown said...

Wow, you have really captured the winter light Sharon. Beautiful.

Shelley said...

Okay - I think I said "wow" about 10 times while looking at these photos! Fantastic! And it looks like the kind of downtown I would like to wander around and check out the shops. Beautiful!

A New England Life said...

Isn't Exeter such a pretty town? The girls and I just love it. Such a safe little town too.

Don't worry, the snow can't last much longer. After all March is coming! Daffodils and Tulips will be coming up soon!

Donna aka Froggy, that's pretty cool that you worked in the old Woolworths! Needless to say it's been closed for many a moons.


Luzia said...

Wonderful snowy impressions from Exeter! Greetings from Luzia (Germany)

Country Girl said...

Came back just to see these beautiful snow photos again.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

oh my..lovely..and that yellow house with the white picket fence....aahhhhhh

and that lamp post and Tavern sign...aaahhhhh again

love all of it..as always


Kerri Farley said...

Fabulous shots Sharon! LOVE LOVE LOVE the one with the streetlamp in front of the sandwich shop!