Sunday, September 13, 2009

Motif #1, Rockport MA

It's not to often my husband and I get a weekday off together without prior commitments but this past Tuesday we finally succeeded. Rockport, MA was our destination.
Being that I had never been to Rockport I knew there was one thing I had to see first, the 'old' fishing shack: Motif #1. Once you arrive it doesn't take long to find it either. Standing on the main street in town, Mt. Pleasant Street, this is the view looking down T Wharf:

The town has done all it can to keep the view unobstructed from overhead wires. They know Motif #1 is their goldmine to help keep tourists coming back again and again.

And there it is, photographed, painted, and sketched a million times over. My images aren't great ... the sky was mildly overcast, reflections are poor, and as usual I didn't have a lot of time to work with, but I did what I could with what I had.

This gull was honking up a storm with some other gull in the harbor. I don't know what he's complaining about, after all he lives in Rockport!

After 80+ years the original Motif #1 was destroyed during the Blizzard of '78 (photo) and rebuilt in '79. I'm not fond of the newness but whatcha gonna do. It's still very attractive.
Those of you who are native New Englander's will surely remember the blizzard. I was 14 at the time and still remember driving along the coast of NH and seeing terrible devastation to ocean front homes.

Another artist doing his thing. This photo also looks back towards the main part of town where I took the first photo.

Looking over the inner harbor with the Motif just to the left.
I'll have a little more Rockport in my next post.


Anonymous said...

So jealous of the area you live in. We have to drive for hours to see water like that. A few lakes here and rivers, but nothing to compare to your area.


Phyllis said...

What a pretty little place Rockport is. I was fortunate enough to visit there once many, many years ago.

Mary said...

Baltimore had a blizzard in 1978 also. I wonder if it was the same storm... I have pictures.

Sharon, you really have an eye for landscapes. I'm amazed.


Becky Brocato said...

so beautiful and peaceful. i love visiting your blog to see your lovely photos each day.

Elaine said...

Lucky girl! I need one more trip to Rockport before the Winter sets in.
It is a special place, great shots.

Looking forward to more of your Rockport photos.

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful pictures you made again.Beautiful harbour. So nice and peaceful.

Cedar ... said...

I've never been to Rockport,... looks like a "must-do!" You got some fine shots.

Jayne said...

It's so neat to see an icon like that which is so known in that part of the country. A shame the original was destroyed, but it looks like they tried to recreate something very close.

Jay Albert said...

The original "Motif" had several dips in the roof,it had character that way! It took a biblical storm to fix the roof!

Donna said...

Beautiful photos, Sharon! I just love visiting Rockport. Doubt I'll get there again before winter sets in, but you never know... I updated my post with a little more info regarding the stairs that you commented on... Have a wonderful day!... Donna

Beth at Aunties said...

I love the places you take me! I hope you had a wonderful time together in this picturesque place of such peaceful surroundings. Your pictures are always so beautiful. Someday I hope I ahve the time to learn more about how to take fabulous pictures like you do, Sharon.
How is your budding little photographer coming along? I will never forget the one she staged for a school assignment using her bed:)

Stephen Loucka said...

Great pictures. I was in Rockport on Sunday also.. hadn't been there in over 20 years. It brought back very good memories.

Eve said...

These are great Sharon. I love the Great Black-backed Gull!! Very good!!

The Retired One said...

These were awesome! No need to apologize for not perfect pictures..they sure looked perfect to ME!!!

Country Girl said...

I think these are just beautiful, Sharon. Love that you added the link to the old story. Wow!

Stepping said...

Every time I come to your post I write down another place I want to see when/if I get to come to that part of the country next year. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a pretty place - thanks again for sharing your wonderful photos.

Unknown said...

Very cool Sharon! That is utterly and totally paintable. I can see why so many people have photographed and painted it over the years! I'm checkin out the rail lines now....

Donna said...

I just love your photography. If you had a book, I'd buy it. I like how you caught that gull in mid-honk!

Yolanda said...

These photos are so pretty. I love them all. Wish I was there.

Dawn Fine said...

Great captures Sharon!
I love your photo of the stands out beautiful against the blue grays!
Yeah..what was that gull complaining about!Cute!

Norma said...

Wonderful photos. My husband just did a painting of it from a photo I took in 1977 with my little instamatic.