Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Circle Game

Seeing this full blown orange tree last week really took me by surprise, but there are many trees on the seacoast starting to show an autumnal hue, most are a little more subtle about it though. The cold nights we're having are making for good sleeping and a pretty view.

I drive past this little pond quite often and always hope to see a Heron sitting on the dam. It appears this is a good pond to look at, but not a good pond to eat at.

Wouldn't a Heron look perfect sitting on that dock over there too? Those look like fish bubbles in the water to me!

I can't help but mourn summer just a bit, 90 degree days and all *sigh* but time marches on and all we can do is try to keep up. In the mean time I'll enjoy all the wonderful colors, sights and smells that Autumn has to offer. My friend Nancy will be visiting from Texas in a few weeks and we will definitely be having fresh apple pie!

And the seasons they go 'round and 'round

and the painted ponies go up and down

We're captive on the carousel of time

We can't return we can only look behind

From where we came

And go round and round and round

In the circle game

~ Joni Mitchell


Anonymous said...

Even with the fish bubbles, that pond still looks like glass.

I think we may have an early fall here also, but I am completely ready for it.


Sandy@American Way Farm said...

Summer is so short in New Hampshire, particularly here in the north country. It just makes the lazy days of summer all the more precious. Autumn brings a flurry of activity in preparation for the long winter. Great picture of the pond, the water looks so still.

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful pictures of the pond and the orange tree.
Have a nice day

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have seen a few of those trees also. Kind of a foreshadowing of what is to come.
I used to sing that song to my daughters when they were little.

Jayne said...

I don't know... by the time it's time for the seasons to change, I am ready to embrace it. How lovely to see that orange tree reflected so beautifully in the water. :c)

Valerie said...

Gorgeous as usual!

Dan Huber said...

What a great picture with the reflection - and i havebeen surprised as well how early trees seem to be turning too -but it has been cool i guess too


Anonymous said...

When I fist moved out of New England and wound up in LA, I missed the changing of the seasons. Fall is really a magical time in New England. However as we get older, they pass much more quickly, or so it seems.

Last week, I too was stunned to see that shots I took looking across the harbor in Gloucester had hints of orange trees in them!

Even without the heron, this is a mighty fine image.

Phyllis said...

My red maples are beginning to show some color as well. I just love fall!

Under A Shady Tree said...

I saw a tree in full Fall splendor yesterday and almost drove off of the road! Beautiful photos, as usual.

Michelle said...

Wow thats a beautiful picture.

Cedar ... said...

When I saw the title of your post i thought of the song,.. Buffy St.Marie's version is the one that I know. But you beat me to it, really tells the story, doesn't it?

Becky said...

With the fall comes the county fairs which I used to go to up your way. Beautiful orange!

Mary said...

Yes, it seems like the trees have started to turn almost overnight here in NJ, too. Lovely spot, Sharon!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a pretty scene. Trees are not turning here just yet.

Cindy said...

Very beautiful pond, trees and the reflection is gorgeous. I think those are fish bubbles too. I can't wait until Fall. I won't miss the 90+ hot Florida weather.

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos! i love the new england states. i'm a bit jelous!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Where did the lazy days of summer go? oh thats right we never had any.Beautiful photos Sharon.

Shelley said...

I could look at that water forever!! Beautiful captures! And I am definitely ready for fall!

Elaine said...

Nice shots. No real signs of Autumn around here yet. I can't wait!

Love that song Circle Game. I even have it on my blog playlist.

Have a great weekend,

Pear tree cottage! said...

I joined your followers this evening because you live in a part of the world that touches my heart! truly......good wishes to you from Australia.


Donna said...

Love Joni Mitchell... Perfect lyrics to accompany your beautiful photos. I've also noticed a few brilliant oranges in our area. It seems too soon for autumn. I still don't feel like we had summer... well, maybe a couple of weeks of summer, but it was pretty darn short! Enjoy your company!... Donna

Mary said...

Sharon, your images are gorgeous. You must be surrounded by water. Love it!

I know what you mean about seeing tiny preludes to Autumn. I was noticing some goldens and reds today also. I love summer.


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Such an early achiever, that little tree.

Unknown said...

LOL, I was just going to say the trees are getting ready for my visit! : ) Can't wait. Gosh, I need to start packing like - soon!!!

Eve said...

We've got leaves changing here in Alabama too Sharon.
These photos are stunning!

The Retired One said...

Such a beautiful pond/dam. I would LOVE to see a blue heron anywhere and there would be a perfect spot.
Wonderful shots! Loved them.

Country Girl said...

Simply gorgeous.

JJS said...

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Laura said...

Nancy is visiting you? NO FAIR! You all will have so much fun - eat some pie for me!

Dawn Fine said...

Yeah...someone else said it..The water looks like glass..
it also could be a big mirror..
Just beautiful!
Love that song..makes me sad though...