Monday, August 24, 2009

Morning sunrise pre-Hurricane Bill

Ahead of Hurricane Bill we had some pretty heavy rain with tornado warnings Friday evening.

These photos were taken Saturday morning around 6:00 AM. Rain water still lay heavy on the plants, the fog was thick across local fields, you could cut the humidity with a knife, and the most outer first bands of the hurricane can clearly be seen in the sky.

It was one of the prettiest mornings I've seen in a long time


Kerri Farley said...

Oh captured this wonderfully! Nature can bring some harsh times, but with it beauty too!

Elaine said...

Very beautiful Sharon. It was pretty nasty wasn't it? And that humidity was horrible!

Anonymous said...

What a glorious morning! I really miss New England! I went to grad school in New Hampshire. Oh how I miss the beautiful scenery! Great pics!

Donna Marie

The Retired One said...

I loved the second, misty picture.

Dawn Fine said...

Oh Wow! Nice Captures, Sharon.
Like the seed heads against the sky.

Carolynn Anctil said...

Beautiful images. Aren't you a teensy bit concerned about the impending storm?

I was in Fiji many years ago when the island was struck by a hurricane. It was incredibly destructive and what was tropical forest in the evening, by morning had been reduced to a lake of waist high muddy water.

Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Have not seen skies like that since Hurricane Isabel in Maryland in 2003. The bands are rather lovely, aren't they? And what a nice sunrise you shot.

Snappy Di

Bernie said...

Lovely.....:-) Hugs

Hula Girl at Heart said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, real nice. It was worth getting up for.

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Pre-hurricane weather is always so beautiful -- and then the power, chaos, and, unfortunately, destruction. As a kid growing up in NH and Maine, I remember the excitement that came with pending hurricanes, the odd feeling in the air, the false calming effect of the eye when you had to keep telling yourself that what you thought was real (hurricane over) was not real at all! It was a good lesson for later life!! Enjoy!

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful skies. Good the hurricane passed your door.

Dog Trot Farm said...

I guess I need to get my a** out of bed ealier, look what I am missing. Just beautiful!

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

Beautiful pictures. All we got up here was a bit of rain.

Sea Witch said...

Powerful photos. You have really capatured the calm before the storm. Sea Witch

Unknown said...

Beautiful Sharon! My hair started frizzing up just looking at these. ; )

Shelley said...

The skies look so endless and beautiful in these photos!!!

Cindy said...

Beautiful, Sharon!

Eve said...

I've had a lot of beautiful sunrises in the past, but I dont get to see them living in the woods now. Thanks for sharing this beautiful on for all to see Sharon!

MaggieGem said...

Great capture! Just goes to show the wonder that is nature!

Country Girl said...




Sharon, these are gorgeous!!!

Cindy said...

Wow, those are gorgeous!! I hope Bill doesn't affect you guys too much. We are so glad it skipped us, but I hate that it will be affecting others. Where ever it goes stay safe.

Jayne said...

So glad that storm stayed out in the Atlantic. It was gargantuan! Beautiful skies. :c)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Sharon. You inspire me to try taking better pictures! Keep them comming!


Becky said...

Despite the hurricane, that is one glorious sunrise. Being in Florida during hurricane season June 1 to Nov 1 we see the calm before the storm too often. Just beautiful!

Phyllis said...

Isn't it just amazing when you can see the fronts rolling in!

MaineBirder said...

Awesome photos and composition Sharon!

The tornado warnings were sure scary! One touched down in western Maine. It was 700 yards wide and was on the ground for 16 miles.

BPOTW said...

Those are some great photos! Impressive!

A New England Life said...

Glad so many of you enjoyed the morning photos! These were some of my favorite shots ever. They also made me think about how many mornings I've missed such beauty by sleeping in or not getting out in my car and investigating. Does anyone else wonder the same thing?

Luckily mornings come pretty easy to me as I get older.


Judy said...

Hi, Sharon,
I came to visit from Watery Wednesday, and I have had to scroll through all your posts twice before deciding where to start commenting! I think my favourite of all the photos has got to be the Queen Anne's lace in the sunrise!!!!!! It is simply glorious!!

My younger daughter in Newfoundland said Bill was anticlimactic by the time he got there.