Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Big Dog Show

My mother in-law had given me a heads up about The Big Dog Show coming to Portsmouth so we had to make the trip to see what it was all about!

Anyone who lives in the seacoast area and has driven down 495 would immediately recognize these dogs. There's a 16' version of one on the side of the road in Haverhill, MA. These dogs on display are half that size at 8' tall.

We thought this was pretty funny : )

The Big Dog Show is on a 6 city tour. Previously in Haverhill, MA, Dale Rogers and his dogs left Portsmouth on the 19th and can now be found in Ogunquit, ME through August 25. From there he's onto Newburyport, MA, Beverly, MA, and finally Lowell, MA.

Water Dog

In this photo Dale unbolting one of the dogs from the ground in preparation to move it. To avoid ruining the grass, due to the heat, he moved all twenty (20!!!) of dogs twice a day. When I took these photos it wasn't even noon time yet and it was almost 90 degree's. The humidity was coming on strong too. This is a man who is passionate about his dogs (and his work)!

If you get the chance and you're in the area, stop by and visit him! Dale is a very nice guy who will tell you all you ever wanted to know about these incredible creations. If your not from the area, check out his website:

The Big Dog Show



Country Girl said...

And a Big WOOF right back atcha!

I can't believe he moved all those dogs twice a day. But you know those artist types. Ha!

Laura said...

Woof woof and isn't that hilarious! I love it!

The Retired One said...

They are unique and different! But I don't think I would go anywhere in 90 degree heat to see them in person. ha

Bernie said...

I've never seen anything like this before, WOW!
That poor man, in all that heat, I do think he needs a helper or maybe a life!!!! Thanks for sharing
Sharon, I loved the photo you took through one dog to another.
Have a great day.....:-) Hugs

Carolynn Anctil said...

I have to admit I was hoping to see the big Furry kind, however, these are quite fun.

Not only does Dale sound like he loves his dogs & his work, but he's conscientious, as well.

mormar said...

Love it! You always show the Best Of New England.

My name is Riet said...

These dogs are hugh. I have been trying to figure out your feet and my centimeters. Very special . You need a large park to show them.

Anonymous said...

What a dedicated soul he is. And he must have a marvelous sense of humor as well to have created so many large puppy dogs.

Snappy Di

~Kristen~ said...

I have never heard of this before but now I am excited to see it in person! I work in Beverly and live close by so this is perfect! thanks for sharing!

2 Dogs said...

These big dogs are too cool!

I will continue to let John take Pup out at night. :-)

Thankfully we don't have bears around too often. I did go out one night (our previous house) and I heard a bear running across the backyard. It was so dark I couldn't see anything but I could hear it's feet pounding on the ground and heard it grunting. I went flying back into the house in less than a second. My heart was in my throat. I've never heard anything as frightening as that in my entire life!!!!!

Caroline said...

I think I will have to check this exhibit out. It looks really fun. Thanks for sharing.

Jayne said...

How fun!

Dawn Fine said...

Woof Woof...
Nice doggie show!
But beware...I see one ate a canoer already..YIkes!
Great captures Sharon.

Sandy@American Way Farm said...

That sign is pretty funny. And moving those dogs twice a day gives a new meaning to taking the dogs for a walk!

Cindy said...

Those dogs are so cool looking and big. Love the sign too.

Becky said...

Any pugs by chance? We have giant swans all around Lakeland and they are gorgeously decorated. Maybe his dogs should meet our swans. I like these big dogs!

Andrea said...

What an incredible amount of work to move them TWICE a DAY!?!?!?

Judy said...

What wonderful works of art!! I love the way they each have a dog bone shaped hole in the body, and the way you have used those holes to frame shots!!!

Janet Egan said...

For months before the show he had them lined up in his driveway looking like one very thick Big Dog. They were visible from Rt. 125 as you headed toward North Andover after getting off 495 at the exit with the original Big Dog.