Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Morning Sunrise continued

A few more images from this past Saturday morning.

As I stood there shooting the incredible sunrise in my previous post I was startled by the sudden sight and sound of two flocks of Geese flying in from the right.

In the above shot you can see one group in the middle and another on the lower left getting ready to land. It's the first time I've seen Canadian Geese flying in formation since last Spring. It was thrilling, yet my heart sank a bit at the same time. I'm not ready to let go of Summer quite yet.

And just across the street is another wonderful field with the best sunsets around! A 200 acre field which hopefully will become conservation land (instead of a housing development) in the next few years if all goes as planned.

On this morning there was big, deep, thick, layered fog filling up the dips and valleys. Something I can't recall seeing in quite some time.

I wonder what it would be like to walk down into the fog? Do you think it's scary? Within a short few minutes it was already starting to dissipate.


Anonymous said...

We have had numerous foggy mornings this month. Rumor has it that if there are lots of foggy mornings in the month of August that there will be just as many snows in January..... we shall see.

Your foggy photos are so nice!

Snappy Di

Laura said...

Those fog shots are so cool, Sharon! You've got to get up earlier than I do to see that! LOL!

Jayne said...

Gorgeous photos Sharon!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh these are fantastic Sharon! I LOVE to hear the geese flying over...what a wonderful sound!

Anne said...

I love the fog shots! Doesn't seem scary to me at all -- but I would love to wander down there and pretend I'm in a gothic novel! =)


Cindy said...

Wow Sharon, lucky you. I haven't seen any flocks of anything. As for fog I haven't seen it in forever. Beautiful shots.

You never know what's waiting for you in the fog! I'll wait here!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon,

You shots are so lovely! I need a camera like yours... and your fantastic views... and your talent too! (LOL)

Donna Marie

Kim said...

Stunning shots as always Sharon! All of your pictures capture the true essence of New England!

FAB said...

All beautiful shots Sharon. Love to watch the mist / fog lift to unveil a new day. We have also just started to hear & see small groups of Canada Geese fly over every morning..a definite sign that Autumn is on its way.

Rita said...


Cindy said...

Love the fog pictures. Such beautiful landscape

Country Girl said...

I don't think it's scary. It's beautiful. When you're in it, it just drifts by and feels good.

Your photos are gorgeous, as always.

Phyllis said...

Gorgeous photos as usual, but these are really my cup of tea. Canada Geese are one of my favorite creatures on the entire planet! "Ours" don't migrate and stay around all year. And I love paintings of fog, so your last pic is wonderful to me.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of "Sleepy Hollow-ish".

Mary said...

Sharon, your photography is simply amazing! I am so glad that I have found your blog (via your comment on Nancy Medina's). As a landscape painter, I truly appreciate your sense of composition, your eye, and your obvious passion for natural beauty and ability to share it--also your technical expertise, which I probably have too little knowledge myself to fully appreciate.

Balisha said...

I love your foggy pictures...

Shelley said...

I loved seeing the geese dot the sky in that one photo! Your fog pics were fantastic too!!

Cedar ... said...

Beautiful shots, love the fog. Geese are here too, a flock rested for three days in a field below my house. They were gone yesterday, headed farther south, I guess. I'm not ready to let go, either!

Dan Huber said...

wonderful sky colors, and nice capture of the mist


Hula Girl at Heart said...

Love the fog pictures! I too, am not ready to let go of summer, and yet the signs of fall are creeping up on me. Sigh.

MaineBirder said...

I just love these photos Sharon! feels like I am there!

The Retired One said...

LOVE these misty morning pictures. You should blow them up and frame them!!
I heard my first flock of geese go over just this weekend too...and got the same feeling...TOO SOON!!

Dog Trot Farm said...

All signs of fall, FALL!!!!!!!!!can it be!

Unknown said...

Very nice shots! Great work!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos! I'm so happy to find another New England blogger!

Susan Moorhead said...

Gorgeous! Love the mysterious mist and what happy timing with the geese.

Mary said...

Oh Sharon, these are gorgeous!!!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Finally, a blogger from New England!

Mary said...

Ahhhh! I can't count the number of times I drove by low lying fog and thought, "I should be a picture of that...". Thanks! You did it! I love the photos! Now I'm inspired.


Judy said...

Great shots of the geese!! But I love the fog!!! I do not think it is scary at all; in fact I think it would be peaceful. I will have to ask daughter in Nfld, since they have a LOT of fog there.
Now that I have commented on every post on the page, I will go and ass you to my favourites so I can come again!

Evelyn said...

Ah, Sharon, these morning fog shots are absolutely gorgeous! I've been SO busy that I'm catching up on my blog-watching! I have really missed some beauties!

Oh, and never fear, I will DEFINITELY keep my distance from Milk Island!

Donna said...

Absolutely stunning!

Dawn Fine said...

Howdee! Its so nice to catch up on your blog! I am loving all your new photos..
Love this series...mist hanging low..
great shots Sharon!