Saturday, September 5, 2009

A perfect Saturday morning in New England

A perfect weekend morning is dropping my daughter off at work early and heading for the coast in hopes of capturing something beautiful. They don't get much better than this morning ... slightly cool but getting warmer by the minute, low humidity, clear blue skies ....

I knew right where I was headed, Rye Harbor. There's always plenty of activity going on since several cruise boats head out along with a few fishing boats and pleasure boats.

(don't mind the blur) Guess I had already missed the AM low and high tides. And just in case you were wondering as you were headed out on a whale watch or sight seeing tour ... there's only 111 days left until Christmas. LOL!

See the man with the hat? He's the Dockmaster. The one with all the info. I'll bet he enjoys his job talking to all the people from near and far on a daily basis. Is he giving me the eye?

I spoke with the guy in the dingy when he came back in. Turns out this isn't the first time he's been photographed. Once he and his little boat (and one oar since he lost the other one!) ended up on the front page of a local paper!

I love shooting into the sun. It gives photos a black/white/grey/blue look that is really cool. See the 2 islands way off in the distance? Those are the Isles of Shoals located 6 miles off the coast of New Hampshire. When you can see them this well you know it's a clear day!

Bumble enjoying the final wild beach roses of the season. They smell so damn good I don't blame him. I'd roll in them too if I could.

Just over the rise on the left is the ocean

Plenty of Herons and other birds enjoying the glorious morning

I told you it was a perfect morning. If only I could show you ALL the photo's I took! Well, I suppose I could, but that would take a while ; )

*As you may or may not have noticed I've been on a blogging hiatis lately. Life just gets busy and it wears me down. Whether or not I'm back on a regular basis only time will tell.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your photos. I always feel like I have been on a mini vacation after visiting your site. Really like the photo of the man in the dingy crossing the bay. I also have had to slow down as real life has kicked in big time - lots going on.
Hope you and your family have a happy and safe weekend.

Anonymous said...

I never have good results when shooting in to the sun. What settings are you using on your camera to achieve this?

Great shots!

Snappy Di

Elaine said...

Lovely photos. Rye is so beautiful! I miss all this because I hate to get up early in the morning.

I hope you don't take too much of a hiatus. I will miss your posts.

Hope you are well and have a great long weekend. I am off to York, Maine for a daytrip tomorrow.

The Retired One said...

I LOVED all of these photos...the blue heron is one of my favorites and the white bird (an egret?) is gorgeous too...!

Becky said...

You must have not been far from my aunt's on Wallis Road in Rye. If I give you her address, would you pop in and tell her hello and give her a bigh hug from me? I always like to surprise her! Don't be gone too long as I love seeing these familiar places that I love so much! Have a good holiday weekend!

My name is Riet said...

Your pictures are beautiful as always. Your country is beautiful. If you don't feel like writing just show us some of your extra photo's and we will be happy. :)))
Have a nice day

Jayne said...

It was a very beautiful day and I love how you find the most wonderful way to soak it all in Sharon. The photos you take just make me breathless sometimes they are so beautiful and capture the moment so well. Hope life calms down so that we can continue to visit and breathe in the beauty you find.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh what a beautiful outing for the day! So peaceful! Thanks for taking us with you :)

Dan Huber said...

Great picturs Sharon - love the water shot with the dinghy


Phyllis said...

The pictures of the marsh are beautiful.

Country Girl said...

I love that you added commentary under each photo because it was all interesting. Shooting into the sun was a good choice for the water shots, too. And that dockmaster was checking you out! It's gorgeous here today, too. I love the low humidity days, and we have beautiful breezes that smell sweet. One of my favorite scents is the fragrance of beach roses. Reminds me of my childhood on the Jersey Shore.

Laura said...

Yes, I've missed you, Sharon! Love these peaceful pictures - I can almost hear them! Don't work too hard!

Dog Trot Farm said...

Have missed you Sharon. Your photos, just beautiful. I think the weather god's are trying to makeup to us New Englander's. What do you suppose winter holds?

Mary said...

Yes, he's giving you the eye, Sharon.

Your photos are stunning. I'd love to take a little vacation up there. It's beautiful.


Chris Petrak said...

Your photos of the harbor - dark against the light - are especially evocative.

Carolynn Anctil said...

That does look like a glorious day. I love Herons and water and marinas and flowers and honeybees. *smile*

Share yourself with us when you're able. I'll look forward to your posts when you do them. I've found that blogging, like life in general, works best when it's not tied to a rigid set of rules and is allowed to flow naturally.


Cedar ... said...

enjoyed your photos,... reminded me that I let another summer go by without a trip to the coast. gotta get my ocean fix next year for sure!

Unknown said...

Beautiful Sharon, I could just smell the salt spray and fishes and stuff. Oh and the flowers too!!! : )

Allison said...

Gorgeous! The lobstir plate is "wicked good."

clairz said...

Sometimes it's hard for me to look at your wonderful photos, because they make me so homesick and remind me that I will always be a New Englander who happens to live in New Mexico (another beautiful place).

Judy said...

I never have good luck shooting into the sun, either.
My favourite photos here are the two with the roses. Especially the last one, where the roses are out of focus, but bringing colour to the water and boats!!

Cindy said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. I love the two shots with the man in the dingy. They're gorgeous. I love the effect too.

Glad your back.

Mike and Nani said...

Very nice photos! Every shot could be a post card. Really is beautiful here in New Hampshire. And foliage is just around the corner....

Dawn Fine said...

What a great morning you had! Liked your shots shooting into the sun..i will have to try that!
I usually get allot of must have filters.
I know what u mean about taking blogging hiatis..well i find blogging takes time but is fairly easy..
the hardest thing for me is keeping up with all the blogs i read...i just love reading and seeing what everyone is up too..but it takes sooooo much time..and the summer there is so much to do outside..
so take a break... u deserve it!

Lovely photos as always Sharon!