Friday, August 21, 2009

Gloucester Views

I find it so interesting how in the above photo you can't see any of the town at all. Just a short change of location in the below photo and it all pops up!

Such a beautiful place. I hope you don't mind but I still have many more photo's to share in the future of my warm, July day in Gloucester.


troutbirder said...

Really enjoyed visiting you blog. The photography is just great. It all reminds me of our first trip to New England last fall as "leaf peepers!"

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I know there is beautiful scenery in my backyard, but these make me jealous this morning. It makes me want to fly north and take pictures!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

thanks for the glimpses of brings back memories of our drive up the coastline to maine several years ago...however, when we visited, it was late Fall.
lovely captures sharon.

Andora said...

FABULOUS PICS!!!! I enjoy your blog,I get to see places I haven't been to yet..take care...

MaggieGem said...

Thanks for sharing! This pictures make want to just drive right up there!

Carolynn Anctil said...

That's so bizarre. I much prefer the first photo to the second one. It's so quaint & lovely.

Laura said...

Love that red boat against the beautiful blue water! Your pictures are awesome, Sharon!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks so much for sharing your trip - I needed a little get away this morning. Beautiful photos.

Dog Trot Farm said...

Sharon your lovely photo's make me wish I were heading to the island today. Very hot and humid here, but on the island you can always count on a southerly breeze and the smell of salt in the air.

The Retired One said...

Loved the steeple in the background and all of the town overlooking the hill along with the boat photos!

Completely Coastal said...

Cape Ann is such a gorgeous area.

Mary said...

Share as many as you like, they are all wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

Aw Sharon! Wish we were back there! I will have to take you out on the bay this fall. The colors are soo beautiful on the water. Interested? We'll get Roy to drive us around! LOL !


Bernie said...

Another lovely day with beutiful photo's too show for it, wonderful photo's Sharon....:-) Hugs

MaineBirder said...

You have done a fine job in capturing the essence of Gloucester! I love visiting Cape Ann. So rich in maritime history and tragedy.

Cindy said...

Great pictures, Sharon. I love Gloucester, and had such a geat trip in April. Love the perspective pictures. Sometimes as you say it just takes a few steps or just lifting the camera.

Beth at Aunties said...

I absolutely LOVE these pictures to see where my husband's family lived here in America. Thanks:) So beautiful!

My husband is an architect for our church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is a great corporation to work for!:)

Yes, Dad's lady friend visits him often. Tonight they were talking on his cell phone when we left. She si coming to see him at noon tomorrow.
This week he said, "When Donna (93 yrs old) came she couldn't wait to hug me and then gave me a BIG kiss!
She said, " That is our first kiss!" I had to correct her and help her remember it was our second!" I am glad they found this friendship.

Oh, and our newly weds are having baby in Feb! That will make 12! Number 11 is due the 10th of Sept. We keep multiplying. :)
Thanks for asking about dad. ~♥

Country Girl said...

That was pretty amazing with the top two photos, Sharon! I had to look at them several times. Love that second one.

Jay Albert said...

Again you did a wonderful job! A little note: The 1st pic,the red building on the right was used in the filming of "The Perfect Storm"! It played the "Crows Nest" bar. And the dock way to the right and out of the picture is where they filmed the unloading of the boats.

Jayne said...

You should truly create a "Postcards of New England" set Sharon! I am sure they would sell like hotcakes! Just beautiful!

My name is Riet said...

Such beautiful pictures again. I get to know your country New England through your pictures. Thank you. That is wonderful. I would love to go there some time.
With me I am trying to show pictures of my home country The Netherlands ( Holland) because I can see people are interested in it.

Dawn Fine said...

Ahh..makes me want to jump into that water on this hot day!
Beautiful pics..I love that town!☺

2 Dogs said...

Ahhh lovely! I've had lots of visitors this week. See my Sat post. These aren't my photos of course.

Hundewanderer said...

Ohhhh... so pretty! And so different from where I live... keep them coming...

Anonymous said...

Great red paint on the buildings and the contrast of the blue water makes for a great photo. Love it!

Snappy Di

Anonymous said...

It's always interesting how visiters see our town. Great shots!

Unknown said...

beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

i love, love, love gloucester!!!! so so so much! although i live a few miles away(utah) i have been there twice. once on accident about 15 yrs ago and once this summer. it is the place i dream about!!!. thanks for the beautiful photos!