. . . . bird?
. . . . angel?
. . . . bath?

Sorry the photo's aren't better quality but they were taken in the shade and I couldn't lighten them much more without losing the texture. The impression is about a foot and a half across. Any idea what it's from?
I've seen these types of marks left behind by a bird taking off.
I hadn't even thought of that Steve.
Snow . . . runway! lol!
I think you have undoubtedly been visited by snow angel aliens. They have very long toes and a narrow wingspan, at least from what's been reported. This sure looks suspicious to me. Was there any food missing from your refrigerator when you got up this morning? They especially like peanut butter. ; ) Oh wait, no, that's pugs...sorry, I was totally mixed up there for a moment.
Did Lily blow a pretty fart in the snow?
Now ladies, where are you coming up with these ideas?
Maybe Steve was way off the mark ; )
hee hee . .
I'm going to say a bird landing rather than taking off. So pretty. And tell Nancy to keep those fatties away from peanut butter!
It does look like a bird taking off...perhaps a mourning dove or small hawk?
Or, it would have been Lily :o)
very cool photo and observation..I have no clue what it is
I'm guessing this is an impression from the wing feathers and the feet of an owl pouncing on a mouse that is under the snow. They can hear where the mice are even when they can't see them.
There's a story in this picture, for sure. Lovely.
I believe it was someone coming in for a landing for a little morsel of food. aka mouse!!! I've seen those marks left out here in our woods...Somebody was watching from above for their DINNER for sure...
My Best...Marilyn
LOL... it does look like something just jumped into the snow doesn't it? How fun!
I don't know what it is, but it sure is pretty.
I'm going with the owl Sharon. One year I went in my back yard and had a real story there all written in snow. Owl catches rabbit, snacks a bit...carries it closer to the house...snacks a bit then takes off with the remains. An amazing story, with just a few clues to tell it. It's all out there if we all just take a look!
Oh I have no idea...but whatever it is....I want one! What a spectacular impression it left!
Very cool impression. I love mysteries...I'm guessing it was a bird finding dinner.
Interesting - I agree on the bird theory.
Cool pictures! Hey, I gave you an award over at my blog. :)
Crop circles?
Thanks for all the answers *and comments (hee hee)*
JG that's interesting. There wasn't any bird seed in the immediate area so maybe that is what happened. What ever it was must have been decent sized since you can see where the feet went down into the snow. Wish I could have witnessed it first hand. And maybe a smaller bird was plucked off the snow. Who knows!
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