Or as they say in New Hampshah . . . Rye Hahbah

Since my husbands transmission went in his car yesterday I had to give him a ride to work this morning. Being that he starts work at 7:00 am I knew it would be a great opportunity to take a few pictures along the coast.
Hope you enjoy them because it was wicked cold out there!

I'm just glad it's not me out on the water this morning
Good morning Sharon. It's so cold here. About 5 degrees. I was outside for about 2 seconds with the dog and ran back in. LOL I don't do cold.
You photos are beautiful! I will be in Nashville next weekend taking photos for my brother in law. We'll see what I come up with.
Today my only plans are to clean my dirty home.
I joined Twitter and have it on my blog. I like it. Thanks.
Your pictures are just stunning Sharon! But OH SO COLD!!
Hope it warms up for all of us!
Hi Sharon! Can't imagine that type of cold! We're freezing here in the Pacific Northwest when the temps are in the 30's! I enjoy seeing your photography, and I especially like today's shots. Have a great weekend!
Beautiful photos - but it sure looks cold. I just do not do cold very well! It is suppose to be in the 40's today - Heat Wave!
Have a great weekend.
Those photos are amazing! And I think you are even MORE amazing that you took pictures out in the cold! Brrrrrrrrrrr!
Oh, yeh. Cold! I see you got some sea smoke. I was dissapointed because although it is dang cold, we didn't have the dramatic sea smoke to photograph.
Hi Sharon, I am living a New England Life also but in Southern New England just as far from the coast as one can get in RI. I am enjoying the 'habar' pictures! You take beautiful photos.
Pat, Have a nice time in Nashville! I look forward to seeing your pictures! Twitter sure is popular these days.
Eve, Michelle, Glenda, and Lorie, thanks! Believe me, it was VERY cold, but quite beautiful.
Steve, sea smoke? Sea mist? I didn't know what to call it. If you didn't see any this morning, what will it take? lol!
Hi Sharon..
Your photos are very beautiful... so elegant to see those amazing boats in the mist!
Our weather is finally warming up... we got up from the -30 C (-22 F) last week and warmed up to -15 C (5 F) finally. And I am hearing it will get a little warmer towards next week as well. YEA!!
You keep warm!!
L and G, Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the pictures. Stay warm in RI. Here comes the next storm!
Just gorgeous Sharon. Like you, I can't imagine having to be out on the water on a day this cold. Brrrrrr....
Sharon, great photos. I love the frozen harbor. Nice of you to sacrifice for your art! We appreciate it! More snow today can you believe it? A repeat of last Sunday...but it sure is beautiful. Have a great week!
Oh My Goodness...These are Fabulous!
That second shot with the boats and the cracked ice is SPECTACULAR! And then they just keep getting better! Great Work!
Did you take those from INSIDE the car? *pronounced cawwww*??? c'mon, tell the truth. you don't have an OUNCE of body fat, so there's no way you could stay warm enought to keep breathing if you were out there for more than 5 minutes...
Truly stunning shots. You've actually captured the sheer cold along with the beauty :)
Sharon... pictures 2 & 4 took my breath away! I hope you dont mind but I am using your pic #2 as my desktop pic. I could stare at that beauty all day! :)
Stay Warm... brrrrrrrr....
Donna Marie
Donna you are welcome to use it as your desktop pic. My favorite is the 4th picture. I just couldn't believe they were heading out in that weather but I guess that's what fishermen do.
Yes Nancy, I did get out of the car. lol! The fishermen were looking at me and wondering why I was taking their picture at that hour in that temperature!
RMG, my gosh and I thought it was cold here! Finally our bitter temps have departed : )
Elaine, hope you are enjoying our new foot of snow. At least that's what we have here!
Jayne, I think they are crazy!
Stephanie and Kerry, so glad you enjoyed the view : )
Ahhhhh! That second photo took my breath away. Bravo!
Oh, stunning!!! Especially that last one -- took my breath away. Thank you for braving the cold! :)
The pictures are card worthy/ frame worthy. Do you ever sell prints?
Did you know my husband makes commericail fishing nets? I guess your husband is not associated with the industry, just passes on the way to work?
Mary and Mary, seems the 2nd and 4th picture are the most appreciated. Thank you.
Ell, no I didn't know your husband made fishing nets. And no, my husband does not work in the fishing industry, but his job is only a mile or so from the beach.
I have thought of selling prints but still haven't got my fanny in gear. Need to do that! Thank you!
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