Friday, January 30, 2009

Resident Robin, and friends

Every morning when I wake up, I come out in the kitchen, eat breakfast, and wait for it to be light enough to find the Resident Robin. For the past month or so, like clockwork, there he sits in the Crabapple tree, his tree, outside the kitching window. This morning was no exception.

He seems happy enough and maybe that's because he knows a good thing when he see's it! Shortly after the sun comes up he'll fly down to the birdbath and have a nice drink of water, then maybe come back up into the tree or head off someplace else for a bit.

And through rain, sleet, snow, or freezing cold temperatures, there he is, guarding his treasure of food.

Shortly after arriving, Robin was joined by a Mockingbird. Now normally you would think the Mockingbird rules, right? Wrong. This Robin was quite possesive of his treasure, chasing the Mockingbird every chance it got! As the weeks have passed the two have learned to live in relative harmony.

The Mockingbird being what it is will not back down from much. As you can see it was flipping me the bird! lol! Finally it turned around and decided to cooperate.

Like it's friend the Robin, the Mockingbird also enjoys a daily drink from the birdbath (which has since been cleaned and filled). Since we don't have them in our yard in the Summer anymore it's nice to see one in the winter. The Mock is very quiet though. Singing season hasn't quite started yet.

Downy woodpeckers are in the Crabapple tree all the time also, waiting their turn for the Peanut Feeder. Robin seems to sense they aren't of any threat so he leaves them alone.

Phineas would give anything to get ahold of just ONE bird! Sorry Phin, not happening.

Last but not least, two of the showiest birds in the yard. I do so love the Cardinals, even if the Robin doesn't.

After all, who else could look this good in the falling snow?

* I thought for sure the Robin was off to find a new home when another Robin showed up this morning and they both flew off together. When I arrived home from work I instantly checked the tree. There he was, all by his lonesome. I'm thinking maybe he was just chasing the other Robin off! Yes, he'll be leaving sometime soon, just not yet, okay?


Kim said...

Sharon, what beautfiul eye candy to see. I cannot get over how crisp the robin is in the first picture and I love the mocker in flight!

I have robins in my yard too, but they won't come near my bird bath even with it being free of ice. I am waiting patiently for that day but it has yet to come.

Love the pic of the kitty watching from the window. Mine do that too and it's so funny to watch them as they eyes but out of their heads and their mouth twitches.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that American Robins will flock together this time of year. I've seen flocks of fifty or more. They are a little more social than during breading time. I love you post.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

so enjoying your bird posts. i just have to get a feeder closer to my windows so i can enjoy the outdoor residents eating.

the robin is so cute...

great pics sharon.

have a wonderful weekend


A New England Life said...

I am just so happy the work week is over so I can enjoy the birds a little more.

Usually we do have flocks of Robins with a few Starlings mixed in, so the fact that we have one single Robin for so long seems odd. I kept thinking once another one (or flock) comes along he'll leave. Guess not!

Phin loves the birds but he's pretty quiet about it. He hardly even twitches.

By the way, my peanut feeder is only about 5 ft from the back door. If the bird startles easy though I have to stand across the kitchen to take the shot.


2 Dogs said...

I refilled my bird feeder today and hope to get some photos tomorrow.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

They are all beautiful - but I think the cardinal is my favorite.
Have a great weekend,

Jayne said...

I've not seen any robins here yet. Your photos are beautiful Sharon. Love the mocker butt...lolol! And, no there is nothing prettier than that cardinal in the snow....ahhhhh. :c)

Anonymous said...

As always your bird photos are gorgeous! Love any red bird against a backdrop of winter weather.

I have a video of a mocking bird attacking my rottweiler from when we lived in Arizona... will see if I can post to YouTube and get it on my blog... it's funny to watch.

Enjoy your week-end!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Hayley said...

Hey Sharon, just stumbled across your blog. Your photos are amazing.

I would love to live in New England, I think it is absolutley beautiful!

Just thought I would leave a comment and say hi, from a very hot South Africa.


Unknown said...

Beautiful post, Sharon, one of my favorites so far. The Robins have been busy socializing here in Texas this season! I've never seen anything like it! My nonfruitbearing Bartlett Pear tree in the back yard has had dozens at a time every afternoon. They love the little berries. These noisy birdcrowds are driving Howard Pee Pugpants just a little crazy. As Howie puts it, he "hates boids..."

Balisha said...

I had a robin on my deck feeder in the early evening.I was surprised to see a robin here in N. Illinois and then to see him on the feeder.
Love looking at your pictures.

Kerri Farley said...

Fabulous post!! LOVE seeing the birds in the snow here yet this year.

Eve said...

This was really fun Sharon, especially the flip!! And that last photo is just beautiful.
Is that your house on your header? That is just a beautiful home!

Mary said...

The Cardinal in the snow is my favorite here, Sharon. But I love them all! Robins overwinter here and I never tire of them. And, the Mockers told you what he thought, didn't he? LOL!

Gee I love your snow.


Mary said...

Oh, I love this post, Sharon! I miss seeing the birds at the feeder daily. We do throw out bread for them, but we get mostly blue jays, crows and squirrels... :(

Donna said...

Your bird pictures are amazing and so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

i love all of your bird pictures and the story of the birds. The birds all have their own personalities and it's just so amazing. I do they stay longer.

Laura said...

Why didn't that robin fly south for the winter? The pics are great, Sharon. I can't wait to show you how many cardinals showed up last week! Hope Phinny is doing better.

Donna said...

Wow, Sharon, what fantastic photos you take. I just love visiting your blog... As you know, I have a soft spot for all our feathered friends, too! We're due to get another 6" inches today.. poor robins!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I adore your blog! With pictures like yours I am able to experience the beauty of a snowfall without being there. Still...I can't help wishing...