Saturday, August 2, 2008

Love can be Ugly

Today my girls leave for camp. They'll be gone for 2 whole glorious weeks. Sorry, but if you ever have teenagers you'll understand.

We all could use that 2 weeks away from each other by the time August rolls around and every waking moment has been about who needs to go where, with whom, at what time, for how long. Are there parents there? Alcohol? Drugs? Boys? How much MORE money do you need? Call me. Why didn't you call me? Don't forget to charge your phone! You've been on the computer all day, enough is enough. Get off the computer! Don't you think you should eat something besides chips? And then it takes 2 days recovery time after the latest sleepover, just to start all over again. You see what I'm driving at?

Once the girls are unpacked, beds are made, counselors are met, etc., my husband and I, as well as every other parent, are required to leave a letter for both girls before departing. An assurance each girl will receive at least one letter while she's away from home. Sad to think some parents never send a note just to say "I'm thinking of you". Writing about nothing is not always easy, but I do my best. The first week I always make sure to send a package of some sort. Manila envelopes only please. Another camp requirement. This year, to make things easy, I'm going to leave the envelope along with the first letter, saving me about $4-5 shipping for each girl. In each envelope will be the hip toy of almost any teenage girl these days. Heck, even the boys like them! Their mass appeal is obvious.

$10 for a Little Ugly, $20 for the 2 Foot Ugly. Little will do. I know my girls will be thrilled and the envy of their cabin mates all at the same time. What better way to say I Love You.


Unknown said...

I love the uglees! They are like pugs, so absolutely odd looking you have to like them. You're right, Sharon, the girls are going to be so excited when they get their uglees. Annie is running around with her little uglee this morning (not Howie, but her uglee).

Jenn: said...

Wow. i am out of the loop. I had never heard of these before. They are really cute. Whenever I see something so simple and popular, I think, "Why didn't I think of this?"

It will be a great surprise for the girls. Happy 2 weeks off!

Laura said...

I'm with you on this one, Jenn! I usually pride myself in knowing what is hip and happening with girls even though I don't have any! This one slipped by me. I have a friend whose daughter is having a birthday this month, so I might have to get her one of these! Thanks, Sharon, and enjoy your two week vacation!

A New England Life said...

Go for it Laura! They really are the rage right now. Who knows how long it will last . . .

If I hear of any other new teen trends I'll be sure to let you know : )