Although still life photography is not really my forte it doesn't stop me from pursuing pretty images.

I love the Ranunculus. Their colors are so varied and beautiful! Trimming the stems every few days and changing out the water help to keep them fresh and crisp. The sweet tag with a birds nest came in a gift-tag variety pack from Homegoods.
The yellow and white Bee hand towel came from a small, old time store in Little Compton, RI called Wilburs. Here's a little video about the town and Wilburs, if your interested. How I love the Farm Coast region of Rhode Island * sigh *
The yellow and white Bee hand towel came from a small, old time store in Little Compton, RI called Wilburs. Here's a little video about the town and Wilburs, if your interested. How I love the Farm Coast region of Rhode Island * sigh *

A few pretty Peonies just past their prime. Seems they come and go in June like a popsicle on a hot afternoon. Rain can take them within a matter of hours.
. . . . .
As I get older every day seems to be a journey. Someone important to me recently relayed the thoughts below. They strike a chord with my soul.
I think they're words all of us should try to live by. All we can do is our best.

And then there's Phin. I just happened to come across this photo last night and thought it would be a good image to add to my blog. All the white you see around the edges? That's Lily's head, neck, and leg. Her fluffy white fur appears like clouds.
FINALLY spring is here! No peepers quite yet but this morning for the first time I heard a Nighthawk. The Robins and Cardinals are singing before the sun comes up. And the blackbirds have returned in prolific numbers, only to clean out my feeders in one big swarm. Warm days cannot be far off.
Has spring returned to your house? For me it always feels like I'm coming back to life again.
As always, I love your photography. Whether it is nature, landscapes or still life - they are always beautiful. The image of Phineas looking through Lily is such an interesting shot. The eyes are stunning! Regarding Spring - yes, the blackbirds have returned and I too know that this is a good sign of what is to come.
Have a Wonderful Day,
Hi Sharon! Nice to see you and your wonderful photos. I miss seeing photos of Lily by the way.
It's like spring here this week-end. Temperatures in the 50's and rainy with light winds. Next week will be nearer to 65-70 degrees so I have no need for complaining. The garden dirt has been ordered and before long we will be planting... another month probably, but that's not far off.
Enjoy your week-end and come back to your blog soon... you are missed... xox
Hi Sharon, it's so nice to see your post today. I always enjoy your beautiful photos. I have never bought ranunculus but they are so beautiful to see. And peonies are wonderful and smell heavenly. What a sweetly framed picture of Phin! Spring is very late here and we have another nor'easter coming tomorrow. It's quite discouraging to say the least and we are anxious to get outdoors and do yard work. Enjoy this new season. Pamela
Beautiful photos, Sharon! Spring is arriving slowly. Still too cool to get outside - not to mention there's still a lot of snow! But I'm feeling it. The birds are singing and the sun seems to shine a little brighter.
Nice to see your post this morning! Have a lovely weekend! xoxo
Oh, I think you are an amazing still-life photographer. I love peonies. I planted a couple of bushes here last year - well, they're more twigs than bushes. I fear they won't make it through the winter. *sigh* Speaking of winter, it's still here, with snow forecast for the next couple of days. Then, hopefully, Spring will make an appearance.
That photo of Phin is absolutely stunning. He's gorgeous!
Beautiful photos, and isn't it glorious to say it SPRING!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful Phin. Lovely shot. I put all of my snowmen away for another year. Bought some pussy willows today. Spring is coming.
Nice to see you post again, and your pretty photos again. Beautiful furbaby and flowers - great shots of both!. Spring is arriving slowly in this area also, but suspect it will really pop this next week with warmer temps.
Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Beautiful flowers and one handsome cat - who could ask for more? So glad you're back!
Sharon - what lovely photos. Flowers are always so welcome, especially in the throws of winter that won't relent. We had snow again on Saturday. I came across a March 31st post of mine from several years ago and I showed lots of snow on the ground. The difference between then and now is that then the snow-covered daffodils and forsythia were blooming and now they are still not.
Spring is definitely late this year, but all the more we will appreciate it when it does appear.
Enjoy each lovely day.
The first photo with the flowers and the tea towel looks like it could be in a magazine! I think you are better at still life than you let on :)
Beautiful images, as always, and I am so happy to see you posting again. Please keep it up!!! :-)
Wilbur is my maiden name :) My Dad's family is from a quaint little New England town, Mattapoisett, MA! I like your post about the Wilbur's General Store, I am going to read about it later.
@ A Place for Pictures and Memories
We're getting there. Beautiful photos, as always!
Phineas is a beautiful cat. We have a tortie point Siamese - sapphire blue eyes. Amazing.
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