It's been months since I've felt like blogging, but a letter I recently received from a reader spurned me on to post some wintertime images as well as work up a new header.
Thank you, Marianne.

As everyone knows the winter has certainly been long and cold. On the bright side it has produced some beautiful snow storms. And plenty of them! This barn and fence sit right along side the road where there is very little space to pull over. So glad I made the effort.

Snow tends to only enhance old fences and barns. Bringing out the charm that can only be found in New England.

Looking over the fence when all I really wanted to do was go right through the gate and into their backyard. I would never be that bold.

I don't think hydrangeas ever really go out of season, do you?
Only 12 days until we turn the clocks forward. March 9th will hopeful be a bit warmer than 20-something degrees. I'm SO done with cold weather!
Are you seeing any signs of Spring at your house?
I went through a period of hibernation this winter, too. I think it's a natural wax and wane that we all feel at some point.
No signs of spring here, sad to say. As long as the sun is shining, I'm not feeling too tired of winter, yet. I do look forward to being able to spend more time outdoors though and to growing things.
No signs of spring here either. No temps above freezing for the next 10 days and more single digits and snow. Although I'd gladly welcome spring, I haven't minded winter because I've kept myself busy with long and tedious projects that make the time fly. I don't even mind when it's snowing and I can't go out.
So glad to see you blogging and your beautiful photos again. I sometimes feel like stopping and sometimes disappear for awhile, but always end up posting again.
Stay warm and keep your beautiful photos coming.
Oh I missed your posts so much too... (thank you Marianne for writing this letter)...
Well I can understand that you are done withe the cold but be happy that you had such a wonderful winter. I haven't seen not one snowflake this year and the coldest temperature was -3 degrees C. The whole Nov/Dec/Jan it was only blurry, cloudy, wet and dark. No winter sun no winter temperatures! This was the oddest winter I remember. Here the Almond trees are going to bloom in a fiew days... that is very strange...
Hope you will post more frequently now, greets Mira
Our snow is gone but now the colder temperatures have returned.... well, it is winter after all.
I hope hydrangeas never go out of style since I adore their 'look' any time of the year both indoors and outdoors.
Nice to see you post as you cross my mind from time to time. When are you moving to Florida!! LOL
No spring in sight here. Just snow, snow, and more snow. Actually that barn looks very similar to my house, yes, snow and all! Glad to see you back blogging. I think a lot of us are going through a blogging hiatus. I love your new header, very hopeful looking that once again flowers will be blooming! :D I'm on a sort of hiatus blogging but I am trying to get around to all my friends to say hi when they post. I even went so far as to move my blog over to wordpress to try and instill some blogging energy back into my brain... mixed success, lol!
Stay warm my friend and lets hope New England gets the tast of spring sometime in the near future!
Beth P
I love your snowy pics. We haven't had any snow so unfortunately I haven't been able to take any.
Beautiful pictures as always. Good to see your rare talent at catching the beauty in everything.
It has been warm here by Park City, Utah standards, but I am ready for spring as well.
Love these! I haven't blogged either, but would like to get back to it!
Oh it is so good to see you again, Sharon. Your snowy scenes are wonderful, as ever. No signs of spring just let here although it was crazy warm last weekend. What a blessing that was! Now the ice is still thick on the back patio where it's in the shade most of the day. And it's gotten quite cold again.
Sharon, it's nice to see you blogging again. I've missed your beautiful photos and you didn't disappoint in these ones. It's been a dreadful winter here and everyone is longing for some signs of spring. I'm afraid they are still under a couple of feet of snow still.
Nice to see you post again and love the photos. Like to see the pics, but not experience to snow and cold first hand. We had some Spring like temps for a few days, but barely got above freezing today. :/
Traveled a bit South last weekend and saw some daffodils in bloom - so there is hope.
Hope you are doing well.
Beautiful images Sharon. Love seeing the snow. :)
See? I'm not the only one who missed you! And I see by your lovely (but chilly) photos that you haven't lost your touch. Welcome back!
Beautiful! I love it when you have new posts. Where do you create your blog headers?
Beautiful photos , Sharon! I'm so happy to see you blogging again. :) love your new header too. I agree - hydrangeas are never out of season!
Have a lovely weekend! xoxo
So glad to see you back! I haven't been reading many blogs lately but found a note you sent to my old/closed blog and I remembered how much I loved your photos! Hope to see more in the future.
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