Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday sunshine!

Our snow is g-o-n-e . . . for now. The forecast is for some snow mixed with rain tomorrow morning but thankfully without any accumulation. Spring is definitely a bit late this year!

All I know is that today was an incredibly sunny, blue sky kind of day and I embraced it.

This morning I was up at 5:50, the norm. At 8:00 I was washing windows, inside and out. The sun was so bright and I needed as much light to shine in as possible. My Sunday would have been perfect had it not been for the wind. I'd love to rake out the garden but the wind was blustery and rather bitter. The poor peepers aren't ever going to be able to peep!

Yesterday while at TJ Maxx I purchased the flower holder behind the sink (my faucet is rather ascew). It's au naturale and desperately needs to be painted. Since it was mixed in with a beach display at the store it's supposed to look like raw, weathered wood. I'm not a fan. I'll have to give it a rubbed look around the edges after it's' painted.

All of these photos were taken today, including Miss Luna

Align Center

And this is my new iPad 2. Last Wednesday I just happened to get lucky and find one at a local Walmart. My girlfriends husband ordered one from Apple and they said it would be an 8 week wait! Holy cow!

While my husband and I were at TJ Maxx yesterday I found some several carrying cases to choose from in all different fabrics. I couldn't decide which one to choose so I bought two! They were only $9.99 each so that's not bad. The orange for Summer and blue for Winter. Or whatever. Now I just need to find a cover for the iPad itself before it gets broken. I still haven't taken the plastic cover off it for fear of scratching it.

When it comes to expensive electronics I really try to take good care of them and with good reason. My mom recently dropped my iPhone into a bucket of water at work. YIKES!!! Luckily I had the best Otterbox cover on it you could get or it would have been ruined. And with teenagers in the house, well, you probably know how that goes when it comes to electronics.

So that's my Sunday! That and a nap.

What did you do today? Was it warm where you are?

I hope so cause I just might come visit ; )


Char said...

it was warm and beautiful here - unfortunately i had to work most of the afternoon, which meant a total of three conference calls. boo

beautiful still life shots

Karin said...

Na, you wouldn't want to come here right now - I'd rather be where you are, lol!! Overcast this morning, but the sun poked out this afternoon and melted some more snow. Car wash lines were long!! Another few weeks and it should be lovely here too. God bless!

Tara said...

I just adore your curtain and your kitchen sink. Love your flower cute. Your kitty is gorgeous and eyes beautiful. Love your blog!

clairz said...

Beautiful photos, cat, light, flowers, and--well, everything! I can't wait to see what you do with the flower holder. Just want to say that I'm awfully glad you are still blogging and am thankful for every beautiful post.

Thank you!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Like your window treatment on your kitchen window - very pretty. Luna is such a pretty kitty. Beautiful tulips.
Weather here? Low 80's, extremely windy and storms moving in during the night into tomorrow. Wind has really been bad here - had to put umbrella down to keep it from blowing over and taking the table with it across the courtyard.

Carol Mattingly said...

Hey gal, it was 78 here in Louisville and as much as I wanted to go out and enjoy I couldn't as I have cold in my eye and it's not good. But I did step outside for one minute to breathe in the wonderful wind and feel the sun and then hopped back in the house. Carol

sheila lynch said...

I am in Massachusetts, practically the same story but we don't not get as much snow on the coast. I went for a lovely walk at the beach and saw egrets for the first time since October, yahoo. I love the green eyed Luna photo, magic.

mollie said...

I love your kitchen sink and all that surrounds it! Your home should be in a decorating magazine. :) Photos are all wonderful too. I am sooo happy that you are blogging again . . . I would definitely miss my taste of New England without you.

El said...

I never thought I'd say this but your kitchen sink is beautiful. Yes, I too have had it with snow and cold. We've earned the warm weather. Great ipad too- congrats!

Susan said...

Very nice flower holder. And that Miss Luna....OMG...gorgeous.

What did I do today? Well, I'm in New England, too, so enjoyed the sun. Checked out a new Five (dollars) and Under store. Made a goat cheese omlette and fried platanos for breakfast. Just enjoyed every moment of the day.

Thanks for sharing. Susan

Unknown said...

here in Italy, it seems summer
it is too hot ...
Happy Monday

Jen ( said...

I love your photo of the cat! It has not been very warm here, but it is definitely getting better. :)

PinkCatJo said...

Miss Luna is lovely. I'm so jealous of your iPad 2!

It was warm and sunny in London yesterday - nice enough to just wear a light coat. We saw some baby lambs born at a farm about an hour out of the city. Amazing! x

Custom Comforts said...

So fun to see the inside of your home and I love your new flower holder at the sink. So cheerful. Your toile valance and transferware are gorgeous. So glad your snow is gone. You all have had more than your share.

Anonymous said...

We had weather in the 60's on Sunday and it's headed to 80 today! WOO HOO... of course it won't stay that warm since it's still early spring, but I'm ready to feel the warmth on my face.

Love your rooster by the sink, Sharon.... roosters really blow my skirt up. LOL

Congrats on the iPad2. You're going to totally enjoy it's 'handiness' quality.


Ginny said...

Love the pictures, hope you got your nap in.

Pamela Gordon said...

I love your kitchen sink/window vignette! Beautiful! We had the same weather here - sunny, blue skies, cool wind. Same today but rain tomorrow - and warmer :-) Have fun with your iPad! And, I hope it warms up for you too.

Dawn Fine said...

I always enjoy looking at your decorating ..I used to subscribe to Victoria Mag when I had a fixed foundation...

You kittie is adorable..remind me of my ballie..except he has a flat face:)

I am glad you are enjoying your Ipad..I know I will too when i get mine..but I will wait till we get to CT. On my itouch I use Zagg protector for the screen..Its the best! I have tried others but they all buckle and are crap...
I know they make them for Ipad and they are guaranteed for life.
Check out the link

Anonymous said...

I love the shot of your kitchen window over the sink. The window treatment is so the colors! Miss Luna is a beauty!

Janice Badger Nelson said...

Checking in on your blog is like visiting an old friend and having tea. Very comforting. Keep writing!
(When you feel like it, no pressure!)

It is cold here in Massachusetts on a dreary Monday.

Vix Viral said...

I LOVE your decorating. Your home is absolutely beautiful. Smart move choosing warm colors like red and gold, I bet they help make nasty winters a bit more bearable.

Mary Lou said...

I love the wallpaper in your photo and love everything else. Im so glad you didn't quit blogging!
I have an IPad 1 and love it. I'm going to
TJ Maxx to look for the covers you got.

acorn hollow said...

I just found you and I am trying to decide if I have been here before. (I am getting so old and there are so many blogs:)I looked back to see if I could figure out where you were. I am in Central NH.
Today we were snow in the morning and a cold rain the rest of the day.I am so ready for spring.

Judy said...

Your kitchen sink area is just so elegant! I am lucky if mine is simply clean!
And I love the photo of Miss Luna - you have captured her whiskers to perfection!

The Curious Cat said...

It is gorgeously warm here today - lots of sunshine!!!
Love your kitty photo and like the covers for the ipad - tjmaxx does have some cool stuff - we call it tkmaxx over here weirdly!!! xxx

Unknown said...

Sharon, gorgeous!
I got a new Ipad this week too! I love it!

Mary said...

Your kitchen is so beautiful, Sharon! And I love that little flower holder -- the perfect thing to put behind the faucet.

I got an ipad for my birthday back in January, so it's the older model... but I love it. :)

Laura said...

Luna is such a beauty!

Unknown said...

Oh how did I miss this post? : ) I love that poppy tray - oh my. Would you believe Carlos already ordered me a custom case and it arrived about a week ago. It will be outdated by the time my Ipad arrives. Love the flower images, and your kitchen looks fabulous! When are you going to invite me over again??? hmmm? : )

Lisa said...

I missed this one too. Is that tole. If so I love it . I have it in red dishes and some cotton as well. I did a whole bedroom once when I sewed. I gave that one up for my Camera.
Lovely Lovely

Georgianna said...

It's not too warm here, yet, darn. I'm still basking in the 72º days I experienced in the South. But, hey, congrats on getting your iPad!!! I'm so glad you did! I definitely put covers on my devices, too. xo