I swear I could photograph the beach every single day of the year.
Sun, rain, fog, snow, and come what may it's forever changing.
Sun, rain, fog, snow, and come what may it's forever changing.

Sweet little pond I drive past everyday on my way to work. It sits just across the street from the beach. Check out the little Eastern Pheobe perched on the old Cattails down in front. First one I've seen this year and it made me smile : )

Love this bird house. Love it.

Beach view ~ Gulls in the mist

It wasn't until I was about done working on this photo that I realized I had captured a tender moment on the rocks.

I should be working at the beach for a couple more weeks so it will give me more time to photograph dogs, people, waves, sunshine, gulls, and plenty of ocean side beauty.
I hope you enjoy these images.
the fog is my favorite too......a veil of mystery shrouding the obvious. Your photography is absolutely mesmerizing. I wish I was on the beach early in the morning but am not so I enjoy being there vicariously with you. thanks !!!
Do I enjoy your photos! Oh yes!!! I so miss the beach.
Wish I could be there, with you.
When my husband's eye sight was better, we used to visit Cape Cod, every Autumn. Nausset Beach was our favorite, because [the author] Gladys Taber loved it.
It has been sooooooo long.........
Gentle hugs,
We had some pleasant warm fog this morning too! However, I forgot my "real" camera so my cell phone had to do :)
Cabin Fever in Vermont
Loved the photos, Sharon. Loved them. You could do a photography book on just the sea!
Oh, that tender moment was beautifully captured. The gulls, too, were lovely and yes, I saw the little bird perched at the edge of the pond. I could smell the salt air and feel its moisture. GREAT JOB! Susan
Such beautiful images. You have a wonderful place to photograph. The fog adds such mystery. Carol
Those people sitting on the rocks would hang that photo above their couch if they knew it existed - just beautiful.
I agree - Beautiful!
such beautiful shots
Absolutely lovely!
Gorgeous photos, Sharon! Did you get part of the storm yesterday as it worked it's way up the coast? We had a wild and crazy day of weather.
These photos are beautiful! Can't wait to see more!
Sharon, wonderful images. Your photography is excellent! Oh how I would love to live on the sea shore.
We had a little bit of fog this week too.
How are you making out with your Ipad. I think mines somehow attached to me! Can't put it down.
Beautiful pictures! Being near water and adding fog into the mix always creates an interesting atmosphere. I don't know if it's because the lines of reality seems to blur or what but things just feel a little more magical.
Just beautiful,Sharon! Oh to live near the beach. I'd be like you, taking pics all the time ;-) I think that photo with the unsuspecting couple is beautiful. Have a great week and enjoy the beach! Pamela
As usual, you did a great job of photographing the beach. Enjoyed seeing your photos - thanks for sharing.
Yes! Fog is a beatiful thing!
fantastic pictures. I love the tender moment. Isn't it funny how we get some of our great pictures without even trying. I also love the rose hips. I have been trying to sort of "capture" the whole rose hip thing and I think you have done a great job with your photo.
If and when you go to marblehead let me know and i will tell you some good places to visit. I grew up there.
You have to be really good to get decent photos in the fog.....but then you are GOOD.
Goody for us.
Love that tender moment shot.
Beautiful photos Sharon, maybe... if the weather warms and the sun shines... you could take time out during your busy work day and enjoy that beautiful beach... just soak the sight, sound and smells all in! Happy Spring to you!
I dont think it can get any better than this..I love our planet..and you show it to us like we should see it..Thank you...
I think I shall never tire of seeing photos of your beautiful New England ~ how lucky you are.
Love them. I could never tire of your images from your part of this earth, Sharon. Beautiful.
I've always been a big fan of fog (I think it has something to do with being born in the San Francisco bay area) and I love these photos! Must be amazing to live so near the ocean and seeing it change dramatically every season. Such beautiful photographs!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
Absolutely Stunning.
Love the photos. Looking forward to more beach pictures. Thanks for sharing.
You sure do know how to help a body get "into" the picture! I felt like I was right there with you ..enjoying the moment.
Beautiful Sharon! I felt like I had a Gull's eye view of the beach. : )
I love them all - the pond, the birdhouses, the curly cue of ocean meeting rock, the tender moment, the soft hush of fog muffling the calling of the gulls. Beautiful.
LOVE the last shot!
Wow...very atmospheric! Ghostly...xxx
What evocative, gorgeous fog photos!
Please make a book of your photos, they are stunning.
Oh I agree - photography in the fog is amazing! As you have so beautifully shown us here :)
I love the mysteriousness of the fog in a photo. I love to photograph the fog in Rockport or on the Vineyard.
Lucky you to work at the beach and have the opportunity to photograph the ocean in all kinds of weather.
Looking at your photography, I can just feel the mist off the water and take in the scent of that fresh air off the ocean. Your images are so lovely Mandy. ~Lili
Oh I'm so sorry Sharon, I was just reading another blog and I had i in my mind when I called you by the wrong name!!! ~Lili
Just love the foggy beach! It reminds me of the time I was able to go to Maine one autumn - the beach was foggy just like that, and so beautiful!
Beautiful especially the tender moment shot. Have fun.
Your photos are just lovely! I love my early morning walks along the Mystic river on such a morning ~ so peaceful and relaxing.
Have a wonderful weekend ~
Oh, fog is my absolute favorite to photograph!!! These are so very beautiful, Sharon!
I love the beach, and the waves! Keep these photos coming! I especially like the old rose hips, weathered by the storms of winter, but still hanging on to the branch! And that birdhouse is wonderful!
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