Oh my goodness, I did NOT expect the response I had to my most recent post! Thank you all so much! I have resolved not to put so much pressure on myself or my photography. Just try to enjoy blogging and work around life's daily issues.
So nice that you all enjoyed the little Sugar Shack. I never mentioned where it's located and I know someone asked. It's in Stratham, NH. Sugaring is coming to and end though as we are nearing the end of March.
So nice that you all enjoyed the little Sugar Shack. I never mentioned where it's located and I know someone asked. It's in Stratham, NH. Sugaring is coming to and end though as we are nearing the end of March.

A couple weeks or so ago I brought in some Forsythia branches to force. At first I wasn't sure they would bloom but low and behold they look gorgeous. The Double Flowering Cherry branches I cut haven't been nearly as cooperative. They still look like sticks.

On Sunday the girls and I went over to my parents to see the stray cat they just took in. Lucy is absolutely adorable but unfortunately she's pregnant. They've been feeding her for a year and have never been able to get close, but finally she relented and came in their house. Not a moment to soon either seeing as how she's due in 3 weeks. Sweetest thing ever. Luckily she is finally getting the vet care she needs, along with a warm place to sleep at night. I swear I don't know how she made it through the winter.
While we were there I walked down through the back field just to get out. This picture was taken from about half way down to the woods. If I walked far enough I could go to the local reservoir but it was to muddy.

In the vegetable garden is a huge Curly Willow. My mom took a small piece from an arrangement delivered to their house years ago when my uncle died. That cutting took off, big time!

The rhubarb is coming up! I can hardly wait for strawberry-rhubarb pie!

Sunday into Monday we had an inch or so of snow. The next morning it was melting fast with water dripping off all the trees and bushes.

If we had just one decently warm day I'm sure this Daffodil would bloom! Instead we're expecting a bit more snow tonight with cold temps in the 30's tomorrow. Where are you Spring???

I missed shooting the supermoon this past week-end but I caught a bit of it Monday morning.
Just a little this and that of my life in the past few days.
Today my husband and I went to Portland, Maine. First we visited the Apple store (it was a rather intoxicating and I wanted one of everything!), lunch at Panera (always a good meal), next up, Whole Foods (pricey but we liked the variety), and finally Trader Joe's (great prices). It was a good day and it gave us a chance to feel like 'us' instead of parents. That doesn't happen to often it seems.
I hope you had a good Wednesday. It will be Friday before you know it!
ooooooooo, the moon photo was enchanting, Sharon. Actually, all of the photos were great, as always. So glad to see them!
Snowing like bazookers here. Brother. Susan
What a wonderful post. I felt like I was reading and looking at a wonderful, beautiful story! I tried to pick a favorite photo, but all are so lovely.
Wellll....that rhubarb coming up does make me a bit hungry and longing for pie....
I have a ton of snow. I'm wondering where spring is.
We'll get it soon...and yours is peeking through!
I'm so glad to see you're back to blogging - at least for now. I've been peeking in to your blog for a while now and love getting a glimpse of the "New England Life." I've never been to that part of the country but hope to some day. Your pictures always amaze me and I thank you for sharing them.
What a cool tree, Sharon! I'm sorry the kitty is pregnant, but glad she is getting good care. Oh, those baby kitties will be tempting!
Great pictures today. I didn't know a single curly willow stem would grow into such a huge tree! I've never seen an actual curly willow tree either. Awesome. Sounds like you had a nice trip to Portland - nothing like a little R&R and shopping to put a spring in your step :-) Blessings, Pam
Love the curly willow tree! I can't believe that was from a cutting only a few years ago! Your photos are beautiful!
I'm sorry Spring has not visited you. If I could send some of ours your way, I would!
Also, I'm glad you were able to have a day to yourselves. It's refreshing and needed every one in a while!
Sharon, lovely shots and a lovely post.
We had a definite spring day on the west coast and we were out in it. It was gorgeous!
Fortunately, in Italy, it seems that spring has arrived
During the day the sun is warm and there are blossoms everywhere
I love your photos
A warm hug
So glad you're back with us and sharing yourself and your beautiful New England. ALWAYS look forward to your posts and the loveliness you bring to blogging.
Spring has suddenly bounced into London...although it's meant to be colder and wetter at the weekend.
Lovely story about the stray cat. I hope your parents find someone to take the kittens.
I'm so jealous of your visit to Portland. That's just where I want to visit! x
Sharon, Love that curly willow ! I would be taking endless pictures if it was anywhere near me ! Thanks for sharing !
Sounds like a FUN time with HUBs!
Lovely images Sharon!
Beautiful photos! I'd say your mom has a very green thumb!
We were in Portland last week, I love that city! We had a great time also. I'm happy to hear that TJ's is now open!
We are Apple computer users and it's VERY difficult to walk in one of their stores and not come out with something.... anything.... just so you can have an Apple store plastic bag... LOL
Omigosh, I'm in love with your parents' house! And that curly willow? Wow! And as for spring being tardy -- I hear ya, girl! We got more snow, sleet and thunder & lightening last night. Meh.
You see! You need time with your husband. My wife and I make it a priority to once a week have date night. I think we have put so much into raising kids that we forget that to do so also means having them see Mom and Dad caring for their relationship equally. Its good to see that you are not leaving but blogging when you can and sending those pics of New England that I use to capture the flavors I need to write in my book. Thank You for staying
Welcome back! I'm so glad for these uplifting recent posts!
Oh my, I am so thrilled to see that you are still here. Your photos are such great inspiration. I will happily enjoy them as you are able. Thank you, thank you for not going away. You truly have such a gift! We are all so grateful that you share that gift with us. I love all of these photos so much, love your pets. Hope we get to see your mom's kitty, too.
We will await your next inspiration, whenEVER it comes.
Whew! Love that you are back!!!!
San Diego
I am so glad you have decided to keep blogging and showing off your AMAZING photos. I live in Vancouver, B.C., which is a lovely part of the world. New England seems very far away from me, but I just love checking in every few days to see what you've been shooting. I am a cat lover, too - have rescued so many great cats over the years. Thanks so much for being here for all of us NE dreamers! Please continue to 'breathe and believe' in the incredibly uniting power your photos and words are giving to so many. Thank you.
I absolutely Love your photographs. Such a great talent and wonderful "eye." It was sad for me to read you were thinking of not blogging anymore but I kept visiting your site to see if you relented. You can't imagine how happy I am to see your latest posts. As usual the photos are brilliant. I live not too far from the eastern NH/MA border and we vacation in VT so I know and have been to many of the sites you have photographed.
First and foremost take care of yourself so that you will have the energy and desire to continue. And, take comfort in knowing that you bring oceans of delight to all your followers.
what great shots. and yes, i wish we had a trader joe's here
Loved your post today and LOVED the shot of the curly willow.
You are really talented...do you do portrait work?
Nice variety of photos - snippets of your surroundings. Glad your Mother was able to get the kitty in and vet care. It is amazing how tough some of them can be. We have some strays around here that made it through another Winter.
Glad to see you post again. Just post when it is the right time for you - It is your blog and you are in control.
Wish we had a TJ's here - nearest one is a little over 200 miles away. :(
Enjoy your evening.
Your photos are so very georgeous.
Its a pleasure to view here.
Have a blessed day.
Your pictures always make me so happy! Especially the bare trees. Not sure why but that is my fav type of art.
I've been busy and haven't gotten around to my favorite blogs, but was happy to see your post come up. Good to see you, Sharon.
Your robin in the header is, for want of a better word, astounding. I'm sure I've said this before, and I'm really not the jealous type. But I am feeling a tinge of green.
I just wanted to say how happy I am that you changed your mind about your blog. I absolutely LOVE your photos and check your blog every day or so to see what beautiful pictures of New England you have posted. You have a fan in me!
You went away and so did I.
You came back and so did I.
I'm glad we both did.
And there you go again...bringing me a small piece of happiness with your photos and anecdotes from across the pond! Sigh! xxx
oooh - I'm stuck at "strawberry and rhubarb pie!" Yummmmo!
Yay! So glad to see this post. I saw your other post and couldn't even comment on how sad it made me!! I totally get where you're coming from as far as blogging goes, second guessing yourself, etc. It's hard work and all-consuming sometimes and you wonder why you even bother. Your photos are incredible! Don't let those thoughts of self-doubt take away one of your greatest pleasures! Passion tends to ebb and flow so just remind yourself of that when you're in a rut. ;) xo
Sharon, you keep blogging, I'll keep coming back. Carol
I love springtime and find myself quite sad being so far away from it while it's happening in New England - here it's usually in the 90's! So I'm very very happy to be able to see some of the springtime changes through your photos :)
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