Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm totally thrilled! A few days ago a pair of Bluebirds showed up on our back deck. Since the other birds eat there, they must have figured there would be food for them to eat too.

Unfortunately Bluebirds are rather picky eaters and they weren't interested in the suet or safflower seed I had out. And of course they weren't go to go eat from the regular feeder.
Bluebirds aren't big fans of sunflower seed either.

The next morning they were back again! I knew I had to do something to keep them hanging around, and do it quick. Zick Dough to the rescue!!!! I've never made it before but it only took me a few minutes to cook it up. Since I didn't have lard or chick starter, I used shortening and ground up peanuts. Since then I've made a new batch with lard, but I'm still using peanuts.

Needless to say they know a good thing when they see it. A Yellow Rumped Warbler (Butter Butt) has decided to join them. He too loves the Zick Dough! Unfortunately so do the Starlings. Argghhh!!!

I think this is what drew them to my back deck in the first place, the peanut feeder. She eats off it but I've yet to see him on it. This morning there were 2 females eating peanuts at the same time!

No matter the weather they keep coming back. Last night the Mrs. must have called up her girl friends because this morning there were 4 females all having breakfast together! Hopefully they'll stick around a while!


Dawn Fine said...

I love the first photo...that blue in the middle of all the white...
Happy you have those beauties visiting you! Now that you have made the zick dough you will have many more is crack for birds, at least that is what someone told me..:)

Carol Mattingly said...

Oh I love bluebirds and yet I've not attempted to leave food out for them. I may have to do that. Love those images. They are fabulous. Carol

Susan said...

Splendid photos, Sharon. You got some real close-ups, too. I hope they are the bluebirds of happiness and will spread the wealth to you! Susan

Karin said...

These are exquisite photos - especially the first - all that white with a spot of blue!! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for them to show up in our yard. I saw lots of them last fall so I know they're around.


Dawn said...

ABSOLUTELY beautiful! Your shots leave me breathless...I have never seen such a brilliant blue! (I must not have as many pretty birds here- your captures are stunning:)

clairz said...

Beautiful! When I lived in NH, my neighbor always bought mealworms for the bluebirds, but maybe yours are vegetarians, lol.

Dawning Inspiration said...

What beautiful blue birds they are, too! Fabulous captures!

Unknown said...

Sharon, that is just so special! I haven't seen a Bluebird since I was young. They are just so beautiful.
I have it on my list to find a Mountain Bluebird this summer. I have a couple of spots picked out.

Lovely shots. Including the ButterButt!

Unknown said...

I love your shots!
These pictures are so suggestive... I'd like to make photos so beautiful!
Have a nice day

Nicky said...

Just precious!

Custom Comforts said...

LOVE your bluebirds!!! I've never had them in my yard. I think it's too enclosed for them with all my trees and shrubs. What a joy to see them. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

Sheilagh said...

I have never seen a bluebird before, thank you for the pleasure.
you have now introduced me to Red Cardinals and Bluebirds as well as stunning photography:)

Very Grateful


Anonymous said...

Cooool! Can it really mean that spring will be here shortly?

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Just beautiful! Last Sunday we had 8 bluebirds eating the holly berries from my winter arrangement! I couldn't believe it! I haven't seen them since, but I'm going to try your recipe! How can you tell the males from the females?

Linda said...

Oh, you are so lucky to have these beautiful Blue birds in your yard.
wonderful photos too.
My friend is able to keep hers year round. She feds them mealy worms year round and they even come to the window of her deck and hang onto the screen if she is late putting out their food.

Judy said...

What a beautiful series of photos!!! I also hope they stick around for a while!!!

Country Girl said...

These are beautiful, Sharon. Zick dough? I've got to try this.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

They are all great pictures, but first one is my favorite. Hopefully they will stay around for you.
Flock of starlings came thru a few days ago making a lot of noise and a nasty mess on my patio.

Unknown said...

The bluebirds of happiness. Quick thinking on your party Miss Sharon! hooray!! wow I love these photos. you have made my morning.

Jan's camera said...

Lovely, lovely. So nice to see bluebirds.

Jan's camera said...

Lovely, lovely. So nice to see bluebirds.

Phyllis said...

Well how about that? I know they are insect eaters and didn't realize they were picky eaters. No wonder I never see them at the feeders.

Thanks for the recipe. Now that I know about it, I'll be sure to make some!

Carolynn Anctil said...

OMG, those are stunning photographs! So beautiful and you're helping them stay warm during the cold weather, too. Bonus!

Ginny said...

The ladies were having their "Girl" time!! How do you keep the squirrels away from the peanut feeder? This morning they knocked the sunflower seed feeder off the hook and sent it flying!!

Chrissykat said...

My heart just ached at your beautiful photos (in a good way!). Just gorgeous photos of gorgeous birds. Lucky lucky you!

Char said...

bluebirds are my absolute favorite. gorgeous shots

Laura said...

You have a knack for catching such awesome pictures of the birds, Sharon! LOVE these sweet bluebirds.

Laura said...

I went to the "Zick Dough" website and found it interesting that bluebirds can develop gout if they eat too much of it!

Erica Houskeeper said...

Such beautiful photos, Sharon! Absolutely lovely.

I heard some birds chirping this week for the first time in a while. I'm really looking forward to spring!

mlkoon said...

Bluebirds are one of my favorite birds, due to their shyness. It is always something special when you get to see them. Thank you for posting your pictures of them. Just helps to remind us that Spring is on its way.

Genny said...

The first bluebirds I've seen this season. I love these birds.

Betsy said...

What gorgeous pictures you have. The pictures of Maine are so nice of the lighthouse, my husband and I visited there a few years ago. Most beautiful place.
I just started following your blog, and will now look around some more at some of the beauty you have captured.

The Retired One said...

That first photo was just STUNNING...we don't see those birds here either, so it was double special to me..all the rest of the shots were wonderful too. Hope they stick around for you too so we can see more of these great photos!

The Retired One said...

That first photo was just STUNNING...we don't see those birds here either, so it was double special to me..all the rest of the shots were wonderful too. Hope they stick around for you too so we can see more of these great photos!

Gone Country said...

Beautiful photos! Bird pictures always make me smile:)!

I hope they stick around for you. My husband built a bird feeder station, as I call it, and the birds are just beginning to notice it. I can only hope that my pictures will turn out half as good as yours! Keep them coming!

Kerri Farley said...

They make my heart sing! Super captures Sharon!!

The Curious Cat said...

Oh aren't they just little darlings? They remind me of robins a pretty! xxx

abb said...

What a happy surprise for you!

Elaine said...

Aren't they magnificent? Such beautiful creatures. And aren't you the fabulous bird mom with your home cooking? You are too sweet!

I bet they hang around for your home cooking for a long time.

PinkCatJo said...

Oh wow. What a lovely bit of colour. They make our robins look a little ordinary! x

Carolyn said...

Gorgeous photos! I love bluebirds and I know they're in my area -- but I've only seen them one time. I have a bluebird house but they have never even checked it out. I struggle to keep the house sparrows out of it until the tree sparrows arrive to claim it.

LOVE your blog!

Lynda said...

They're so pretty! Lovely photos.

Mary said...

Oh Sharon, I think this may be one of my favorite of all your posts (and that is saying something!). What absolutely magical and beautiful photos!!! Thank you for sharing your lovely visitors!

Candis said...

Oh, they are so beautiful! Look at all that colour. Love your photos ... :)

Eve said...

This is great Sharon! Thanks for the recipe. I hope they stay for you!

Lisa said...

Amazing photograph. You must have so much patience.
I think your one of my fav stops.

Janet Metzger, Artist said...

I keep my bluebirds around in the winter by providing fresh water for them. They come every day and drink and bath.

We have many bluebird boxes on our property and have fledged quite a few offspring..I love them.

They also love the meal worms I buy at PetsMart.

Love your photos.

Janet xox