Did you think I wasn't coming back? I wasn't so sure either. Lately every time I post on my blog I wonder, "will this by my last time?". December has taken a toll on me and it seems when ever I sit down at the computer to look at my photos I just go blank. Sorting them, deciding which ones to use for a post, editing, trying to find the words ... nothing seems right. Hopefully the new year will give me some renewed energy because right now I'm sorely lacking.
Though I normally photograph something almost every day, lately my camera usually sits on the counter, all by it's lonesome. My new job is still causing me some insomnia so I imagine that's not helping the situation.
Anyway, enough about all that. Last week, on my way to go Christmas shopping, I decided to take a detour and head to New Castle Commons in hopes of lifting my spirits. The view was so lovely but it was so cold at the same time. I stayed inside my car for all of the shots below.
Though I normally photograph something almost every day, lately my camera usually sits on the counter, all by it's lonesome. My new job is still causing me some insomnia so I imagine that's not helping the situation.
Anyway, enough about all that. Last week, on my way to go Christmas shopping, I decided to take a detour and head to New Castle Commons in hopes of lifting my spirits. The view was so lovely but it was so cold at the same time. I stayed inside my car for all of the shots below.

No, this home isn't located at New Castle Commons but it was so quaint I had to pull over and take a shot or two. If it's this adorable on the outside don't you wonder what it looks like on the inside? I do!
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse
It was a good thing I took these shots when I did because the snow had all but melted in the next couple hours.
It was a good thing I took these shots when I did because the snow had all but melted in the next couple hours.

Immature Ring-billed Gulls just chillin', literally

Whaleback Lighthouse
Like the most of the east coast we received a pretty decent snow storm last night into today. It was supposed to be a blizzard with 10"-18" but with all the blowing and drifting I don't know if we even had 7". For those of us expecting 'the big one' it was a rather weak storm. It's probably just as well seeing as how my daughter has to drive in it.
Do you have plans for New Years Eve?
Do you have plans for New Years Eve?
These photos are magnificent! A few months back I was feeling the same way. Then I started to think about why I started to blog in the first place. Suddenly I was filled with new inspiration and I got back the path I started three years ago. Now I am enjoying blogging again.
Please know that even though you may be bored with your posts and pictures, I find every single one of your pictures SO wonderful...these included..they are stunning.
Hope your insomnia lessens, I know how awful it can be. Maybe you have SADD syndrome and need light therapy and maybe an antidepressant? It is quite common this time of year. Sorry, but I am a retired Nurse, I just can't help giving advice. haa
Hope you feel better soon and please know we LOVE your photography and blog. It would be a big loss if you stopped!
I was wondering where you went! Sorry the new job is stressful. Insomnia is awful. Photography is a great escape -very meditative and relaxing. Your photos are just beautiful - so inspiring. Love the house- it's adorable!
I always look forward to your beautiful shots...I've never even visited the area where you live but feel as if I have...Wishing you luck with shaking the "blue funk" about blogging...we would miss you so much!!! I also know that you have to be true to yourself and I understand how the artistic side has to be fed in order to thrive. I used to paint but went through many years of emotional upheaval and could never getr back into it...but photography is now filling that void...it's exciting to learn a new skill!!! Good luck!!!
You don't ever need a lot of words - your beautiful pictures speak LOUDLY! I love that first one of the house! And I never tire of lighthouses!
I totally get it. The other day I read some of my earlier blog posts and they were so much more interesting and the writing was just so much better. I think it just flowed back then.
I find your blog very interesting and your photos are always spectacular. I am a fan and I hope you contiue to blog for a long time.
Sharon I always enjoy your posts and great photos! Hope you don't stop posting and sharing your great photography.
Have a great week!
Your photos are wonderful and I always enjoy my visit here! The stress of a new job can be anxiety producing. Wishing you God's peace and refreshing sleeps in the New Year!
I'm so happy that you decided to take your camera with you. The photos are lovely and interesting. Your blog is a joy in view!
What a picture postcard house! Perfect image at Christmas.
Love all your other photos aswell.
Hope you feel you get renewed inspiration soon, although always enjoyed what you post.
But, in recent months, I have also felt similar with blogging.
Felt completely Blogged out!!!
Gradually getting back in there...
Happy New Year to You & your family
These pictures are so pretty. Thank you for posting them. I do so enjoy your site. But I know how hard it can be at times to post... I have so much other work waiting for me and often wonder, what am I doing? :) And now my little kitty cat is sick, well actually, he has a paralyzed bowel a complication from having been hit by a car before he became mine... And it just showed itself. We must just do what we can...
Hope your daughter and you have a great visit!
I love your photo's and enjoy every posting you do.
I sincerely hope you don't give up blogging, I think there is a general tiredness in Blogland at the moment. I went back and read my posts from the beginning of the year and it had spurred me on for next year.
I have introduced my husband to your photograph's as you have the same "Eye" as he has. He loves today's posting and your lighthouses.
He would like to know what camera you use? He has a Nikon D70S but is looking at other models at the moment.
Hope your daughter arrives safely.
We are debating wether to go to Scotland for the New Year, depending on the weather. I wish you a very happy, healthy and beautiful New Year.
Welcome back! You were missed! Your photos are stunning! I want that house! Insomnia is terrible and with a new job ... tiring!!! Hang in there.
No plans for the New Year's Eve. I'm still nursing my back which locked up on me just before Christmas so walking around like an older woman than I already am. I thought we would get a bit more snow than we did too. Still very cold and I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere.
Take care!
We're just not New Years people at all. As a matter of fact, I can't remember one New Years in the 20 years we've been married that we went out! :c) We barely make it up long enough to see the ball drop. Such exciting lives we lead.
Sharon, I am coming up on 5 years of posting pretty much daily, and wonder when I'll hit the wall as well. There are times I think I need to just take a break, but then something comes up the very next day I want to post. LOL... who knows what lurks in this Blogger brain sometimes.
Sharon these pictures are beautiful!! They would make beautiful paintings too! ;) You take such wonderful photos, it's sad to think you're not feeling inspired. Maybe come the new year you'll feel different. :)
You'll find the energy :) I often feel the same way looking at all my photos. Taking them is so much fun, but seeing them pile up on my computer, waiting to be sorted, and edited can be a real drag. But, like always, the photos you post are amazing! I always love seeing other parts of New England.
Oh, and your header = amazing! Just seeing it makes me want to make a trip over there myself to take a photo of it lit up in Christmas lights like that! I really hope they keep doing it in future years so I can.
Cabin Fever in Vermont
Dear Sharon, I know exactly how you feel. This was one of the exact same reasons that I needed to start fresh, to start new.
Looking back, I now know how much I needed a new start, my images from October, November, December were so few.....I've probably picked up my camera more in December than the last 3 months combined.
Don't worry, you will come through this. Sometimes we just need to step back and fill our creative souls once again. Take your time. Just keep shooting!
Love that little home - it is adorable.
I always enjoy your posts, your photos are beautiful, and your topic are always beautiful!
Took the words right out of my mouth..as I have the blog blahs too. Your photos however, are wonderful! I think these things are cyclical..we just have to keep working through it. Happy New Year!
Love the first shot. Who would have thought to have a pink front door and pink ribbons on the wreaths!? Wonderful!
Please don't quit blogging, I love your photos and you would be missed. Hopefully it's just the end of the year blahs and you will feel better and get your inspiration back with the start of a new year.
Lovely photos. Love that quaint little home. Dreamy.
Had plans. Think I'm going to cancel and focus on home.
HI Sharon. Your pictures are as always beautiful. Please don''t stop. I am having the same feelings lately. Not in the mood for blogging and taking pictures. Must be the busy December month. we'l get over it I am sure.
Happy NewYear
Hi, I hope you know your fans love your blog with all of the human strengths and frailties. We love your inspiration, wise words, down-to-earth sharing, photos. You are as real as we all are but you share. We LOVE that and treasure you. We love getting your blog whenever you can share with us. Thank you and Happy New Year to You and Yours.
San Diego
Oh what beautiful scenery, and great pics on your part. Thanks for sharing.
Your blog is #1 on my blog roll. Although I visit daily, I have never left a comment. That is until now. Please please continue blogging. Your photography is stunningly beautiful and I eagerly look forward to new posts. I hope you find renewed inspiration in 2011.
Your photography makes me feel like I am right there with you in the car. (Put up the window; I'm cold!)
That house is so wonderfully decorated for the holidays. I too, would love to see the inside.
I wish you better sleep in 2011. Happy New Year! La
I'm so glad that you came back. Please don't stop posting your wonderful photos. These are fantastic. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Have a safe and happy new year!!
gorgeous shots - that house is so inviting, i want to live there.
Your blog is so gorgeous and thank for saying how your feel and the where you are with blogging. I cant find the words and I cant find the photos for once in a long long time.
I still morn the loss of my brother I guess and Im feeling lost.
Loved your blog.
Your photos are gorgeous
This house is adorable, I also like to see inside
The lighthouse with snow is poetic
I became your follower
Mari from Italy
Wonderful blog, wonderful photos!
Bye bye from Italy.
These are gorgeous, Sharon! I love that little cottage and want to see inside as much as you do.
We did have plans for New Year's Eve, but they got cancelled by our guests who were to come out and stay overnight. Part of me is relieved and the other part sad.
Your post has captured my sentiments throughout the years of whether or not I should continue. But you should. Please? Your photography is something beautiful to behold.
Hi Sharon....You see, I come to your blog to get my therapy...I kid you not....! I want you to realize what a wonderful gift you have in doing your photography...each pictures speaks a thousand words. They are so comforting. I love the picture of the beautiful Cape Cod house....so pleasant and very inviting.
I do pray that the insomnia lessens and soon you will be back to your old self. Starting a new job can be one of the biggest stressful things that we do.
Take care..
I think we all get like that from time to time. I tend to lack enthusiasm for scrapbooking, but then remember it will serve its purpose for my kids in years to come.
I am a born and bred Floridian, but feel my heart is in the Northeast. I just love it up there! So, when I am stuck down south, I feel I can 'get away' by visiting your website.
Thankyou for all you do!!
I just love all the photos but especially the one of the house. It is just lovely. As for feeling at a loss for words, no pressure. Whenever you post, we will be here. Sometimes we just need to take a break from our everyday routine. Happy new year to you and your family.
I know for one, I WOULD surly miss your most inspirational photo's...
Please DON'T GO AWAY and let this be a last post.
I enjoy looking at your world which I truly Love. I have been to some of your photo shots BUT you seem to bring the BEST out in them and I go on my Memory Trip all over again...
Sending you Strength and Love for the New Year...
It LOOKS cold there...brrr. That house is so sweet, I could expect to see Hansel & Gretal peek around the corner any minute.
I've been feeling a bit 'blank' and uninspired over at my place for a while, as well. Ah well, this too shall pass, I'm sure of it.
Happy New Year, Sharon!
I so love your photos the are so calming to me. I look forward to more beautiful posts from you. You are one of my best finds of 2010
Oh Sharon, that home is so lovely I gasped when I saw your photo! Beautiful.
Sorry to hear about your insomnia -- it's such a terrible thing to deal with. I think December is a such busy month -- so much going on and vying for our attention. I hope you are feeling better!
Awesome photos! Please just take a little rest and a breather, but don't go far...we'd so miss you and your lovely gift with a camera.
I am so glad your back:) Love your beautful photos!
love that sweet cottage style home with the picket fence! you were so right in grabbing the camera and taking the image. love your birds too. so clear and nice. please don't quit blogging. you have a gift. tried to see in past posts what was going on but couldn't tell. good luck with the job and i hope it settles down. jill
Amazing photos!! Love Portsmouth and had the best lobster roll ever there a few years ago. Heaven...
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