Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sheep and Geese for Mosaic Monday

These sheep and geese live on a small parcel of land near downtown Portsmouth. A very odd sight indeed! I painted in a house nearby and for the longest time couldn't figure out where the baaa-ing was coming from.

Just a small bit of country tucked into an historic city. I like it.

I loved the big fluffy Sabastopol geese, though I kept my distance because the with geese, no matter how pretty they are, well you just never know!

It appears Halloween has come to an end and we are headed towards another month and another holiday. My daughter was kind enough to inform me this evening that's it's only 1 month and 24 days until Christmas. Oh for goodness sakes.

Mosaic Monday at Mary's Little Red House


Snap said...

The first image is an award winner. WOW! Loved the sheep and the Sabastopol goose ... didn't know there was a fluffy goose!!!!!! Learn something new everyday. I'm ignoring the number of days until Christmas. Makes my hands sweat!!!!!!!

podso said...

Your photos are beautiful. I love your header too!

Pat said...

That sheep looks so peaceful! And those geese! My gosh! I love them! I've never seen or heard anything like them! So fluffy!

Vee said...

Those geese are gorgeous...

Daughters can be so like that! Did she get a big grin when you expressed shock?

Carol said...

Cool geese, never saw a fluffy one before! Great shot of the sheep! Love your mosaic!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

That Sabastopol goose is so wonderful! I love Porstmouth, NH --I haven't been there for years and have to take a ride there again next year.

Happy MM!

The Retired One said...

I LOVED these photos...and that goose is so cool..never saw one with these long feathers magical it looks!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Loved seeing your photos. Yes! Geese can get ugly!! :-D I have heard they are sometimes used like guard dogs!
Have a great week.

Unknown said...

These animals looks like they are in the middle of the English countryside somewhere. Lovely photographs are always the makings for a successful mosaic.

Lorrie said...

Such idyllic scenes, especially the top photo. I've never heard of the Sebastopol geese - their feathers are really something.

Pondside said...

I just showed the photos of the geese to The Great Dane and told him that if we ever get geese they'd have to be Sebastapol!

natasha said...

Oh these photos are wonderful! And those geese! Looks like the perfect foufy skirt to me =)

natasha said...

Um, I should clarify that I don't actually want to make the goose into a skirt!! I was just trying to say that it looks as though it is *wearing* the perfect foufy skirt!

Custom Comforts said...

You have such a way with a camera! I love your photos. Your pictures always make me want to get in my car and take a road trip to New England. It looks like such a beautiful place to live.

Jayne said...

I've never seen such a fluffy goose as that! Imagine that down in a pillow. :c)

A Bit of the Blarney said...

What a grand post!! The geese are just beautiful!! The feathers are...well I don't know. The goose looks as if she is wearing her most expensive "fur coat." I like this! Cathy

La said...

Great post. I'm not familiar with this type of goose. It is very pretty. Have a great week! La

Eve said...

The top photo is beautiful Sharon! and I LOVE that fluffy goose!!

Judy said...

Those geese are something else - I did not know geese came in fluffy! But my favourite shot is the first one, the sheep lying there calmly gazing at me!

SouthernSass said...

I absolutely love that first photo! And the geese - they sure are funny shaggy-looking creatures! Thanks for the smile!

Carolynn Anctil said...

Those are beautiful creatures! I love them both, but, oh my goodness, those geese are awesome! Dang it. One more animal I'm going to be adding to my list of 'must haves' when I move to the country. *smile*

Donna said...

I've never seen that kind of a goose. Very neat! You were smart to keep your distance, just in case!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Beautiful fluffy geese and sheep!!! Gorgeous photos!!!

titi said...

de merveilleuses photos ..

Phyllis said...

I speak from experience when I agree with you regarding the geese!

Shelley said...

I love that goose - I'd be tempted to pet it! And I'm sure it would bite me - lol! Pretty photos!

Elaine said...

Wow, how cool to find country animals in the city. Love that feathery goose.

El said...

Beautiful. I love the fluffy geese.

The Curious Cat said...

Love the goose...although you are right...I've heard horror stories! We were in Portsmouth last week on Tuesday...would have been funny to have walked right past you! xxx

Marfa (Crafting Marfa) said...

I never saw a goose like that. It looks so cute! Like a fluffy

Country Girl said...

Incredible, my friend. Oh, so beautiful.

Rose West said...

What an ideal place you live in! I'm loving your blog!

Karin said...

I echo all the comments! Absolutely stunning - again!

abb said...

That's the goofiest looking goose I've ever seen! Love it!

Suzy said...

Wow! love the geese and your mosiac!

Mary said...

What beautiful images, Sharon! When I first saw it, I couldn't help thinking that that goose looked like it had just emerged from a very intense pillow fight! lol

Haddock said...

Never seen Geese like these before.

Blooming Rose Musings said...

The picture of the sheep is beyond fabulous! I hope you make a huge print of it. I love the geese and I have seen this type before but I really didn't know the proper name. Your pictures are wonderful!