Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Magnolia


Magnolia building

While picking up my daughters friend, I came across this Magnolia tree on the campus of Phillips Exeter Academy. It’s quite old and was a rather unexpected find. Had I not been picking up the friend in a different location than normal I doubt I would have ever noticed it.

We’ve had a few warm days but it’s definitely still March. Yesterday we had temps in the low 30’s. Today, low 40’s. I wouldn’t expect the Magnolia’s to be blooming already. Sometimes plants and trees like to surprise us. Even they get excited about Spring.

 Magnolia campus


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Vintage Magnolia blossoms

Magnolia flowers


Erin @ I Heart New England said...

It's been so chilly these past few days, and yet, things are continuing to grow! I guess it's just one of the many miracles of Mother Nature :)

Laura said...

I love a magnolia tree! Dogwoods are a fave too!

Country Girl said...

Oh, those vintage blossoms . . . so beautiful, girl!

Mary said...

Omigosh, LOVE the vintage magnolias!!!

Mary said...

Omigosh, LOVE the vintage magnolias!!!