Friday, March 12, 2010

It aint over till it's over

True New Englanders know, it may look like Spring outside, it may feel like Spring outside, but don't count Mother Nature out quite yet. After all, we can have blizzards right into April!

One year ago on March 9th of 2009 this is what it looked like outside . . .

and this . . .

back when we actually HAD Pine Siskins.

and some of this . . .

YIKES! Snow boots!

and a whole lot of this . . . !

Darned squirrels. In fact I just looked out about 5 minutes ago and one was doing the same exact thing!

Oh yes, with temperatures in the 50's we've had some wonderful Spring weather lately. Next week the forecasters are calling for more of the same. We enjoy everyday because we know the alternative is just a forecast away.

*BTW, did you fill out your Census yet and send it in? Since I've received 2 or 3 reminders in the mail I better get to it this week-end while it's raining!

**Hope to catch up on blogs soon! I've been treating my own to a little makeover. What do ya think?

The Sweetest of Days: Yay for Snow!


Laura said...

First, I think the squirrel picture is priceless! Second, I love Lily's snowboots, and last, I think it is ridiculous that they waste postage to REMIND us that the census forms will be coming next week! Have a good weekend!

Laura said...

And extra last - Love your new header!

Michelle Palmer said...

Love your new header!
In like a lion... out like a lamb~ or reverse it! ha ha! I have had snow on my birthday, which is late into April. Like you, enjoying these beautiful days... but know what could still come around.
Hope your weekend is wonderful~

Susan said...

Oh Lord, hope we don't have much more snow. How can we get rid of those nasty squirrels, Sharon? I swear our front yard is convention headquarters for them. Meant to look up a humane way to get them to vamoose. Like your new header very much. Sincerely, Susan

My name is Riet said...

Your new header looks great. I love your pictures of all that snow last year. Snowboots is gorgeous.

Susan Ellis said...

Oh so true...and March did come in like a lamb didn't it? Love the squirrel shot!

Anonymous said...

Nice looking blog layout today!


The Retired One said...

First, I loved EVERY ONE of these shots...really...I look forward to your photos sometimes more than my own when I download them!

Second, I couldn't agree with you more on the "not over until it's over"thing..I looked at my calendar from last year and on April 19th last year we had 18 inches of snow!!!

Country Girl said...

I think it's beautiful. And you have a link bar! But the best is the photos. They're always gorgeous and the birds on this post are great. But I love that funny squirrel!

Becky said...

I remember that photo of Lily in her snow boots! So cute! It's pouring here also.

Jayne said...

Oh my Sharon... when I first clicked on your blog, I thought, "Oh, no!" More snow?? :c) I do hope it might just decide enough is enough and let you all head into an early spring.
Love the new layout!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

That is the way weather is here - if you don't like it today, just wait a day or 2. It was warm and blue skies yesterday and today is back in the 40's, dreary and gray. I got a notice the other day that I would be receiving the form soon.
Have a great weekend.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I remember that storm!! And many others in March or April!!

Let's hope this year is different!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

These are wonderful photos! All the little animals are adorable♥

Cindy said...

Those darn squirrels are such good acrobats, contortionists ... but they are kind of cute too, but annoying.. okay enough.. Love the pictures, Sharon you caught him good.

Ellen said...

Oh I love your photos! I know what you mean about the weather. I posted something about that recently - Mother Nature teases us with a little great weather this time of year, just to get us excited about the spring and bam - here comes another storm! I live in Missouri where the saying is that if you don't like the weather, wait a few hours because it will change. But - spring is on the way, really!

Jan's camera said...

I LOVE your new banner! Beautiful. Those 'snow boots' are priceless. So funny. You captured some great snow photos. Gosh, no snow photos for me this year in Mass. No snow!! But like you said, 'It ain't over 'til it's over' and I know that to be true. Have a good weekend.

Phyllis said...

The snow boots are's been so long since I've had a dog with long hair that I'd forgotten.

We are reaching 70 degrees today; I don't think the little birds can possibly sing any harder than they did this morning.

Windows open today :)

Gayle said...

Such a wonderful page, thank you so much for sharing your lovely talents and loves.

Thistlebrooms said...

OMG Sharon what Great Pics...Love your the one of Lily the BEST...
Miss the Beaches up there, just the Greatest.
I know my dog BeauJ loves when we go down here, such freedom...

AND I Do like the change in your blog, guess Spring Cleaning is about due this time of the year...

Wishing you a Happy First Day Of Spring...
My Best~Marilyn

MaineBirder said...

Love the header Sharon and the site is looking great!

Snow! I remember that storm. Latest snowfall on record in Portland is July 1st, many years ago, so it can happen. I am seeing in the long range forecasts that the end of the month may bring a spell of bitter cold weather.

I hope the end of May brings nice weather for the Osprey at Damariscotta Mills!

I relayed your hello to Sharon and she says hello back!

Pat Thacker said...

Yes I agree the "Squirrel" in the picture is priceless I enjoyed them all!!! Wonderful photo's! :) Have a lovely evening.

Elaine said...

That bird looks really ticked off that it's out in the snow!

Love the squirrel photo too!

I remember a long time ago it snowed in May so I am sure Winter is not over in New England.

PinkCat said...

Cute snowboots and what a sweet squirrel. They may be a pest, but the always make me smile! x

Cedar ... said...

This recent storm avoided this area,... whew. Guess it's a mess in some places. But Mother Nature keeps her secrets, I'll bet she'll hit us at least once more before spring really arrives. Love the photo of the pine sisken!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh my gosh, that squirel is hilarious! I LOVE the birds too but have to say that the squirrel takes the this case!
Wonderful series!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a difference a year makes look at that snow !!

Great photos of Rockport too, have not been there is quite awhile.

Cenus, didn't get mine yet just one reminder, with all the postage they use sending reminders, small wonder the mess the Govt. is in, and now it looks like Obamacare is going to pass. God help us.

Great photos as always, love me a Latte

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ma Nature is going to be nicer to us this year.