Saturday, February 20, 2010

What comes around goes around

Late last summer I posted this photo of the Portsmouth Harbor lighthouse:

At the beginning of December I took a trip back to New Castle to shoot the lighthouse again:

Although I love the colors in the bottom photo I still prefer the top view. And to think, all those berries used to be roses!


Country Girl said...

I love both of them. The rose hips are gorgeous. You should go in all 4 seasons and make a collage . . .

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

What a big difference Sharon!! Hopefully soon it will be back to the top pic again as it seems to me that things, at least in some areas, are starting to shoot out new buds. Spring has to be the loveliest season.

Anonymous said...

Berries and roses... completely interchangeable!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Laura said...

How fun to see the lighthouse in different seasons - and the sky is almost exactly the same! Beautiful pictures!

Carol said...

What wonderful note cards these would make.....I love them!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Both are pretty photos, but if I have to pick a favorite it would be the first one.

Julie Harward said...

I like them both...very cool! ;D

Shirleyanne said...

Love both of your photos.
Great to capture the different seasons. Still blue skies.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

How beautiful (both views!) :)

My name is Riet said...

Both beautiful photo's Sharon. The top one gives a bit more summer feeling and we all long for summer don't we.

valerie @ Intelligent Expressions said...

Neat - I love taking pictures of things in all kinds of weather just to make comparisons.

Cedar ... said...

my heart's with the first shot! I love the roses along the coast.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh I LOVE both shots!! Just gorgeous!!

Unknown said...

The Roses are my fav, too Sharon, though both are beautiful!

Erica Houskeeper said...

Both are beautiful. I think the top one is my favorite too. I really love the lush colors. Can't wait for summer!

Rural Rambler said...

Both shots are very pretty and although I love spring and summer the second shot is my favorite!

clairz said...

Those roses! I can just smell their fragrance. Thank you for these photos.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I really love both of these. The colors are marvelous. However, I think I would prefer to be there in the first picture.

Cindy said...

Nice shots. Now when I was there last week all I got were the dry vines. Your pic does it much more justice. LOL

The Retired One said...

Love these!!
Now...where it is the WINTER shot of that same lighthouse????
C'mon....we need to see it!!! :-}

Jan's camera said...

Hi, both photos are beautiful. I love to see the changes in the seasons. Also, I love your new banner with the swans.

Karin said...

Very lovely!! Love lighthouses - quite a few we've seen along the east coast - many years ago! Thanks!!

Carole said...

They both are beautiful! The rose hips just are something though. I wish we could find bayberry in that kind of abundance! My fav!

Elaine said...

I love returning to the same place for each new season. The difference is usually amazing. Each season has it's special beauty. I am so glad I live in New England so I can experience 4 distinct seasons!

The Curious Cat said...

I like the title of this post and the sentiment... :) xxx

Unknown said...

It reminds me a lot of the Edgartown light.

PinkCat said...

I love both pictures. The light is so bright in the December one that it doesn't seem like mid-winter. Gorgeous! x

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Both are beautiful. I'm in the process of photographing a few particular scenes in every season. It's an interesting study, don't you think?

Balisha said...

One of my favorites to craft wreaths with...rose hips. Beautiful!

Judy said...

Each photo has its beauty, but today, surrounded by snow, I love the roses and their promise of warmth!

Finegan Antiques said...

Nature of course is a female (Mother Nature) because she delights in changing her appearance and adores dressing up for any occasion.

Beautiful photos.


Phyllis said...

Both pictures are pretty. I love rose hips but the roses more :)

MaggieGem said...

Love them both... a collage of all seasons is a great suggestion!

Love all pictures, you have a great eye!

Pat said...

I like the idea of a collage of all four seasons. Both photos are really nice and bring their own specialty to the picture.