Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Prints in the Sand

 Beach walkI love it when the water sparkles. It means the sun is shining bright and beautiful, as it should. By looking at the two people on the beach though you can see it was a bit chilly. They are both wearing hats, a dead give away.


Nothing seems to be bothering the Gulls though. They just meander back and forth looking for something to eat.

Gull prints in the sand

I know, this picture is as crooked as all get out. Now that I’ve mentioned it you can really see what I’m talking about, can’t you.

Both of these photos, and the one over on my other blog, A New England Life, remind me of postcards. I know the top photo is kind of dark but I like it all the same.  The darkness combined with sparkles seem to play off one another.


Erin @ I Heart New England said...

Love the first photo especially!

Andra said...

Where is the last photo - it looks like Little Harbor on the Cape near Falmouth - I like how your images look - vintage but not overly processed...

A New England Life said...

Thank you ladies for the nice comments on the photos! I enjoy using textures but try to keep it tasteful, almost post card-ish without going over the edge. Guess I must be doing okay!


Kerri said...

Love these!!!